Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Roe v. Wade

What's in a name? How would you identify your position on the Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade that legalized abortion? Would you classify yourself as Pro-Choice, Pro-Abortion, Pro-Life or Anti-Abortion and why? Plese be respectful of others' opinions. Class 7 Post by Monday 5-17 for full credit. Class 3 by Tuesday 5-18 for full credit.


Brian said...

I feel that my personal viewpoint is Anti-Abortion. I feel that abortion is morally wrong since there is a human living inside that embryo. If someone who is carrying a baby is killed, the murderer is charge with both killings, so I feel the same is for abortion, that child is alive in side that woman. I feel that abortions should only be legal incases where there is harm to the mother or the child which includes incest since the child could be born with deformites. I did not include rape since under normal circumstance there would be no harm to the mother or the child and if the mother does not want the child they should give it up for adoption after the child is born. Eventhough I don't agree with abortion I still agree with the death penalty. This is because the death penalty punishes a person for something that they have done wrong in their life where as an unborn child has nothing to be denied life and therefore has the right to live just as the mother and the father had the right to live.
Brian M.
Class 7

Unknown said...

I am pro-choice. I think you can't force a person to keep or remove a baby, but you have to let them decide for themselves. This very controversial topic needs to be in the hands of the women experiencing choices. I respect that some people don't agree with me but I want to know why we asked Men what a woman should do with her body when we live in a land of freedom.

Class 7

Kevin R. said...

I've had this debate many times in the past. As far as I could get easily, the group I discussed with and I could always eliminate Pro-Abortion and Pro-Life as valid options (no offense). To us, it always seemed like Pro-Abortion meant any believer thought that all babies should be aborted and that nobody should have babies. Pro-Life believers, on the other hand, believed in having sex and making babies to go all around. We only got this far, however, before tensions began growing.
As a religious follower, this debate does not come easily to me. My easiest answer out of it is "I'm a boy, this'll never happen to me, I don't have a say in this and I don't care." Clearly I cannot say that for this, so I'm going to qualify between Anti-Abortion and Pro-Choice. Being Catholic, I don't believe in the destruction of life. By my religion and moral values, killing is wrong. This would make me Anti-Abortion right? I'm actually willing to let this slide for a certain time frame. From the moment of conception to 30 days later, I believe a woman can abort the baby. If a woman became pregnant by accident for some reason, she should be allowed to abort the baby unless the fertilized egg becomes a distinguishable embryo. Brain, heart, and organ development and activity begin showing around the fifth or sixth week, so by this time, it is developing into a human being. Once it is the fifth or sixth week of development, it is too late to abort the baby. Before then, however, I believe that a woman can do so if she chooses. This can be for any reason, such as she is not ready to raise a child, she cannot afford to raise the child, or she could not bear to raise the child (in rape cases especially). For the sake of this blog, I support Pro-Choice for the first month of development, but after that, I support Anti-Abortion.

Kevin R.
class 3

LP said...

I am pro-choice. I believe that it is most fair for a girl to decide for herself what she wants to do with the baby. Having a child at a young age would change someone's future forever and restrict many of the things they could've done if they didn't have a baby. However, I do believe that there should be limitations. One girl should not be allowed to have many abortions because then it is just that they are being careless and using it as a form of birth control which is not right.

Liz P.
Class 3

Unknown said...

I would classify myself as anti-abortion. I believe that all life is sacred. When presented with a choice, we must respect all the consequences that come along with the choice we make. This is true for abortions. If an individual decides to take part in sexual relations, then it is their responsibility to deal with the consequence, in this case, potentially a baby. The only situation in which I agree with abortion is like Brian said when there is harm to the mother of the child depending on the length of the pregnancy. If the mother could potentially die due to the growing human then an abortion would be justified because it would save the mother’s life. Like Kevin, I am also Catholic and believe that the destruction of life is wrong. I am all for freedom and making choices but I believe that in this case, the choice becomes before the pregnancy. If the mother is not suitable or favorable to take care of a baby, the baby could always be given up for adoption. We must accept all the consequences for our actions.

Adam M.
Class 7

Unknown said...

