Thursday, April 7, 2011

Vietnam Wall

Many of you have had the opportunity to visit the Vietnam Wall Memorial in Washington D.C. and know that it is a very emotional exhibit. I would like you to visit the online wall @ or the virtual Vietnam Wall @

I would like you to search for someone's story by using your birthday (month, day, year would be from 1945-1950) on the first link or by your initials in the 2nd link. Your posting should simply look like this:
Soldier's Name
Age at death
Year and reason (if listed) of death
Any story, fact or quote associated with that person.

You may have to search several names or cross-reference both sites to find out some personal information.

Do not repeat names, that is why I want you to use your initials or birthday.

All posts should be completed by Thursday, April 14th @ Midnight for full credit. Any posts after 4/14 will earn 1/2 credit.


Jess said...

Luis Alonzo
20 years old
August 1, 1972-ground casualty. He was hit by a rocket or mortar during a bombardment
He died in Bien Hoa at an airbase. There began to be a bombardment. Luis was seen ducking for cover near a jeep that he had been driving. He did not look as though he was injured at first. Then, some people tried to call for medical help, but it was unable to reaach Luis in time. Luis left behind a wife and kid. He was known to be a great guy and very involved in the nearby orphanage. As a few people said, anyone could have been in his place and that he is a hero.

Unknown said...

Dennis Paul Bergenstein
Avon Lake, OH
Year of death: 1967
Dennis was in South Vietnam when his body was found and recovered.
“He which hath no stomach, to this fight, let him depart. But we in it, shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers!! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother.”

Hunter said...

Robert Warren Andrews Jr.
Revno, NV
22 Years old
Died May 17, 1969 - Hostile ground casuality Gun, Small arms fire - his body was recovered in South Vietnam
Andrews was a 2nd class gunner and the Navy and was very liked by his other fellow serving men. These friends and his family said that he was never married, but had a girlfriend at home that he planned on marrying once he returned home from war. Unforunately though this did not happen.
.....One thing though that really suprised me about all of these veterans is how most died at such a young age as their early 20s. It just really goes to show how much they sacrificed for our country to die so young.

Hunter French

Unknown said...

Richard Adiutori
New York, New York
20 years old
Year of death: January 14, 1969
In Hua Nghia, South Vietnam, is where RIchard was found dead by gunshot wounds. He was a soldier in the 25th infantry and only served 5 months. He was married and was 20 years old at the time of his death. He will always be remembered for his service.

Stefan Hennessey Class 6

Jessa Mason said...

Allen Jones Avery
Auburn, MA
29 years old
Apr 6, 1972

In South Vietnam, Allen's body was recovered from a helicopter that crashed while landing.

During Allen Jones Avery's time in service, he was awarded an airman's medal and silver star. Additionally, he was awarded another silver star, posthumously, for his actions on the day of his death. Within these, his valor and dedication are represented.

Jessa Mason
Class 1

Justina said...

Jaime Pacheco
Hobbs, New Mexico
1972; Ground Casualty
“My brother; My hero:
Jaime Pacheco was a true hero, his life was so short on this earth, I miss you so very much big brother. I wish I could sit and talk the way we did as kids. It has been 27years since you left our hearts broken. Mama misses you so much she has been so broken hearted, you’re her big hero we love and miss you so much. Your bro, Arthur Pacheco”

This heartfelt quote was written by Arthur Pacheco, Jaime’s brother, on the memorial wall at . The words expressed in this message are simple: Jaime Pacheco is missed dearly. This is even true for people he did not know. His death had a great impact on his family and everyone he had touched in life. Jaime is a true American Hero and will forever be remembered in the hearts of those who loved him. The fact that even people who didn’t know Jaime took the time to write an inspiring message in his memory, shows how ironically, war- a time of pain and uncertainty- can actually bring a nation closer. This is truly inspiring.

-Justina Paproski
Class 4

Unknown said...

On June 14th 1966 Haslinger lost his life in the hostile environment of Quang Nam, South Vietnam in a ground attack and died of multipule fragmentation wounds. His best friend has made a note on his page in rememberance and says "It was sad that Paul had to die. We all appreciate what he did for his country, and even if the people of America don't know him in particular, the men and women in the armed forces are recognized throughout the world with great respect. His family must think about him a lot." America thanks you Paul you are in our hearts and forever in mine.

Alyse said...

21 years old at death
1967, Killed by ground casualty and fragment wounds

Tedesco was only at war for 1 year before he was killed. He was assigned to the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment (Blackhorse) at the time of his death. And he was part of Panel 22E - Line 21.

Erin said...

