Tuesday, March 23, 2010

At the height of the Great Depression, two hundred and fifty thousand teenage hoboes were roaming America. Some left home because they felt they were a burden to their families; some fled homes shattered by the shame of unemployment and poverty. Some left because it seemed a great adventure. With the blessing of parents or as runaways, they hit the road and went in search of a better life.
Identify and explain three things you would bring in a backpack if you were forced to leave your home during the Depression. I will be responding to posts as well, so check back at least once. All posts must be completed by Sunday, March 28th for full credit.


Unknown said...

If I were forced to leave my home during the Depression, I would be entering into even harder times and would need some items to help me make it through during my rough travels. I would first bring a photograph or symbol of my family. This item would give me hope and inspiration to try to live better than they did and to make it beyond my struggles. Another item I would bring along would be an item of value (for example jewelry) that could be used for trade to secure shelter or food. A final item that I would include in my backpack would be a weapon(such as a pocket knife)for personal defense. During this time people were struggling because of the bad economic situation. This means others would be more likely to do desperate / unexpected acts such as physical attacks, so I would need a weapon to defend my self if need be.
Adam M.
Class 7

Unknown said...

If I were to leave my home during the depression, I would bring a warm blanket, money from my parents, and a full water bottle in my backpack. These three items are very important for survival reasons. If I weren't to find a job right away and had no place to sleep, I could always use my blanket to stay warm, or use it as a tent. Money from my parents would be important for paying for toll taxes, telegrams, bread, etc. The money would hopefully be enough to hold me over until I found a job. Lastly, I would carry a full water bottle in order to avoid dehydration. I could also fill this water bottle up in creeks or rivers, and this would avoid the expense of buying liquids. With these three items, I would prepare myself for the worst case scenario if I had difficulties finding a job or a place to stay.

-Anne, Class 3

Unknown said...

If I were to leave my home during the Depression I would need some supplies to survive. The first item that I would bring with me is a knife, as I could use it as a personal defence weapon and as a tool (it can also be used for hunting, if I was unable to buy food). The second item I would probably bring with me would be matches so that if I can't find a place to stay (and therefore have to sleep outside) I can start a fire so as to keep myself warm if it was cold (matches can also be used for other purposes as well, like signaling and cooking). Finally, the last item that I would probably bring with me would be a compass, so that I would not get lost during my travels (another part of my reasoning behind this is that I have read about people who got lost and died because they did not have a compass).

Unknown said...

Three items I would bring if I had to leave my home during the Depression would be any money I had, a heavy sweatshirt, and a notebook with a pen. I would need the money because given the time, any money would be helpful and good in case of an emergency. I would choose to bring a heavy sweatshirt to stay warm because it can be very cold when you're on your outside in the middle of the night, and I can't be dragging or covering myself with something. I would definitely want a notebook with a pen so that I could record history by jotting down my plan or what's going on. I feel journaling would also be very helpful for coping with leaving to start a new life off almost nothing.

Class 3

Unknown said...

If I had to leave my home during the Great Depression, I would bring cloths or blankets, a map, and a fiddle.
Cloths or blankets would provide warmth during the night to sleep on or to use during the day to stay warm, since I'd be traveling long distances and I have to be prepared for any climates and terrains. I would need a map to know where I am and where I'd want to go, and also to see the landforms such as rivers and trees to make sure I don't get lost. Finally, a fiddle is perfect for gathering change from people who enjoy listening to country music. It would provide money to eat and survive on my journey to a better life.

Andy H.
Class 7

Unknown said...

If i had to leave my home during the Great Depression and i had to only choose to bring three things, i would bring a blanket, As much money as i can scrounge up and some sort of weapon, even if its just a bat i could find. I chose these three items because i feel like i could continiously wash the clothes that i was wearing, if not recieve more from others. I would bring a blanket to keep my somewhat warm because i am always usually cold, and money becuase i would be able to by the nacesities i need. I didnt choose shoes because to this day, there are millions left shoeless and they are staying strong.

Class 7

Unknown said...