A name is a way to represent a person as an individual. My position on the Roe vs. Wade case is exactly that, one that supports individual rights to choose what they do with their pregnancy. Like Paige and Liz, I would definetly classify myself as Pro-Choice. However, it is important to mention that NO ONE is pro-abortion, because that would advocate killing babies all the time. I think that it is easy for Brian to say that "if the mother does not want the child they should give it up for adoption after the child is born" because a pregnancy is not an easy thing to go through, especially a teenager in a high school setting. It is physically and mentally taxing, and it something no teenager deserves to go through. Also, it is difficult to simply give up your baby for adoption, because one can easily develop an attachment to the being that they created. Also, Adam says, "We must accept all the consequences for our actions." It is very easy for him to say this, because he could run away from the situation and he doesn't have to deal with taking care of a baby inside of him. I do not advocate abortion by any means, but because of our rights as individuals and the difficulties women face by having babies they don't want or can't take care of, abortion must be an option for women. If done correctly and at an early stage, abortion kills potential lives, but not living humans.

Unknown said...

I am Pro-Life. I agree with Adam when he says that "the choice comes before the pregnancy." When you become pregnant, you are responsible for another human being's life. I believe, like Kevin and Adam, that all life is sacred and killing is wrong. The only times when I personally think that abortion should be allowed is when the mother's life is put in danger because of the child. Other than that, I believe that every pregnant woman has a responsibility to bear the child they carry. In the perfect world, there would be no accidental pregnancies and no forced pregnancies due to rape and there would be a better adoption system so that any child that a mother could not raise could be adopted immediately. This isn't a perfect world, so women are sometimes forced into pregnancies when they really had no say. In those cases, I really feel that women should bear the burden in order to care for a human life that can't yet take care of itself.
Class 7

Unknown said...

This is such a controversial topic. I would consider myself to be pro-choice. I completely agree with Kevin. Pro Abortion and Pro Life are often misunderstood; this is mostly because so many people in each category have a different idea on what it means. Many people believe that people who are pro abortion are fine with just aborting babies all the time. I think the tensions between each group comes from not really understanding what the other group believes in and they think that the others ideas are much more drastic than they really are.
For me I am pro choice because I don’t think that it is anybodies right to tell somebody that they have to have a baby and carry it for 9 months of their life. I don’t believe that abortions should be used as birth control however. People should always use contraception and then if pregnancy does occur then it is not my choice on what the girl should do. I just think that each situation is different and no one should force somebody to make such a huge life change such as having a baby if that person does not want to. Also I don’t believe that a young adult should have to get permission from their parents. For a parent to force their child to have the baby would be wrong. It is not the parent’s life and if the child wants to abort the child that is their own decision. Also, I believe in pro choice especially in cases of rape. A woman should not have to deal with the trauma of having to have another person’s baby that raped her if she does not wish to. However, as Kevin also said, I believe that there should be a certain time limit on how long people have to get an abortion before it’s too late. I am pro choice because I don’t think I should make the decision for somebody else.
Meghan L.
Period 3

Unknown said...

To be quite honest I agree fully with Brian. He is right on the money with how I think about this particular subject. I don’t believe abortion should be or should have been legalized. To have a baby is a miracle in its self; to have a healthy baby is even more so a miracle. Life is a blessing and to take away that life is, I think wrong and simply unjust. However, even when someone is raped and ends up being pregnant I think that baby should have the right to choose to live. Rape is a terrible and disgusting thing and having a baby from it is even more so horrendous because you’re stuck forever with thinking how that happened but if the woman who is raped decides to have an abortion, I believe it would hurt her more than it would help. But, if she clearly does not want the baby than put it up for adoption that way it can have a chance at life and possibly a long and healthy one. Also, about the death penalty, I do not agree that it should be, “ok” to do, no matter how vile or how horrendous the situation given. Life is just a lot harder than dying so from my point of view I would have the death penalty removed and put in the torture one instead. Quality of life is much better than quantity so I would make whoever that vile perpetrator is, suffer for his actions rather than easily kill him.
Kelsey P. Per 3

Ale F said...

I agree with Paige 100%, I am pro-choice also and feel that the government or anyone should tell a woman whether or not she can or cannot get an abortion. I feel abortion is something very personal and the woman who is pregnant should have the right to make the decisions for her own body. This doesn't mean I am pro-abortion, I just believe women should have the right to make their own decisions especially when it comes to something as personal and serious as abortion. And like Paige said "we live in a land of freedom" so why not permit that freedom to everyone (including women)..?
Ale F.
Period: 7

Unknown said...