Name: Stephen Earl Cunningham
From: Cleveland, Ohio
Born: February 5, 1947
Died: @ 22 years old
Date: on August 23, 1969
Reason: Ground Casualty
Stepehn Earl Cunningham was part of the United States Marine Corps and was a Rifleman of the Private First Class. His body was recovered in August 23, 1969 in Quang Nam, South Vietnam due to a gun or some type of small arms fire. Luckily for him, his death was hostile and he died outright. He only served 19 days before his death as his tour started on August 4, 1969.
Linda Halas-Papajcik, a neighbor in Mansfield, Ohio wrote about Stephen on his wall on October 17, 2007 saying, "Steve, I know you are resting, in God's arms. I never knew how brief, your service was, to our country and can, only guess at your family's, pain. I pray, that your other, brothers, are all well and their own, children have learned, about their brave and generous uncle. May your sacrifice, never be forgotten, nor diminished. Rest in Peace."

Despite his short service, Stephen Earl Cunningham was a well liked soldier and was missed dearly. He was single and therefore left no woman a widow, however with his death he broke many of his family and friends hearts. He was a heroic figure and is missed dearly for his sacrifice to our country.

Erin Cunningham
Class 4

Maria Dutsar said...

David Michael Agazzi
Astoria, NY
Age: 19
Died on Sep 29, 1967 in Quang Tim, South Vienam, suffering a hostile, ground casualty of multiple fragmentation wounds.

“I am writing this tribute, to my cousin, David, on this Memorial Day, weekend, 2006, to honor, his memory and the sacrifice he made, for our country. He will, never be forgotten. We grew up, together and as only, children, were more, like brother and sister, than cousins. David was one, of the finest, people, I have, ever known and throughout the years, we spent together, he was always, there, for me. I miss him, still and often, share memories, of him, with my husband and two sons. I have always, been very proud, of him and his memory, will forever be a part, of my life. David, my prayers are always, with you.”

Maria Dutsar
Class 6

Chad said...

Chad Charlesworth
Ojai, CA
1970, Small Arms Fire
A note reads: "I was with Chad when he was Killed in Action. Looking for anyone else that was there. Rest in Peace, Brother." - Doc Jerry Wilson.

Anonymous said...

Thomas J Dando
Clifton, NJ
1967 - Hostile (died while missing) ground casualty due to other explosive device.
Thomas J Dando received a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star. He also received this citation: "For the period 15 July 1966 to 19 March 1967 and in connection with ground operations against a hostile force in the Republic of Vietnam. Through his untiring efforts and professional ability, he consistently obtained outstanding results. He was quick to grasp the implications of new problems with which he was faced as a result of the ever changing situations inherent in a counterinsurgency operation. The energetic application of his extensive knowledge has materially contributed to the overall effort of the United States in Vietnam. He was a motivating example to all with whom he came in contact. His devotion to duty, loyalty, and meticulous attention to detail are in keeping with the finest traditions of the United States Army, and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, the 4th Infantry Division, and the military service."

Nicole D
Class 1

John said...

John James Conway

New Bedford, MA

19 years old at death

Died in 1967 due to "small arms fire."

John James Conway's sister included the following quote from his last letter home:
"Among the masses, I walk alone, My mind floats, free, as the wind- The shadow of death knocks, at my door, The battle will, be my end." This quote sheds light on the way soldiers in Vietnam felt about the war and their own futures.

amanda said...

Name: Jerry Harold Georges
Hometown: Santa Barbara, California
Age at death: 20
Year and reason of death: Died of wounds from ground casualty and small arms fire on Mar 23, 1967.

"I was, in the same unit, as Jerry (bravo, 1/4) and was not, to far away, from where, he was hit. We had landed, the day before, on an operation, off, of a helicopter carrier. as I recall, we were moving, up a road, when a fire fight, erupted. A group, of north Vietnamese had ambushed, our column. My squad, was back down the road, a short distance. I remember, the loss of Jerry, well. The word, spread quickly back, that Jerry, had been hit and the medevac chopper, landed soon, thereafter. I had recently, joined, 1/4 and Jerry was one, of the people, that everyone, looked up to. I saw on one, of the posts to this site, comments, of what Jerry, might have been in life, had he survived. I can see, precisely what they, were talking about. Jerry was, a leader and I looked up, to him. I think, about him now and then and think, I have become, a better person, for having known him. I wish, I had come, to know him better. -Bill Nimmo

Amanda Stanton Class 6

Cassandra said...

Charlie Will Farmer Jr
21 years old
Birth date: Sept. 20 1947
year of death: June 11, 1969
His tour had begun in January 20, 1969. His length of service was for one year. His body was found and recovered with ground casualty burns in PHU Yen, South Vietnam. He was married at the time, and he had been posted to panel 22W - line 22. He will always be remembered for his services, he had one daughter as well and was most loved by his close friends and neighbors. He's still missed to this day.

Cassandra Fallon
Class 1

madeline said...

Ronald Lee Best
Dayton, OH
20 Years old
Died: June 19th, 1968
Death: ground casualty fun/small arms fire

Best was in the Selective Service: 1st Infantry Division. He was a strong soldier who faced combat on a regular basis. His tour began March 30th, 1968 and ended June 19th, 1968. He was only in combat for about three months. He was killed during combat by a small fire arm.