If I were a teen during the Great Depression and left my home for any reason, there would be three items absolutely essential to survival on the road. I would need to make sure that I would have the essentials to life- food, water, clothing, and personal health/safety. First, I would bring as much money as I could possibly gather while still leaving enough for my family's survival. During the Great Depression, even a small amount of money could help, as it was extremely hard to find food, clothing, and water without a bit of money. Second, I would bring a very warm article of clothing. This would be imperative in the cold nights of the Northeast and would somewhat help my overall health because I would be kept warm. Finally, I would bring a knife with me. This covers my personal safety. If I were one of the thousands of teen hoboes, the chances of one trying to rob me of my goods and money would be extremely high. Therefore, the knife would help protect me and prevent an attack against me. Also, the knife could be used to cut up the food that I eat and could also be very handy in making tools and a shelter if need be. With these three elements, although life would not be enjoyable, I would most likely be able to survive the adventure.
Drew R.
Class 3

Unknown said...

My three objects would include a photo of my family, a cup, and pocket knife. I agree with Adam that you need to remember where you came from and that people are desperate and that protection is needed. A knife is also a good survival tool to help with hunting and building. You could also whittle to spend time on other things. Unlike a few people I wouldn't bring anything valuable from my home. I think personally, that if I left my family for their or my benefit I would allow them to keep what little valuable things they have. I like how Laura wanted to bring a journal and Andy wanted a fiddle. Entertainment is really good when things are bad. I would bring a photo so i could share my life with someone. I got stuck between bringing a blanket or a knife. Warmth seemed necessary, but safety seemed more important.

Paige O.
Class 7

Unknown said...

Three things I would bring with me if I had to leave my home during the Depression would be a blanket or heavy jacket to stay warm, something of value I could sell (like Adam pointed out), and an extra pair of shoes. Staying warm is critical if I wanted to survive, especially during the winter. By having something valuable with me that I would have to sell before I could spend any money, I would be less likely to waste money on inconsequential things. Finally, I would be walking around all day, everyday. I'd be constantly looking for work and a place to stay the night. After a few weeks of relentless use, my shoes would be close to falling apart, so an extra pair would be smart to have.

Class 7

Unknown said...

If I were forced to leave my home during the Depression, I would bring a large and warm blanket, some sort of knife for protection, and as much money as i could come up with. The blanket would come in handy for sleeping out in the cold at night, and could keep my body covered from the elements. The knife would be very helpful if anyone tried to attack me, or rob me of the little money I would have. It could also be used if I needed to create some sort of makeshift shelter. I would need as much money as I could get together, because it would be very difficult for me to find a job during the Depression, especially being a teenager. This money would buy me food and nourishment until I had a steady income.

Unknown said...

If I was a teenager during the great depression, and I could only choose three things to bring with me on my travels, I would bring flint, a knife, and a guitar.

Fire is a key element in survival. Not only does it allow one to keep warm and cook food, but it also acts as a major morale booster. From my experiences watching the survival show "Man vs. Wild", the host, Bear Grylls, always keeps flint with him to be able to build a fire easily in the most adverse conditions. Many times he says that when he is all alone in the wilderness, a good fire boosts his spirits and keeps his hope alive to persevere. Fire would also be able to cook any meat that I would find on my travels, it would boil water which could disinfect any cans or plates I find (thereby allowing me to use them later), and it would ward off potential threats from wild animals.

The second item that I would bring is a knife. A knife has many useful applications, and coincidentally, Bear Grylls also brings a knife wherever he goes. Having a knife would serve many purposes. I could use the knife to kill animals and take their meat to make a meal. A knife could also be used to cut wood and hammer. Thus I could eventually create a temporary shelter if I needed it.

The third and final item that I would bring is a guitar. If I am ever lonely and losing hope, playing sweet melodies on my guitar would instantaneously raise my spirits. Likewise if I am frustrated an angry at my misfortune, a tune on the guitar would calm me down. Skills on the guitar would also be useful to make friends during my travels and it could prove a valuable asset if a place where I found a job enjoyed the music to ease their mind off of the depression. For instance, if I was competing for a job with a man of equal skills who couldn’t play the guitar for his employer, I would win out because the employer would rather keep me around so I could entertain in addition to doing laborious work.