This is certainly one of the most controversial topics in America and overall world culture. There are many strong and even radical opinions against abortion, while others choose to side with the woman and her ultimate decision in aborting an unborn child. Personally, I am against the pro life opinion because it does more harm than it does good. There have been violent bombings and attacks on abortion clinics and doctors due to radical pro life believers. Pro Life also forces desperate women to partake in illegal and unsafe abortions, leading to further health risks. However, I believe that abortion is morally wrong and should not be taken lightly by anyone. Therefore I am currently a pro choice believer because I feel it is the woman who should decide whether or not she has the child. In some cases, abortion is needed to prevent a child from being born out of a serious health problem or incest. Other cases such as rape or teen pregnancy have been debated over. I also believe that there should be a very strict set of limitations and rules on abortion and who is allowed to have the procedure.

Unknown said...

I think that I would classify myself as pro-choice. I am not saying that it is right or wrong to have an abortion, but, as Paige said, I do believe that people should be able to decide for themselves. I believe that since we live in a country filled with all types of freedoms, one of those freedoms should be the freedom to decide whether or not to have an abortion. One thing that I have heard many people say is that by having an abortion you are killing a human being and every life is sacred. While I feel that this is true and a valid argument it is also true that the stem cells that could be obtained through an aborted fetus could help to save other lives. But this aborted baby could have also grown up to save just as many lives as it's stem cells did. I also feel like there are certain circumstances that would justify having an abortion. For instance, if a teenage girl becomes pregnant then I think that she would be justified in having an abortion. While she could have the baby and then give it away, she might not be mature enough to realize this option and the baby could then die as a result. Also, if she doesn't seek medical help then she could become hurt too. However, if it were a well off, older woman who cold easily have and either take care of or give away the baby, then they might not be so right in having an abortion. So ultimately I think that it is up to the person who would be having the abortion to decide what they think is the right choice, but before doing so they must look at their circumstances and the consequences.

Matt H.
Class 7

Unknown said...

Overall, I would classify myself as anti-abortionist, but there are some situations in which I feel abortion is acceptable. The main issue I have with the abortion debate is whether or not the parents are "qualified" to raise a child. I do not think abortion should be allowed or not allowed based on the age or social status of the woman because it is impossible to make concrete rules for those who can legally abort. After all, although a sixteen year old may be deemed unqualified to raise a child, her child would be better nurtured than the child of a forty year old woman (since younger woman are more fit for pregnancies). Therefore, it doesn't seem just to make abortion illegal to some and legal for others. Legalizing abortion in these situations also raises the issue of how soon the woman must abort the child before it is truly considered a human. Additionally, if a teenage girl becomes pregnant with her boyfriend and then they seek an abortion because they do not feel qualified to raise a child, then they were not qualified to have unprotected sex. When two people have unprotected sex, they must be aware of the consequences and realize that they must be able to support a child. Therefore, unprotected sex should only be used for situations in which two people are either trying to have a child or are willing to have a child if the woman gets impregnated. Although the woman literally has to carry the child, I do not agree with Paige's point that the woman should have the complete decision on what to do with her child. If there is a conscious decision to have unprotected sex and the woman becomes pregnant, then both the father and the mother have equal responsibility for the child.

Although I am against abortion in most cases due to the conscious decision made by partners, I feel as though there are situations in which abortion should not be banned. For example, if a girl or woman is raped, she should have the full right to abort. Although Kelsey raised a valid point that aborting a child resulting from a rape case is adding death to an already tragic situation, this decision should be left in the hands of the rape victim. If the child is aborted, then the murder charge should be placed in the hands of the rapist. In my opinion, a female should not have to carry around a child for nine months whose father is the man she was raped by. This is extremely cruel for the potential mother and the potential child, as well, because he/she will be brought up knowing that his/her true parents are a rapist and a victim of rape. Additionally, in a rape case, the female did not make the decision to have a child. Therefore, she is in no way obligated to carry a child that she will most likely put up for adoption. As Matt stated, the embryonic stem cells can be used to help other children, but it is hard to ask a female to carry a child that is a constant reminded or her rape incident.

Drew R.
Class 3

Unknown said...

My viewpoint is pro-choice. I feel that a girl, especially one who had the pregnancy unintentionally, should be able to decide if she wants the child. The government shouldn't be able to tell force a woman to have a child, which will change the way she lives the rest of her life. I agree with Liz, that women shouldn't be allowed to have several abortions, and use them as a form of birth control.