Ronald Lee Best's story, along with many others showed me how little time many soldiers actually spent at war and how little time it took to get killed. It is so sad to me how many young people lost their lives in the war effort.

Chris Arnone said...

Carl Benjamin Austin
Woodburn, OR
42 years old
December 2, 1965-Hostile, died while missing. Province of death not reported, North Vietnam, body was not recovered. Cause of death- air loss or crash over land.
No additional information concerning the individual was listed.

Unknown said...

Ronald Winston Thompkins
Jefferson City, Missouri
24 years old
March 26, 1969 - Hostile attack on the helicopter Thompkins was in led to its crash on land in South Vietnam, his body was recovered

"It's been thirty years since we have seen one another but I still think about you.I'll never forget how you made the men under your command feel like we were all there for one another and how you felt compassion for the ones that needed it, especially bad news from home or recognition awarded by a slap on the shoulder for a job well done. I've been to the Wall and found your name years ago.It certainly is a shame that it had to end up there.Every Memorial Day my I think back and honor your patriotism and especially your humanity. You were a good soldier and a good husband and father though I never had the privildge to meet your wife and daughter. God keep you safe. Your friend, "Doc" Whitten"

This post (from a man Thompkins commanded) emphasizes how soldiers depended upon one another to make it through the struggles of war. They become family and are never forgotten. The impacts of war can undoubtedly be physical, yet metal and emotional impacts are definitely common and equally as sad as well

JoJo Wollman
Class 1

G. McK said...

Grover C Mathews
Roseburg, Oregon
Died on: Sep 27, 1966 In Quang Tri, South Vietnam
hostile, ground casualty
multiple fragmentation wounds
Body was recovered
The following was written by his wife on January 15, 2009:
“Love never dies and memories live on you are always missed.
Your family has grown up and made special people and because of the love you shown you will live on in each of them. EACH ONE has a part of you and now your granddaughter will be a mom in June. No more son to carry the name but gusty girls to share it. I will always love you and thank God for you. Kitten” He still livers in all of their hearts and will never be forgotten along with the other brave people who fought in the war.

Grace McKinley
Class 1

Mason West said...

Mack Arthur Alston
Whitakers, NC
21 years old
September 13, 1967-Ground Casualty

Unfortunately for Mack, his tour was cut short to a matter of months detailing the dark side to war, where your time can be cut way to short. Mack was right on the frontline in Dinh Tuong, South Vietnam. He died in one of the cruelst ways, self-mutiny by the vietnamese to their american hostages. His body was recovered.

I'm grateful to know that I share a birthday with this man because besides answering the call of duty, He was a young african american living through the time period where racial equality was not yet reached. Mack is an example of what is possible whoever you are, and death does not delete a life's story, it continues it in the hands of those who still live on in and for your memory. RIP MACK

Mason West Class 1

Troy Neves said...

Gary Dale Tracy
Limestone, Maine
He died at the age of 28
06 June 1965- Air loss or crash at sea
Gary was a helicopter crew member and didn't die in battle.
"06 Jun 2006
I miss you so much, Daddy.
Every day I wish you were here.
Love your daughter, Cindy Sue "
This quote was left on the memorial page a few years ago by the daughter of Gary. Another comment left asks anyone who served with Gary to contact the person putting out the advertisement. At the bottom of this ad it reads "(now deceased)"

Mikaela:) said...

Paul Wayne Barnett
Dustin, Oklahoma
19 Years old
January 3, 1969, he was a ground casualty of an explosive device. Paul was actually an Indian-American serving in Vietnam. He was a drinker, and he and his friend Gilbert (they served together) drank a case and a half of beer each on New Year Eve. The following day, (New Years) the two friends decided that they were going to give up the habit. They vowed to support each other in this decision. Paul, unfortunately, never had an opportunity to realize this goal. Only two days later he was killed in battle. Gilbert named his second son after Paul.
-Mikaela Kemsley
Honors US History, Class 1

Anonymous said...

Nathan John Cole died in combat on January 8, 1966. He was shot by some sort of small fire are in Quang Nam, South Vietnam after serving two years. He was loved very deeply by his family and was given the nickname “Corky”. Cole was killed just a few days before he was assigned to return home. He was very loved and will be missed.
- Nathan N.

Unknown said...

Wayne B Platt
Borger, Texas
21 years old
He was in the army and his service lasted a year before he was killed
He was killed on February 26, 1968 in Thua Thien in South Vietnam.
He was shot on the ground in a hostile attack by a small arms gun.

Alex Kelly
Class 4

Hannah said...

Harry Mathis, Jr
Extension, Louisiana
Died 2/26/1967. His death was a hostile ground casualty and involved multiple fragmentation wounds.
Harry served for only 1 year and died in Tay Ninh, South Vietnam. He had been assigned to the 11th Armory Cavalry Regiment (Blackhorse), which is a highly esteemed mechanized military unit. The Blackhorses honor the moto “Allons,” which means “let’s go.”
A comment posted on the anniversary of his death in 2005 reads, “POST-TO-POST HORSE-TO-HORSE AND ONTO FIDDLERS GREEN ALLONS AND AMEN.”