Ishan T. Period 3

Suzanne Hurley said...

I must say I am suprised how resourceful many of you are, I don't know if I would have thought to bring a weapon though it would probably come in handy. What would make you sad to leave behind?

LP said...

If I were to leave home during the Depression I would first bring food and water to be able to survive where ever I ended up going. I would also bring any money I had because the littlest amount would help during this time. Finally, I would bring a change of clothes in case they got wet or dirty I would want to change to prevent from getting sick.

Liz P. Period 3

Unknown said...

If I was forced to leave my home during the Depression era, I would bring an item of value to me. Such as, my favorite piece of jewlery or great grandma's diamond coated broach. The reason why I would carry this item would be for a possible trade or just for pure sentimental value. During the Depression, in my back pack I would also carry food with a high calorie value to keep my energy and strength alive. With a high calorie item I could take a small bite and still be able to live for long periods of time. In my backpack I would also carry a weapon or hand gun for protection. This weapon would protect me from any harm that comes my way on my travels, it could also serve as a hunting tool. If I were to be around forest area I could use the weapon to hunt down small animals and / or deer to eat.

Kelsey P per. 3

Unknown said...

If I were forced to leave my home, I would bring some sort of weapon since living on the streets can be dangerous. I would also bring a good amount of money that could sustain me until I could get a job. Lastly, I would bring something that reminded me of home. Maybe this would be something I've had my whole life like a stuffed animal or book I used to read. This would help keep my sanity and remind me of those who love me.

Some things it would be tough for me to leave behind would be my dog and my mom's cooking. Living alone, I would have to find my own food and this would be difficult. Also, my dog means a lot to me and I have grown up with him so leaving him home would be a hard task.

Brian said...

If I were to leave home, the first thing I would bring is a family picture or relic. Eventhough I am leaving home a picture or a relic would be great to have so that I have something to share with the future generations. I feel that it is important to preserve family history and this would be an easy to preserve my family history. The second thing that I would bring would be very heavy clothing and light clothes underneath so that I would be preprared for all inclimants of weather. This would probally be my shelter for a while so it is important to be prepared. And lastly I would bring a small knife like Paige. This is a very useful tool because it can be used for many sorts of uses. It could be used for protection from other people, a means to gather food and it could help if i needed to open things too. Because of its many uses I would bring this and I feel it is my most important object brought with me.

Unknown said...

I would probably be sad to leave behind my horse. While she would be good for transportation, she would also be a burden to feed and keep healthy. I would probably have to sell my horse for money, and that would be very hard for me because I love her very much. I would also be sad just to leave my family behind in general. I would have no idea if I'd ever see them again, and I have been used to living with them for nearly 17 years of my life. For me, it's not the material things I would leave behind, but the people and animals that I love.

-Anne Class 3

Unknown said...

It would be tough to leave behind my family and friends, and lifestyle that I've been used to for a long time. I'd have to give up a job if I had one, perhaps because it provides me with little to no payrolls adequate to support my family. I'd have to give up the landscapes that I pass by everyday, and I'd have to leave behind family pets and livestock. Also, I'd have to leave behind heavy items since they would slow me down on my journey to a better life (for example, several books or diaries).

Andy H.
Class 7

Kevin R. said...

If I were to bring only three items with me during the depression, it would probably be a canteen, a knife, and a pair of spark rocks. A canteen would allow me to keep a steady and ready supply of water that I could refill at streams or lakes. This would prevent me from having to spend any money on drinks. I would bring a knife with me in order to prepare food and use as a weapon. If I'm going to be living on the road, it is smart to know how to trap small animals. Expecting to kill deer or other large animals with a knife is unheard of, but snaring rabbits and fowl and later preparing with a knife is very reasonable. Not to mention should anybody try to harm me, I would be able to protect myself using my knife. Lastly, I would bring a pair of spark rocks. Flint and steel, when struck together, create sparks hot enough to start fires. This can be very helpful in the wilderness or on the plains where it can get very cold and windy at night. Knowing how to start a fire can save your life if you're living on your own during the Depression.