Andrew M
Period 7

Brian R said...

I am against the Supreme Court Decision Roe v. Wade that legalized abortion, and I would classify myself as Pro-Life, with a few important exceptions. Like other classmates, such as Kristin and Adam, I believe that life begins at conception, and that the choice whether or not to have a child "comes before the pregnancy." A life is a life is a life is a life, no matter how far along in development that life is. Whether or not the embryo is viable is beside the point, as is any argument that, in the first trimester, a developing human is no different than any other developing organism. (No student has made this argument, but I have heard several times that terminating a pregnancy in the early months is not terminating a human life because early-development humans are extremely similar to early development forms of other organisms.) The embryo in the mother's womb has the potential to blossom into a living and breathing human being in the future, and therefore anyone thinking of terminating a pregnancy should think of ending the life of a fully functional human being. I agree with the conclusion of the first paragraph of Drew's response ("If there is a conscious decision to have unprotected sex and the woman becomes pregnant, then both the father and the mother have equal responsibility for the child") and would expand his statement to include all pregnancies. If a male and a female make a conscious decision to engage in sexual activity, then they have to live with the consequences of their actions, even if these consequences include pregnancy. Regardless of whether or not the sex is protected, they cannot choose to terminate a human life in order to cover up their mistake. There are many possible options in which the mother and father could have the baby and not have to raise it to adulthood, such as putting the child up for adoption, all of which would be infinitely better than getting an abortion and not giving the embryo the chance to realize its potential. The responsibility for irresponsible (sexual) behavior should not fall on the unborn child but on the parents themselves.
With that said, I agree with Kristin and Drew in that I feel as if there are certain situations in which abortion should be allowed, including rape and, as Kristin put it, situations in which "the mother's life is put in danger because of the child." If a woman is raped, then the responsibility for the life of that child falls not on her but on the man who raped her. Therefore, she should be allowed to terminate the pregnancy if she so chooses in order to limit the damage done by the baby. It is true, as Kelsey implied, that two wrongs don't make a right, but a raped women already has enough trauma without having the child--the child would place a tremendous burden on the women and limit her ability to pursue her dreams because it would require a significant portion of the woman's time and energy. The other situation in which abortion should be allowed is if the life of the woman is put in jeopardy by the baby, whether it is because of possible complications of the pregnancy or because of another pre-existing condition. Although the woman should be responsible enough not to conceive, she should be allowed to decide whether or not to give up her life for her baby, as I feel that no one else has the authority to properly make that decision. Who is a doctor or a government official to tell a woman that she has to end her own life?
-Brian R, Class 3

Audie said...

I agree with Paige, I'm pro-choice because I feel everyone has a right to decide for themselves but personally I think abortion in morally wrong unless rape or other such bad tactics were preformed. It's a really hard and controversial topic to discuss and even think about because of ethics and morals but theres also prespective of the mother that needs to be taken in account. If the mother is unfit ( too young, too poor ect..) it's a choice some women have to make. Honestly my position can probably easily be swayed to anti-abortion but once again im stuck considering circumstances the mothers might be in that they would want and abortion. Then there is the debate whether the baby is a person at the time of the abortion or not yet. This is another topic fully opionated because even with proof it wont matter it's based on opions. In the end im still pro-choice but somewhat leaning towards anti-abortion.
Class 7

Unknown said...

My opinion on the Roe v. Wade case is that women should have the right to decide whether to abort or keep the baby during pregnancy. Thus, I am pro-choice. There are lots of factors which can affect abortions, which is why this topic is a very controversial issue.
Like Paige mentions, the decision should be in the hands of the women carrying the baby. The main factors with this issue are how the women got pregnant, her religion, and her moral values.

If a women had consensual sex, her beliefs would most likely be to conceive the baby. However, if she was raped, then it's her decision to abort the baby or keep it.

If a woman is strongly religious and is pregnant with a child, depending on her religious beliefs, she should or shouldn't conceive the baby.

Finally, the man can offer his opinion on the decision, yet the woman should be the one to make the decision. In my opinion, an abortion shouldn't be forced, so I'm leaning against the pro-abortion side of the debate. The woman carries the baby, so it's her responsibility. Plus, in all couples, the decisions should be equal between both sexes. If a women has an abortion at a young age, it may be as traumatic an experience as being raped. Furthermore, the woman should consult with both the man who had sexual intercourse with her and also talk to her parents. However, the final decision should be up to the woman with the baby, and that is why I am pro-choice.
Andy H.
Class 7

Brian Buchetto said...