Hannah Maret
Class 6

Jessica said...

James Alexander Baka
South Portland, Maine
21 years old
Died April 18, 1969 from multiple wounds; it was a ground casualty. His body was recovered in South Vietnam.

Baka served in the 11th Armored Cavalry for less than one year. Moira O'Regan was James Alexander Baka's best friend. He said, "April 18, 1969... Jimy, never a day goes by that I do not think of you...that I, do not shed quiet tears for you. Shortly before you were killed, Kevin Bagley looked you up and you gave him your Cav Hat... to hold on to and give to me when I get home." Well Kevin was moving this December and found it in his closet. He gave it to me for Christmas... I finally have something to hold. I miss you... 38 years later... my heart still aches. -Mo."

Jess Haitz
class 1

Stephen said...

Reginald Victor Maisey, Jr
Sonoma, California
17 November 1934 - 31 January 1968
Died at age 33

During the Tet Offensive, one of the the Viet Cong's main objectives was to Capture Saigon, but in order to do this they had to first capture the air bases at Bien Hoa and Tan Son Nhut. On 31 January 1968, the enemy attact began at 3am in the morning at Bien Hoa Air Base. The attack was relentless with Viet Cong fighting from three sides. Captain Maisey orchestrated an effective defense while putting himself in dangers way in-order to maintain radio contact with the base command center and order air support. During the battle he was wounded but continued to lead his troops for hours, until he was killed by a RPG. Because of his actions the Tet attack on Siagon failed. The president awarded him the Air Force Cross for "supreme courage and undaunted leadership inspired his men to hold the position, thus thwarting the westward progress of the infiltrators across the installation and saving untold numbers of lives and millions of dollars worth of aircraft and other material."

Stephen Mais
Class 4

Will Fletcher said...

Sargent Willie Farmer, an African American in the 101st Airborne Division
Pinetops, North Carolina.
Willie died 1 year into his service at age 21 on September 29, 1967 in South Vietnam. Willie died on the ground by small gun fire and his body was recovered.
On Willie's personal page, he was seen as a friendly, brave, beloved man and hero.

Will Fletcher
Class 4

KMS said...

Name: Kenneth Earl Sands

Hometown: West Lawn, PA
Age at death: 21
Year &reason: 1968,Air crash

Kenneth Sands was a Corporal in the united states marine Corps. He died after being taken captive along with his captain and who were then seriously injured. When they reached the recovery team helicopter soon after they died in a helicopter crash.

-Katie Shirley

Erin said...

Larkin McDonald Beggs, Jr

Miami, FL

Age 19

Died May 10, 1966: Hostile death from wounds caused by an explosive device

"He said he would wait on me.
but he came home too soon...
He may be gone but never forgotten.
He's still waiting on me...
just someplace different."
- Christian Roberts, childhood friend

It's amazing how in history text books deaths are nothing but a number, but when you begin to look at all the posts from friends and families about individual soldiers, you start to realize how many people these deaths really affected.

Erin B.
Class 6

Brendan said...

James D Blanden
Pickens, Mississippi
36 Years Old
December 18, 1967-Non-Hostile, Died of other causes.
James started his tour in Vietnam on September 16, 1967. His body was found in Khanh Hoa Province, South Vietnam. James was a Specialist Five you can find him on the Wall located at Panel 32E Line016.

Brendan DeAngelis Period 6

Rob said...

Staff Sergeant Robert Erick Uthemann
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
25 Years Old
Killed: 1970
By: Small Arms fire, in Cambodia, his body was recovered.

25th Infantry Division, Purple Heart, National Defense, Vietnam Service, Vietnam Campaign medals. Died 17 Days after starting the tour.
"Rest Easy, Sleep well my brothers. Know the line has held, your job is done. Rest Easy, sleep well... Others have taken up, where you fell, the line has held... peace, peace and farewell."

Sage said...

Oscar Anzaldua
Raymondville, TX
20 years old
Date of Death: August 29th, 1967
Cause of death: Multiple fragmentation wounds

"Two days before Oscar went to the Marines, We met downtown and I was headed to the U.S. Army (Special Forces).. Oscar and I were great friends. I found out about Oscar after I had been in the Army for about a year and a half.. I have had the opportunity to visit the Wall and have his name in my collection.. Brother.. may you rest in peace.. and YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN.. You are a hero to us.. Rest in Peace..!! For you gave for our FREEDOM! God Bless You..your family, and all of your friends." - Joe Rodriguez

Sage Musk
Class 6

Nicholas said...