Simply leaving behind my family would make me sad during this time. They have raised me my whole life and have taught me everything I need to know. If I left them behind, I would not have anyone to readily ask for help. I would not have the comfort of home, and I would be leaving all of my precious memories behind. If I was a teenager during the Depression and I had to leave home in search of a job or simply to have an adventure, I'd easily miss my family the most.

-Kevin R.
Class 3

Unknown said...

If I were to leave my home, I would be most sad about leaving my family. Although I would most likely find some short-term companions during my travels and meet a variety of people that could offer me comfort and company, their presence could not compare to that of my family. Families offer support during times of struggle, which will be very common during my travels as life will be much harder than at home. On days in which I have no food or do not have sufficient clothing, they will not be there to help me make it to the next day.

Besides the emotional reliance on my family members, I would be sad to leave them because they are very helpful. For example, if I was having trouble starting a fire or couldn't cook a meal properly, it is fair to say that my family could help me with this. Without this help, life would be much harder and I would truly have to become self-reliant and fend for myself. This would be the hardest change I would have to deal with in my travels.

Drew R.
Class 3

Louis Raab said...

If I was a teen during the great depression, and I only could bring three items, with me on my travels, most importantly I would bring knife. The knife would serve as a personal defense weapon, since I would be living in some dire times. But more importantly I would use it as a tool. I could use it to help me build a shelter. I could also use the knife to hunt and fish, and to prepare my food. I would bring matches to start a fire, to keep me warm during cold nights, and to cook the meat that I caught. The third object I would bring would be a fishing line with a hook, which would enable me to fish, and have a food source. Paired with the matches and the knife I could have some nice fish. Those three objects would help me survive as a teenager in the Great Depression.

Brian R said...

If I were a teenage hobo or runaway during the Depression, I would be hard-pressed to choose three things to carry with me. This is because I simply have never been in a situation where my I have to focus on my own survival and even just making it through the day. I think that at least a small amount of food, such as a loaf of bread, would be essential because I would need this food to tide me over until I found that better life. I would have no source of income while on the run, and I would likely have to rely on soup kitchens for food. However, I could not be guaranteed service at these soup kitchens and it would not be a sure thing that I would find a soup kitchen anyway, so I would need this food to survive (and I would need to ration this food at that). I feel as if I would also need at least a small sum of money so I would be able to purchase anything that I did not anticipate a need for. With this money I would also be able to purchase food once I ran out of it, and I would possibly be able to pay for some means of transportation. This leaves me with one more thing to bring. Some people have suggested that they would bring a weapon, but as I do not think that I could actually bring myself to use this weapon, a weapon would be pointless for me. I think that the final thing I would bring is a blanket to be able to sleep outside at night and not entirely freeze. I would likely have to sleep outside if I were on the run, and therefore a blanket would be essential, both for my health and my comfort. The heavier the blanket the better, as the temperature currently drops down into the teens at night.
In response to Mrs. Hurley’s question, I wouldn’t really have trouble leaving any belonging at home, especially during the Depression because at this time, all of my electronics would not have been around. It would be hard, however, to leave my family behind because they have been an integral part of my life for my first sixteen years. I wouldn’t have them for guidance or any type of support, and I would be entirely responsible for my own finances, something I have never experienced before. It would be interesting, and I think calling it an adventure would put too much of a positive spin on it, somewhat akin to calling war a chance for glory.

Unknown said...

If I had to leave my home during the great depression, the three things that I would bring would help to keep me alive and remind me of my family. The three things that I would bring would be a blanket, something to remember my family, and a pocket knife.

First, I would bring a blanket because being able to stay warm is critical to staying alive. Since many people had nowhere to sleep at night and had to sleep on railroads or on streets they were very open to the elements. During fall and winter when it got cold, many people could run the risk of getting sick. By bringing a blanket, I would be able to stay warm and hopefully not get sick.

The second item that I would bring would be something to remember my family by such as a picture or an item to remember my family by. As Adam said, it is really important to have something to remember your family by. I think it would probably be the hardest thing to leave my family, so by having that picture or item I would be able to remember them and not get so upset.