In the case of Roe Vs. Wade and the case of abortion in general, I firmly can say that im Pro-Life. In the act of flushing a potential child out of the body you are commiting murder just as it would be murder to kill a baby. The legality of Abortion will always be around due to its popularity and this is very wrong. People need to be saved from themselves and their actions such as killing another human. Paige stated that it is the womans choice, yet women who make this choice are always in fear of the unknown, of having a child when they arn't ready and in this way their judgement is clouded.

Brian B
Period 7

Unknown said...

I agree almost completely with Drew. My viewpoint is anti-abortion, but there are always times in which abortion is called for and even necessary. Many other countries that have banned abortions still allow them only if the mother is going to die as a result of giving birth. That is a perfect example of an exception, because the mother may not be ready to give up her life for the child's. And that brings up another point. How can you think that a "fetus" is not a "child" just because it is a few weeks or months younger? That would be like trying to teach a 3 year old advanced calculus, and upon seeing that they didn't understand it, never even bothering to teach them any math again. The three year old is capable of learning calculus at some point in his life, but first, he has to learn basic arithmetic. The same goes with a fetus. Just because he/she doesn't look human doesn't mean they won't in the amount of time it takes you to finish a semester of classes. This is not only a reason not to abort a child for social reasons, but also for scientific reasons. Scientists say that a blastocyst is "just a ball of cells." the same concept as before applies: just give it time, and it will be a child.

In summary, I am anti-abortion. I do believe that there are necessary exceptions, but I will not list them all because I would simply be repeating everything Drew said.

Unknown said...

Although i am not for abortion what so ever. Rape and situations of unwanted pregnancies gets brought up, therefor in this sense i am pro-choice. The reason i believe this is the right way to go is, woman should be able to decide if they want a child or not, it is their body, it is their decision. Although many young mothers cant afford a child, it is their choice, and they can make their own decisions. Nobody should be frowned upon for wanting to bring a new life into this world, as well as, nobody should be frowned upon if they feel that they wouldn't be able to support the child for whatever the situation was.

Unknown said...

I would classify myself as pro choice. Abortion is a controversial issue in which a person should have control of the decision that is made, not the government. Depending on the circumstances one should be able to decide if the decision they make is justified. However, it should not be viewed casually and abused as a form of birth control in a sense. I also agree with Drew completely by saying that one main issue with abortion is if the parents are "qualified" to care for and raise a child, so people must honestly assess thier situation before they decide to go through with an abortion.
-Hank H. Class 7

Unknown said...

I agree with Paige and Ale in that I am pro-choice. I think that it should be the woman's choice to decide whether or not she wants to keep the baby. I don't believe that in the country as free as America the government should be regulating a woman's choice to raise a child or not. In certain cases the girl may be very young and incapable of raising a child and therefore by actually going through with having it she would be causing the child to live through a questionably unhealthy, unstable life from then on. (Once again that's just an example, I don't think that would always be the case but many times is). Also, a victim of rape should definitely have the choice to not carry on with the pregnancy because who would want to be constantly reminded of such an awful time in their live? No one.

But, though I am pro choice, i believe their should be restrictions with the abortion. If a girl were to take advantage of having the option of abortion, say by having multiple abortions, it would be chaos. As Liz said, "One girl should not be allowed to have many abortions because then it is just that they are being careless and using it as a form of birth control which is not right." I completely agree with that.

Cristina N.
Period 7

Unknown said...

my personal view on this topic places me with the other students that are pro-choice for a variety of reasons. for one, as American's, people have the right to making their own decisions; this country isn't called "the land of the free" for nothing. if a woman feels the need to terminate a pregnancy, for what reason should our government be preventing that? also, relating to what paige had to say, abortion is a scary road for probably every woman who ever has to endure its purpose and therefore, the decision, as paige states and as i agree, "needs to be in the hands of the women experiencing choices." i understand rather well that many wouldn't agree with my opinion, especially those feeling as though abortion is a matter of religious idealism. however, the way i look at it, abortion is a last resort and very serious and should only be preformed as a necessary, preventative measure.

Louis Raab said...