George Vernon Airey
Ann Arbor, Michigan
23 Years old
Born July 21st, 1944
Died May 9th, 1968; Hostile, ground-casualty, multiple fragmentation wounds.
"They grow not old, as we who remain grow old, age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn, at the going down of the sun, and in the morning, we shall remember them. We shall remember them."
- Manuel Pino, one of Airey's Cavalry brothers.

Katie P. said...

David Bruce Anderson
Avoca, IA
18 years old
March 30, 1968 - In QUANG TRI, SOUTH VIETNAM

Received the bronze star citation
"I remember you, so well, like it was only yesterday, when we were, in school together. I remember one, time, when we were "riding around," I didn't want, my aunt to know, I was with you, just because, of your tough reputation. I vividly, recall all, of us and our sadness, at your funeral. David, I would be, more than proud, to be seen with you, today - or any day, including, that one, if we could only, have it back. You always marched, to the beat, of your own, drum and it, is so unfair, you died, so young. There is a beautiful memorial, to you, in Edgington Park, in Avoca."

Katie Peters
Class 1

Cory Fisher said...

Fort Lauderdale, Florida
21 years old
NORMAN EARL BALDWIN died on August 25th, 1968. He In QUANG DUC, SOUTH VIETNAM. He was killed on the ground by small firearms. "Conditions improved when Air Force C-7 CARIBOU transports made low-level ammunition drops into the camp perimeter, and more radically when four MSF companies were able to get into the camp itself. By early afternoon the defenders had organized themselves and planned a counter-assault. The 513th MSF Company assaulted the remaining captured bunkers in the saddle while the 522nd Company assaulted the NVA-held northern hilltop. The initial assaults were successful and additional MSF troops were put into what became a five-hour bloody battle for the hilltop. By mid-evening the hill was in friendly hands - but at high cost to both sides. Five US Special Forces soldiers had died in the fighting on 25 August:
CPT Norman E. Baldwin,SSG Leslie L. Brucker, SSG Michael B. Dooley,
SP5 Paul R. Severson,and SP5 Forestal A. Stevens."

Unknown said...

Alva Ray Krogman
Worland, Wyoming
Tuesday, 01/17/1967. Air loss or crash over land-Fixed Wing-Pilot
Hostile, died while missing.
1st Lt Alva R. Krogman was a graduate of the Air Force Academy. He flew as a forward air controller over Laos. On January 17, 1967 his aircraft was hit by a 37 mm antiaircraft fire and crashed near Ban Loumpoum. Krogman's remains were never found.
A comment posted in June of 2005 read, "I have been wearing Ray's (Alva's) bracelet for 15 years. I got it when I was 14. I have contacted Ray's brother, and even though the family has accepted that Ray was a casualty, tears were shed.

Never forget those who were lost, and hope that those lost who are still alive will be brought home."
-Alex Klein
Class 4

Anonymous said...

Jedh Colby Barker: Marine Corps - LCPL
Sep 21, 1967- he was a ground casualty. The cause of death was that he was hit by a rocket, or a mortar or by an artillery gun.
His body was found in Quang Tri, South Vietnam. At the time Jedh was single but he left behind two sisters, his parents and many friends who saw him as more of a brother then a friend. One of his friends said that he had an ever lasting smile, and you could tell that he was greatly loved and cared for by everyone. It is sad and extremely unfortunate that he had to die at such a young age.


Pat Sullivan said...

Paul Joseph Sullivan
Watertown, Massachusetts
Died 1967, age 24
Killed by gun, small arms fire: Ground Casualty

The Paul Joseph Sullivan Scholarship is awarded to high school students each year that perpetuate Paul's memory.

brendan said...

William Lee Amos
Age 26
Colloden, WV
JoAnn Mynes-Grimsled:
"A lot of us in the Colloden Volunteer Fire Dept appreciate Willies appetite for food. When we threw him a going away dinner before he went to Nam,he ate and ate and ate. He was handsome and he was married to the most beautiful woman in town. Through the years he has been sorely missed by all of us. Especially his wife Marcia. She never loved again and nothing could take away her pain. So since she cant I write this for her. Willie you were loved and you are still loved and none more than by your wife.
Willie was young and in love and full of life and hope for the future,his future with a new wife and all the things they will never have.
We miss you. And Marcia still loves you."

Brendan McNamara
class 1

Skyler said...

Sheldon Ora Barnes
Dallas, TX
Died 1969 in South Vietnam

Sheldon died in combat, after being hit by "artillery, rocket, or mortar." He died immediately.

Allison said...

Alan Bedrock
Hometown -Fords, NJ
Age at death-22
Died May 28, 1970

Alan Bedrock was born on October 19, 1947 in Fords, New Jersey. He was a Corporal in the United States Army and died during ground combat in Bihn Duong, South Vietnam. He had only been in Vietnam for two months before his death. He fought beside the men of the Panel 10W - Line 111 (bobcat). He was single and left no widow but he did leave behind a mourning mother, Rita.

Morgan said...