The final item that I would bring would be a pocket knife. A pocket knife has many different uses and can be helpful along the way. It can be used as a tool or a weapon to keep safe. Being able to keep safe was hard during this time since people would be willing to rob or hurt somebody to get money. A pocket knife could also be helpful to fix things or to help prepare food with. A pocket knife or some type of weapon is important to survival during this time.
Meghan L.
Period 3

Unknown said...

If I were to leave my home during the depression I would probably have a better understanding of what to bring, but from this time in my life looking in at this I would bring a weapon, something of value with family importance, and any money that I have. The reason why I would bring the weapon is for self defense, something that is very important in this time because of the attacks I may encounter as people almost turn to animals searching for anything to get them money or food. Next, the item of value with family importance, this is important because you want to stay connected to your family and you also want to have something valuable incase you are forced to sell or trade it for necessities. Lastly, the money is pretty much self explanatory. I understand that I may not have money, but if I did i would bring it to cover expenses along the way such as food, shelter, ect.

Unknown said...

If I were forced to leave home during the Great Depression, then I think that one thing that I would bring with me would be a jacket. A jacket would keep me warm at night and would help me to stay somewhat healthy. The second thing that I would bring, as many have said, would be some type of weapon, like a pocket knife. A weapon would give me the ability to hunt and therefore I would be able to eat. Something like a knife would also allow me to defend myself against anyone or anything looking to do me harm. The third thing that I would bring with me would probably be a canteen. A canteen would be very useful. I woud be able to collect water and carry it with me wherever I went. This would keep me hydrated and I wouldn't have to be constantly looking for some source of water to quench my thirst.

I think that the one thing that I would miss most about leaving home would be sleeping in my own bed at night. When you are out sleeping in the streets and the wilderness you constantly have to worry about predators and other dangers. I think that I would miss being able to sleep at home, in my own bed, not having to worry about anything at all.

Ale F said...

I agree with Adam, I would bring a weapon (like a pocket knife) in my backpack for protection if I ever ran into trouble. Another item I would include in my backpack would be something of value (like jewelry) that could come in handy if I needed to make a trade for survival. The last item I would bring in my backpack would be a blanket to keep warm, whenever & wherever I was sleeping.
Ale F.
Period: 7

Leah B said...

If I lived in the great depression I would bring a blanket, food, and a map. I would need food like potatoes or bread to keep me alive, and a blanket for the cold and miserable nights. I would bring a map to go straight to a wealthy house to work as a maid/chamber maid. This way i would have somewhere to live and have food to eat. It would also be the easiest job to find as a young girl.

Leah Barrett period 3

Emily M said...

If I were to leave my home and family during the Great Depression, I think life would be a lot more complicated than it already had been at home. I would need a lot of inspiration to get me through each day, since it would be so hard. So the first item I'd bring in my bag is a picture of my family. Seeing my family would make me want to pursue whatever I was going after because I can one day make them very proud. The second item I'd carry with me would be a change of clothes. Of course, I couldn't bring my entire wardrobe, but if I had two outfits, I can rotate them. While one is dirty, I'll wear the other, and so fourth. This way, I'll always have something to wear. The third thing I would carry along with me would be a journal. I would probably be all alone on this trip and have nobody to talk to. So writing everything I'm thinking and going though in a journal would be so helpful and then maybe one day when I get back with my family or start one of my own, they can read what I had to go through.

Anonymous said...

If i were to leave my home in search of a new beginning or to just get away, i would most definitely bring money. It is the key to success, even the smallest amount of money can help. As Drew said, i would also bring a weapon, probably a knife big enough to scare away most people, but at the same time small enough to use it for daily needs. And lastly i would my most valuable items. I would use them to trade and sell, so that if i needed a specific item that i dont have, it would be possible to aquire it. I wouldn't worry about clothes in this case because i would expect to find some on the journey. And as far as the cold nights, i would try and find a place to stay every night so i wouldn't have to worry about the weather.