My personal viewpoint on the topic is that I am anti-abortion. There are situations when I feel abortion is acceptable such as, if child birth causes serious injury or death to the mother, rape or incest. I feel that abortion is morally wrong, and should not be used as another form of contraception, but in those three situations the mother should definitely have the choice to keep or abort the child. If the woman does not want the child, what gives her the right to kill her unborn child? Because it is not convenient for the child bearer. She made the choice to have sex, so she should be responsible for what happens to her. She could keep the child and when it’s born, just adopt the baby out, and give it a chance to live its life. I feel that destruction of life is wrong, and especially wrong for an unborn child, that has done nothing wrong but trying to live.

Unknown said...

I agree with Andrew, as well as many others, that abortion should not be controlled by the government. For this reason, I am Pro-Abortion. Women should have the right to choose whether or not they want to keep the baby. A pregnancy could simply be because of a mistake, or it could be due to something more serious like a rape or other form of sexual assault. A woman should not have to have that baby if she doesn't want to live with the constant reminder of the attack. For this reason, abortion should not be controlled by the government and it should be the woman's right to choose whether or not she has the procedure.

Josh V.
Class 7

Unknown said...

I would consider myself to be Pro-choice. While I do respect the opinions of those who are pro-life, there many radicals who call upon religion to settle the issue. This very argument undermines the basis of our government, which is the separation of church and state. Furthermore, if this issue is looked at in purely evolutionary terms, fitness is called into question. An unborn baby is not fit evolutionarily because it hasn't proved that it can produce viable offspring. Therefore removing it from the gene pool would have a smaller impact on our evolution than killing the doctor who performs abortions.

I also agree with Andrew M and Liz in that abortion should be the choice of the individual rather than a government regulation. I do believe however that the government should regulate an appropriate timeline during which an abortion can be performed (viability of the fetus to survive outside the womb). However, for the most part, the decision of abortion should be kept between the doctor and the patient. Still, abortion is a privelege, and like all priveleges, if abused, it should be revoked. A woman should not be able to have multiple abortions because it then turns into a form of birth control, which an abuse of the technology.

Ishan T. Period 3

Unknown said...

My opinion on abortion is more towards the pro-choice side. I believe that abortion is a decision that should be made completely by those involved, which is the woman and her family. I think it's wrong to even attempt to outlaw aborting a baby when the woman involved may be unfit to raise a child. A lot of people argue that they can put the child up for adoption, but honestly, being pregnant is not something to take lightly. It should be a woman's choice whether she goes through those 9 months. Also, once a mother has been carrying a baby that long, it's not so simple to just give it up. I agree with Kevin when he says that there is a certain time where abortion is not okay, like when the baby has started to develop into a real human being, but up until that point a decision should be made, and i don't think it's wrong to be able to decide. I don't think that abortion is something the government should decide, because it's an issue that has too huge of an effect on the lives of everybody involved to not give them imput.

Unknown said...

I completly agree with Brian M. and all the other people who are anti-arbortion. It is unquestionably wrong to kill a living child no matter what stage of life the embryo is in. He or she is a human life and no one has the right to take the life of a hepless baby away, even the mother. If the word abortion was replaced with a more suting word like extermination then would you think it is ok? It is easy for some to say that it is a choice that the mother should make because she is the one who has to take care of the child for nine months, at minimum, if she chooses to put the child up for adoption. I know that this is not a legitamate statement becasue killing a human is much more severe than eduring pregnancy for 9 months. Another reason why woman shouldnt have the choice to an abortion is because of the reason Drew brought up. That woman could be pregnant because she was irrisposable enough to have unprotected sex when she had no desire for a child. What makes this irrisposible woman qualified to make the decition to take the child life? Finally the issue of rape. I do understand why some would think this is the sole exception for an abortion because it adds to an already tramatic experiance for the woman. The idea behind it is that the woman would always have a reminder of that terrible experiance because the man will be partially reflected in her child. Despite that fact, i know that the woman is also completly emotionally attached to the child as well. If she were to abort the child she would most likly cause more emotional stress on herself than if she had the baby and gave it up for adoption. Clearly i beleive that abortion is wrong for many reasons, these only being some of them.

Class 3

Anonymous said...

In my opinion I believe in Anti-Abortion. Just as Brian said, a human being is being killed. Yes the fetus is very small and ingrown, but it would be like taking away the life of a live human. The only case for which I believe abortions should be legal is if a woman is raped, or the baby inside a woman is suffering from a growing disorder. Other than that abortions should be illegal. If a woman has sex with a partner and gets pregnant that is her fault. She chose to have sex, whether it was safe or not, it's not the doctors responsibility to offer unlimited abortions to any woman. Continuing off of what Brian said, it's not right for the life of a human being to be taken, the baby has no say or feelings towards the controversy. After the child is born it can be put up for immediate adoption.