Morgan Lane Cahoon
Fairfield, NC
Feb 11, 1970
He was in Thua Thien, South Vietnam
during hostile combat it was a ground casualty by artillery, rocket, or mortar. Body was recovered.
Walter Brown Comrade:
"We in-processed to the 2nd, of the 502nd, together. We were sent, to firebase rifle and at around, 4, A.M., we were hit. I was one, of the medics, but he was, already dead. I've often, wished, that he had, been shot in the heart, he carried, a bible with a piece, of plate steel, taped to it, in his left, breast pocket. Maybe we'd, still, be friends..... I miss you, Morgan and think of you, often."

Morgan Kirol
Class 1

T. Hough said...

Tyler William Cobb Jr
19 years of age
Jan 9, 1968
Tyler was part of the 25th infantry and died in southern Vietnam from a small arms fire would only 2-3 months in combat. This note was left for him May 18, 2005, "A friend and fellow soldier. We lost two good friends 1/9/1968. First Platoon was never quite the same after that day. I will always remember you and Randy."

Dylan said...

David Russell Jackson
Cleves, OH
22 Years Old
David Jackson was killed while in a helicopter that was shot down by the enemy.
Jackson was on a drop off mission when shot down over Phuoc Long Province. He was a prestigous member of the 1st Cavalry Division. He was awarded a Purple Heart, Air Medal, National Defense Medal, Vietnam Service Medal, and Vietnam Campaign Medal.

Peter said...

Patrick Brendan Keane
Chicago IL
21 years old
On February 26th 1967, He was shot by small arms fire in Southern Vietnam. He was shot by the enemy and died outright there on the field. His body was recovered. He achieved the rank of Lance Corporal just a few weeks before his death. He was an Antitank Assault man. Two of the men in his battalion said that he walked in to battle with out an expression of fear.

Peter Kerns
Class 4

maddie said...

Terry Lee Alexander
Seattle, Washington
Age: 19
DOB: March 25th 1947

Alexander served in the Vietnam War for a total of 2 years. He died in battle (hostile ground casualty) on Aug 25 1966 in South Vietnam where his body was recovered. He was killed by a small arms fire.

"“You are Remembered”
Peace and condolence, to the family and friends. “He which hath no stomach, to this fight, let him depart. But we in it, shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers!! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother.” Rest in peace brave soldier, you have not been forgotten. (W.Shakespeare) May God Bless you, for your Sacrifice!!! "

Maddie D class 1

Anonymous said...

Nicholas Lee Natzke
Merrill, WI
22 years old
September 22, 1967-Ground casualty, gun, small arms fire.
He served in the Marines- Sargent of the 3rd Platoon. He endangered himself by crossing enemy lines to discover underground hospitals, munition factories, trails, and rocket sites. He was a leader of his platoon and "his calmness, superior patrolling skills, and extensive combat experience were inspirational to all who knew him"(The wall-Carl Neilson).

Meredith said...

Michael Brightman (CPT)
Morrison, Illinois
28 years old
October 31st, 1969
He dies from complications due to a helicopter crash and his body was recovered over Tay Ninh, South Vietnam.
From his sister on October 23, 2007:
I do not fear an army of lions, if they are led by a lamb.
I do fear an army of sheep, if they are led by a lion.

-- Alexander the Great --

After reading a couple of personal notes left by family of the dead, it made everything so much more real and that these people actually lived and died for the our country. It shows you how the war effected everyone.

-Meredith Bridges
Class 6

Adam said...

Adam Holman Jr.
Wenatchee, WA
18 years old
K.I.A in South Vietnam 6-15-1969
Mulyiple Fragmentatin wounds

HONORING your memory on your birthday for the day you made the SUPREME SACRIFICE on June 15th 1969. You are not forgotten nor shall you ever be.

Anonymous said...

CPL Clyde Ray Carter, Jr.
Raleigh, North Carolina
19 years old at death
1968 – Ground causality from an explosive device.
Corporal Clyde Ray Carter served under the United States Marine Corps – III Marine Amphibious Corps, the 1st Marine Division and the 26th Marine Regiment. He was in the war for 10 months and died at the age of 19. He was awarded the Purple Heart, National Defense, Vietnam Service and Vietnam Campaign metals for his bravery and sacrifice for his country.
-Colleen Cosgrove
Class 4

Kevin said...

Eric George Blantin
Newtown, CT
Age 20
Died Nov 20, 1969
Was pilot of a OH-6A helicopter that exploded from unknown causes during preflight inspection at Vinh Long Airfield in South Vietnam.

After growing up in Newtown, Eric served a long tour in Vietnam and was killed shortly before he was supposed to go home. He had exchanged many letters with his parents and girlfriend during the war.

- Kevin Moses

Kyle said...

Bridgewater, MA
August 11, 1969- Ground Casualty
His tour began on Feb 19, 1969
and ended when he died on Aug 11, 1969 in Quang Tri, South Vietnam.
hostile, casualty by an explosive device and the body was recovered.