I would be sad about leaving my family behind. They represent the flame of my candle. They brought me up, raised me, and now they are letting me go. I would also miss the family dinners, now i would need to buy the second hand, or left overs from people who can afford it from the store.

Having someone with me would keep me sane, i could always have someone to talk to, tell them what i am feeling, etc. And most importantly having someone with me would better the way i did things. I don't know everything, i know a little about a lot, but being with that extra person would only benefit me because they also know things that i may not know.

Unknown said...

Looking at some of the responses, I feel as though bringing a weapon would be a good idea in order to project myself. The weapon would probably be some sort of knife, so it could be used for othe purposes like cutting food or any everyday tasks. I would never bring something like a gun, for example, because it only has really one use, and i wouldnt feel comfortable using or even carrying one for that matter. Also, i would bring a jacket to keep warm or dry depending on where i was traveling. Lastly I would cash whatever amount of money I have in the bank, count it, and put it into a safe, sturdy wallet and never lose it. SOmething i wouldnt bring would be pretentious or unnessacary, trend clothes. Quite simply, there is no need for the latest fashions, roughing it as a teen hobo.

Cristina N.
Period 7

Unknown said...

If I were a hobo teenager during the great depression, I would carry three items that are most essential to living on the move. The first item would be money, the quickest form of help. If i ever got in a tough situation, money would help get me back on track. The second item I would pack would be a heavy jacket. This would be useful on cold days and in bad weather, keeping me protected from bad conditions. The last item I would pack for my journey would be a pen. While looking for jobs, it is often important to ask as many people as possible. With a pen, I would be able to send letters to anyone looking for workers. I could also write to my family or friends and ask for advice.

Unknown said...

If I were to leave home and live life as a hoboe in the Great Depression, I would bring a photo of my family, a Bible, and as much food as I could carry. I would bring a photograph of my family to remind myself what I'm fighting for and use the photo as a source of inspiration. That if I am successful and find a good job that I can one day go back to them to remove them from a life of poverty. Also, I would bring a Bible because that would keep me going and secure my faith that something good will happen to me eventually. That when I am feeling down that I can turn to a verse in the Bible and that would help me push forward. And finally I would bring as much food as I could carry. Although there were bread and soup lines in the Great Depression, most of these lines were not able to meet the needs of the people. Being hungry and would effect my health and ability to work. Which might cause me to lose a job because I am not physically able to succeed. I believe these three things would have gotten me through the Great Depression.
Doug Brodbeck
Period 7

Audie said...

If I were forced to leave my home during the Great Depression I would bring my guitar. This is because it's the one thing that inspires and encourages me through tough times. Also it's something that makes other people happy rather then just myself. Another thing I would bring with me that alot of other people stated as well would be some sort of weapon. People became unpredicitable during the depression and crime rates escalated amoung the poor, a weapon would insure protection especially when traveling alone. A weapon would also be useful in hunting. The third item I would bring with me would be some sort of shetler. A tent might me to big to carry in a backpack but a tarp or a blanket that could provide some sort of shelter would be much needed. During the snow, rain, even intense heat, shelter would be very useful and protective.
Audra Sarna
Class 7

Unknown said...

In response to Mrs. Hurley's question, I would be most sad to leave behind all tangible relics of my old familial life. I just feel that these wouldn't be necessary for survival on my own, so they wouldn't be priorities to bring along with me on my travels. However, these relics do serve the priceless purpose to keep up hope. Having a family photo can be a big moral booster if one is all alone for a long time, so I would be sad that I couldn't keep a photo, heirloom, etc with me.

Unknown said...

If I were forced to leave my house during the depression, the three things I would bring would be blankets/jacket, water, and a photograph. I would bring a blanket because I am sure there would be nights were I would have to sleep on the street and the blanket would keep me warm. I would bring water because if we ran out of money, I would already have my water to keep me hydrated. I would bring a photograph because just in case I got separated from my family, I will always have something to remember me by.

Unknown said...