Aaron N.
Class 3

Ungrandours said...

I am mostly pro-life, and like brian, I think that abortion is murder. In some cases, I believe that abortion is acceptable. I believe that life is the biggest gift that a human can receive, because without life, you obviously lose your inalienable rights to have a try at life. With abortion, those rights are taken away from you. I have a lot of friends that believe that abortion should only be used in the cases of pregnancy caused by rape and pregnancies that could harm the life of the mother. This used to be my stance on abortion, but now, I've given up the rape part. I believe that If a woman is raped and she becomes pregnant, she should see through to it that the baby is born. From there, choices such as adoption can be made. I can't say for sure, but I think the phycological burdens of an abortion after being raped would be bad for a woman. The only case in which I think that abortion is somewhat acceptable is in the case where the woman is going to die because of the pregnancy. This would be ok because only 366 women die from pregnancy in a year and many of these cases are unforeseeable and due to infection. One use of abortion that I think is absolutely disgusting is when people use abortion as a method of birth control for accidental and unwanted pregnancy. If you are having sex, protected or unprotected, you should be aware and mature enough to recognize the consequences of sex. There is always a chance of pregnancy and if you do get pregnant or get someone pregnant, you have to live with the fact that you made that mistake and not commit murder to get out of it.
Patrick B. Period 3

Emily M said...

My personal view is Pro-Choice. I believe people should be able to decide weather or not they want an abortion. I personally only believe in abortions under certain circumstances; like when there will be harm to the mother or the baby. If the mother is going to die because of the baby, then yes, I believe there should be an abortion. Or if the baby is so sick that it's going to die right when it's born, that's another reason too. But I don't really believe it's okay to have an abortion when there is rape involved. If you don't want to live having to look at your rapers face through that child, then you can put the kid up for adoption. There are plenty of childless parents who would love to have a kid. You shouldn't have to kill the baby just because you got raped. That is all just my personal view. But I believe that women should be able to decide for themselves weather or not they can have an abortion. It shouldn't be up to the government.
Emily M, class 7

Anonymous said...

Matt Madden
Period 7.

I agree with Brian when he says that abortion should only be allowed when it will benefit the mother or if it is the only way to proceed through a pregnancy. Letting people choose if they should kill a future human being is just wrong. I do not take this viewpoint because I am a religious, I just think that it is immortal and should never be allowed for choice. It should only be done when a doctor says it is "the only way" There are many ways to stop a woman from getting pregnant. If it is an accident and the woman does not want to keep the baby, there are many different places where she can send the baby so it can live a life that it deserves. Future humans should not be punished with death just because their mother was stupid or was too afraid to go through with the pregnancy. That is just not fair.

Leah B said...

I am pro choice. I also agree with Anne that no one is pro abortion, people who are pro choice can believe that abortion is morally wrong like Brian, but can support a woman's right to choose what to do with her body. However, if someone is 6 months into a pregnancy, it should not be legal to have an abortion. The decision would have to be made early. I am pro choice because women should have access to safe abortions. If abortion is all together made illegal, some women and girls will go to desperate measures to abort a fetus, which can be very painful and harmful to their bodies.

leah b period 3

ricky grasso said...

I have always been anti-abortion. it is so wrong in so mnay ways. an innocent life is lost. the end. i do understand that if somebody is raped there MAY be an excuse, but even if, that woman can give her child up for adoption, she doesnt have to throw the inncoent life away. Like many others on this thread i am catholic, we are very anti-abortion. we accept the consequence for our actions whatever the situation.

ricky grasso

Unknown said...

My point of view on the issue is that I am anti-abortion. I believe that even a day following conception, there is life inside that embryo as Brian Mendonca wrote. If an abortion is performed, it is the same thing as murder. The abortion is taking away the opportunity of a potentially great life for that person. I have no problem with a birth mother giving up the child for adoption because at least the child is living. Although I think that if a child is concieved by rape, an abortion should be legal. Because the mother should not have to live with the fact that her child was concieved by rape. It also might create a bad enviornment for the child.
Douglas Brodbeck
Class 7