Manny G, a fellow veteran, said this about him: "“You are Remembered”
Peace and condolence, to the family and friends. “He which hath no stomach, to this fight, let him depart. But we in it, shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers!! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother.” Rest in peace brave soldier, you have not been forgotten. (W.Shakespeare) May God Bless you, for your Sacrifice!!!
Aug 11, 2007"

Kyle Wilcox

Anonymous said...

Thomas Wayne Sadler
Oakland, CA
20 years old
May 13, 1969- After being in battle for a little less than a year Corporal Thomas Wayne Sadler was in South Vietnam when his body was recovered. He was a cannon crew member. He suffered multiple fragmentation wounds. He suffered a ground casualty. It was very hostile and he died right after.

Taylor Smith
Class 4

Edith said...

Private Eugene Cabbagestalk
Pittsburg, PA
He was 20 years old when he died.
January 11, 1967; He was in combat and was a ground casualty. He died unfortunately by an accidental homicide.
He died in action in a non-hostile manner, and after he died his fellow soldiers named a hero for risking his life to fight for what he believed was a cause worth fighting for. He received Vietnam Service, National Defense and Vietnam Campaign medals. He also received the Combat Infantry Badge as well as many others. There were no quotes associated with Eugene Cabbagestalk.
Edith Campos
Class 4

erin said...

John Manuel Avila
Los Angeles, CA
22 years old
Died May 13th, 1967 in Quang Tri, South Vietnam- hostile, ground casualty in a guns/small arms fire. John was 22 and married at the time of his death.
His squad leader, Thomas Manconi, left on his wall this message: "I was with John on May 13 1967 at Phu An. I lost two men that day and John was one of them. John was a good friend and a good Marine and I carry his memory as I carry the memory of all my fallen brother Marines forever."
This comment shows that the effects of this war were life lasting, and the men who died in the war will always be remembered by those who knew and loved them.
-Erin Tumney

Unknown said...


PFC - E2 - Marine Corps - Regular

Length of service 0 years
His tour began on Mar 15, 1969
Casualty was on Jun 3, 1969
Body was recovered

Panel 23W - Line 52

Fellow Veteran 69-70 An Khe
Union Gap, WA. 98903
“You are Remembered”
Peace and condolence, to the family and friends. "He which hath no stomach to this fight let him depart. But we in it shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers!! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother”. Rest in peace brave soldier, you have not been forgotten. (W.Shakespeare) May God Bless You for your Sacrifice!!!

-Sean Fahey

Anonymous said...


23 years old
Rodger Holmes died on February 25, 1969 In Binh Duong, South Vietnam, Ground casualty.small arms fire. His body was recovered.
Holmes was a specialist Four and he was part of unit
A CO, 1ST BN, 27TH INFANTRY, 25TH INF DIV, USARV. Although he did not serve a full year before his death, he received many awards. For example, he received a Purple Heart for national defense and a combat infantry badge, a 25th infantry division badge and more.

Unknown said...

Terry Noble Bartling
18 Years Old
Casualty was on Jun 24, 1968

Terry was only 18 when he was killed. I cant imagine dieing in a year and half. He was single there was a very interesting post from one of his army friends talking about his character. You can tell he was a great guy and it is sad someone like him so young had to sacrifice his life.

Rich Sandler
Class 6

Charles said...

Henry Daniel Bell Jr.
Daly City, CA
18 years old
Died January 31, 1970 as a ground casualty from small arms fire. His body was recovered in Quang Nam, South Vietnam.

This quote was given by whom appears to be Henry's brother:
"You were only 18, how could this happen, to you. Right out of boot camp, I'am sure, that you were so proud, to be a Marine. My brother, you earned The Title."

Interestingly enough, the first sentence in the quote is the same thought that I had when I first read the information about Henry Daniel Bell Jr.: He seemed far too young.

Carson said...

Cicil Wayne Lambert
Columbus, Ohio
20 years old at time of death
August 12, 1969 Small arms fire-ground casualty
Cicil was an unmarried Lance Corporal with no religious preference

"We were sweeping along a road junction looking for some VC/NVA that had ambushed the morning road sweep. It was Cecil Lambert's very bad luck to simply walk right up on two of them hidden in some brush on the other side of the road. He couldn't have been more than twenty or thirty feet away from them, maybe less. In my imagination I can see them lying there, weapons aimed at their nameless enemy while they silently begged whatever gods they believed in over and over that we'd turn and follow the road away from them. But we didn't and a few minutes later Lambert and the two of them were dead.
Later that day, when we were talking about it someone said they'd heard a yell that, "Lambert's hit and we can't get anyone up to help him!" Then our Corpsman, Doc Dean, yelled, "The hell we can't." and went to Lambert's aid. He too was shot, but he lived. A true act of courage."

Dana said...