If I was forced to become a teenage hobo during the depression and only bring 3 things with me, I'd probably choose a warm blanket for shelter and warmth, a knife for defense and to use as a tool (I copied that from everyone else, but I really do think it's a good idea and pretty essential), and a big water bottle so that atleast while it's full of fresh water, I can avoid dehydration and disease, and when it runs out I can hopefully find a way to fill it up with decent water. I think that these things are the most important to bring because they're things you always need and that may be difficult to find.
Some things that would be the worst to have to leave behind would be, of corse, my family first of all. It would be especially difficult back in the depression because I probably wouldn't be able to get in touch of them easily. Next would be my house and bed etc. because it's a place where I'm comfortable and safe, which I would no longer get to have. I would also miss having my piano because there's no way I'd be able to find a piano to play out on the road, and it's always been a comfort and an outlet.

Alex F.
Class 7

Mark A said...

If I was a runaway during the Depression, I would want to make sure I was prepared for anything. To be prepared for anything you would probably need more than three items, but if I had to make do with three, they would be matches or something to start fire with, a knife (not only for self defense, but as a tool), and a water bottle. Living away from home would leave me outside for a majority of the time, and fire provides heat, light, and a cooking source. Also fire would raise my morale and keep me going towards my goal. A knife can be used in so many situations that it would be very necessary for my survival. If I'm in areas where I'm unable to get fresh water, I'll need to find a way to get some, so if I save it from times when it is available, I'll have a better chance of surviving and trying to better my life.

Mark A. - Class 3

Unknown said...

if i were a runaway during the great depression with the ability to carry only three items, those three items would be a knife, a large box of matches, and an oversize coat. each item would have a few purposes which is why i would choose them. as for the knife; its purposes would be for self defense, killing small animals for food, and as a tool for assisting in other various acts. as for the matches; they would be for starting fires so i wouldn't freeze to death wherever i may be since id likely always be outside and for cooking food or boiling water for sanitary reasons. and lastly, as for the oversize coat; the purpose of such an item would be for warmth and as a sleeping surface so that i wouldn't be lying on hard ground. all three items would likely get me far along whatever journey i would maybe take although who really knows? times then were hard and speaking of being a hobo is much different than actually living the life as one.

Brian Buchetto said...

Leaving my home to become a hobo during the great depression, three things immediately come to mind. The first being a canteen full of water, in hopes that i could keep filling it. The second would be a blanket so that i wouldn't freeze to death in the cold nights to come on railways and city streets alone and outside. The third item would have to be a remembrance of what i had left. A picture of my family might have been a good trinket of my past so that i would always remember their faces and why i had left. These three items would be of great importance to me in search of a better life.
Brian B.
Class 7

Unknown said...

If I left home during the great depression, there would be a few key items that I would bring with me. A pocket knife would be the first thing. Other than be useful for self defense, it could be used for starting fires, preparing food, and carving. Another item I would bring would be a tarp. While it wouldn;t be as warm as a blanket, it would make a better shelter and would dry more quickly than any blanket. The final item I would bring would be a water bottle. you need water to survive, and it could be refilled at any river or fountain. A metal water bottle could also be used for preparing food if you didn't have a bowl.

Ungrandours said...

If I left my home during the great depression and could only bring three things along, I would firstly be sure to bring along a clean and reliable container for water. It is very important to have water to keep away the risk of dehydration. I've been dehydrated before and it's no fun. In the worst cases, you can die from it. Next, I would choose to bring along my acoustic guitar. I think that I could use a guitar to cheer myself and company up during such guitars. I could also hang out in richer parts of town and play my guitar in hopes for a coin or two. If worse came to worse, and I was in desperate need of money, I could sell the guitar to help. I think this is a better idea than a valuable like a watch, because it isn't dead weight. It can be of use. I would Also bring along a warm knit cap. I've found that a hat is one of the more important pieces of clothing to keep me warm in the cold. Living on the streets, a good hat would be a great thing to have.
Patrick B. Class 3

Anonymous said...

Matt M
Period 7

Three things that i would bring in a backpack if i was forced to leave my home during the great depression would have to be important. I would bring a pillow which would keep me comfortable wherever i had to sleep. I would bring an umbrella or s poncho to stay dry if it rained. And i would bring all the food and money in my possesion to i could stay alive as long as i could.