Vancouver, Washington
1970, Ground casualty in South Vietnam

A friend and veteran posted:

The quote from his friend really brought me to the reality of it, a horror I cannot full comprehend.
Dana G
Class 1

Ben Stoller said...

Fidel Joe Aguirre

Length of service 1 years
His tour began on May 28, 1968
Casualty was on Mar 10, 1969
Hostile, died of wounds, GROUND CASUALTY
Body was recovered

Panel 30W - Line 98

Ben Stoller
Class 1

Jake said...

Jimmy Joe Tessadri
Salida, Colorado
20 years old
Date of death: March 25th, 1968

Length of service was less than one year. He started his service on Oct 23, 1967. He was killed on Mar 25, 1968 In Binh Long, South Vietnam. He was hostile, and was killed by a landmine. His Body was recovered and sent back to the United States. He was a brave soldier and will never be forgotten. His brief service was well spent, and he made many friends in his time there before he was killed.

Jake Tolson, class 1

Ishaar said...

Roy Clinton Gerdon
Tampa, Florida
21 Years Old
Gerdon was a ground causality with multiple fragmentation wounds. He died on March 2nd. 1968.

Unknown said...

Name:Oley Neil Adams
Hometown: Greencity, MO
Age of Death: 28
Died June 17, 1966.
He was a Regular in the Airforce. He died in a crash in the sea and his body was never recovered.

Unknown said...

Harvey C Harris
Orchards, WA
19 years old
January 10, 1967 - He was in Binh Duong, South Vietnam. It was a ground casualty and he suffered from multiple fragmentation wounds. His body was recovered.
A fellow Vietnam War Veteran posted this poem for Harris (written by Archibald MacLeish):
"The young dead soldiers do not speak.
Nevertheless, they are heard in the still houses:
who has not heard them?
They have a silence that speaks for them at night
and when the clock counts.
They say: We were young. We have died.
Remember us."

Jess Sideleau
Class 6

Anonymous said...

Soldier's Name: John Stephen Fako
Hometown: New York, NY
Age at death: 20
Year and reason (if listed) of death: October 15, 1970
Any story, fact or quote associated with that person: Fako served with the Army of the united States as a Sergeant for only one year. he joined on January 10, 1970 and was sent to South Vietnam to battle for the war. He was murdered by "another explosive device." His body was recovered although it was hostile; he "died outright" on ground casualty.

Nora said...

Timothy Xavier Murphy
Army Of The United States
Home: Sacramento, California
Age at Loss: 21
Wednesday, 03/22/1967. Timothy was severly wounded by a nearby bomb or grenade and died of the awful casualties the same day. His body was recoverd in Pleiku, South Vietnam, and his death was described as hostile. The specific cause of death was Multiple Fragmentation Wounds, which means his wounds were caused by either the bomb/grenade itself, or pieces from the bomb/grenade. Timothy was 21 when he died, he did not have a wife or kids, but he was too young for such a fate. So many men died before their time, like Timothy. They gave the ultimite sacrifice and we are forever greatful.
Timothy was in the Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 8th Infantry. This was said underneith the information I found about Timothy "On 22 March 1967, Alpha 1/8 was ambushed by a North Vietnamese Battalion near Polei Duc in the Valley of Tears (the Plei Trap Valley). No-one shirked his duty or lost his nerve, and the bravery they showed was beyond belief - a Medal of Honor, two DSC's, seven Silver Stars, and many Bronze Stars were earned that day, but we lost friends and brothers."
~Nora Class 1

frattag331 said...

Donald Alton Obey
Central Square , NY
20 years old
09/14/1968 Small Arms Fire
He was a Riflemen in the 1st Marine Division

Lauren said...

Lawrence Joseph Babyak
Waycross, Georgia
32 years old
20 March 1971- died flying a helicopter to extract South Vietnamese troops in Laos. The helicopter came under fire, and it went down, killing several other soldiers.
Lawrence Joseph Babyak was a pilot in the Vietnam war before he died at the age of 35. His family was notified 8 months after he was killed, however, they were just grateful that they would be able to put him to rest. Babyak originally joined the war because he thought it was necessary for America to help the Vietnamese people. His mother, on the other hand, tried to convince him not to go. His last farewell to her was treating her to a Yankees game. Babyak left behind a wife and several young children.
-Lauren Bauer

feltch said...

Cario Fuller
Benton, AR
19 years old
April 9th, 1967
Cario was in Binh Dinh when he was killed by small arms fire in an ambush by Vietcong soldiers. It always saddens me when I see men like Cario who made it through a big hunk of their tour, only to be killed in a small meaningless quarrel.
"Cpl., Fuller, As a fellow soldier, I want to state, that you will, not be forgotten, in your home town. Being an infantryman, I appreciate your sacrifice all, the more. I hope, to help preserv,e your good name and sacrifice, for the posterity, of Saline County." - Anthony Rushing

Nicholas said...

Norridge, Illinois
21 years old
May 10, 1967 he died from a gunshot wound by some form of small arms.