Sunday, October 18, 2009

Qualities of a President

What makes a President great? List the 3 most important qualities one should possess as President and explain your reasoning. Please post by Sunday 10-25 for full credit.


Unknown said...

A successful president needs to be:
- Charismatic/Leadership
- Knowledgeable
- Courage

A president needs to come across not only to his/her people in the US but other nations, as a charming and intelligent person. If a president can't Lead then there is no point in electing him/her to office. A president needs to be knowledgeable to make correct decisions and speak using real words during press conferences. And one of the most important qualities a leader can have is Courage. Courage is important when everyone is in fear and nothing is going the right way. Courage is needed to stand by the right decision when another is easier to go through with.

Paige Olson Class 7

Unknown said...

To be a president is an enormous responsibly and a job with constant pressure. Abraham Lincoln is quoted for saying, “surely no one wants the mediocre or the foolish to rule.” Every president is and will always be criticized and analysis for every decision they make while in office. In order to be remembered as a great president, you need to do much more than just to have good social skills. As president, one must be able to have a stern ‘father figure’ character. They need to be able to be firm when necessary, but otherwise always willing to help. Another characteristic a president must have is the ability to put their country before themselves. They need to understand that they were elected not for the power and fame, but for the sole purpose to solve our challenges and then to lead our country in the direction of prosperity. They must go against their own feelings if the popular vote wishes so. A final quality the president must have is hope. The president must be able to show the people that there is hope and that no one is an outcast (we are all in this together). Without hope for a better future, people have nothing to look forward too.

Adam M.
Class 7

ricky grasso said...

3 qualities to a great president.

I think one great quality would have to be that he/she is always caring about the economy. The economy is a huge part of our daily life. If the president didnt care about the economy. This country would be in chaos.
Another great quality would be caring for senior citizens. Healthcare is important to them. They need it the most. They should always be able to have it.
And the last quality is that he should be caring of people. He should listen to them, know what they want and try and provide it for them. try and make them happy.

Unknown said...

A successful president needs to have courage, knowledge, and has to know a lot about the economy. I think courage is the most imporatant because he has to make the most important decisions. When doing that you have to have the courage so that you can make the right decision for our country. The second most important is knowledge. The president has to have general knowledge to be able to lead our country in the right direction. They have to know what is right, and what will help us progress. Knowing the economy is also extremely important because, our country is going through a tough time with the economy. They have to care about it because if they didn't, our country wouldn't be able to function.

Lindsay M.
Class: 3

Unknown said...

A succesful president must posess three qualities: open mindedness, intelligence, and a realistic thought process. Open mindedness in a president is essential for listening to other ideas that they might not necessarily agree with. Often times, people are so caught up in their own idea of what is "right", that they fail to consider the extremely valuable viewpoints of others. A president must keep an open mind in order to consider other ideas or plans that, for the most part, will only strengthen their policies. Intelligence is another extremely important quality. A president would not be able to make logical decisions about war, health care, taxes, and other essential topics if they were not knowledgable in the content area or did not think through a rational plan. Lastly, a president who is a realist is the best bet for a successful country. Pessimists will not advance a country any further, while optimists could potentially put a country in danger. With these qualities, a president can succesfully lead his country.

Anne M.
Class 3

Unknown said...

I believe important attributes that make a great president are hard working, open-minded and creative. I think the most important attribute of a president must be hard working because it is a lot of work to be president, and if the person isn’t up to the job then it affects everyone in the United States. The United States needs someone who is willing to take what he is doing seriously and not goof off. Another important attribute is open-mindedness. This is so important because when listening to ideas you have to consider everyone’s opinion. While one opinion might not match the president’s own opinion it might be in the best interest of the Americans. A president who is open-minded is able to listen to all sides and then make a decision rather than already having his mind made up. The final quality of a good president is creative. This is so important because a president must think of new ideas to solve different problems. The president must think of new solutions for problems constantly therefore thinking out side of the box would be beneficial.
Meghan L.
Period 3

Kevin R. said...

Oh, there are so many qualities a good president needs to have. I suppose the easiest is patient. Without patience, a president would give up within the first week of office. He needs to be patient with the passing of laws, the legislature, the judiciary, and most of all the people! If a president does not listen to the voices of the people, how can we have a government by the people and for the people? Patience with the people and the presidency itself is the first quality a president needs.
Now comes the paradoxical part: a president needs to be rigid and flexible at the same time. A president must be rigid when his country falls into chaos. He must step up with a firm hand and lead his nation when nobody else will. By his firm leadership, the nation will overcome its trouble. He must also be rigid once he makes his decisions. He shouldn't second guess himself, double-cross himself, or contradict himself. He needs to maintain a strong and powerful presence while president. However, a president needs to be flexible at the same time. He must be able to place the needs and concerns of others before his own. He must always be willing to fix his mistakes and do what is right for his (eventually her) country. He needs to be flexible with other people, other nations, and other systems of government. If he is too rigid, friendly relations will perish, but if he is too flexible, his own nation will govern him. A president needs to find the perfect balance between rigidity, flexibility, and patience.

Unknown said...

A successful president needs to have various behavioral qualities such as: Leadership, Intelligence/ Common Sense, and personal morality/ the sense of right and wrong in the eyes of the people.

A great president must present Leadership to the people. If he cannot present this quality then he would come across as an ineligible and cowardly president. The major aspects of being a president is to be a Leader for when situations turn for the worst, or for when changes want to be made for example; The Health Care system that President Obama is trying to change in America today.

In addition, the President must exhibit a broad amount of knowledge. To know a little about allot of things is better then to know allot about one thing. The President must broaden his mind with vast subjects of knowledge and must show common sense and have the good of the people in front of his mind rather then having what personally satisfies him the most, as a first priority. If the president is selfish and does what initially satisfies him and not the people, then he is not doing his job. His job is to support and protect the people, and not to make decisions off of personal gain.

Importantly, morality, is probably one of the most important qualities a president should posses. Morality is what keeps America together. Without a sense of right and wrong then America might as well be Germany during WWII. Germany was led by a terrible tyrant/dictator named Hitler, because of him, Germany ended up slaughtering 6 million Jewish people in Berlin because the Jewish people had a different perspective then Hitler concerning Religion and worship. To be a great president is to have morality otherwise that president would be known as a tyrant or dictator for the rest of his presidency and well beyond it. If a president were like Hitler, then morality and all self respect would be stomped on and mussed then, because of that, the lives of millions would be changed for the worst.
A president needs all of theses qualities in order to be great because with these achievement and success as a country will be in its hands.

Unknown said...

A president's word needs to be solid when making promises and dealing with with problems. Therefore, presidents needs to be honest and trustworthy. They should carefully consider statements and plans of action before they are released to the public to maintain their reputation as honest people.
A president needs to have more pride in his country than he has for himself. He needs to be willing to change and learn and admit mistakes. He also needs to work well with his cabinet and other branches of the government. Overall, the quality of selflessness will make the president a good leader.
The final quality a president should have is fast thinking. They need to be able to respond to quick changes or questions by thinking on their feet, logically and staying honest. They should stay composed and confident to represent America.

Sarah Zuvanich said...

Three important qualities a President must possess are a sense of leadership, knowledge about current events, and to listen to and consider what the people of America have to say.
A president needs to be a leader since he or she would be the leader of our country. A president who is shy and reserved may not be courageous enough to do what may need to be done in a time of crisis.
Knowledge of current events is important in a president because they need to be aware of their country's issues at the time of their presidency. For example, President Obama was aware of the economic situation that America was facing before he was elected and worked it into his campaign as to how he would fix it.
America is a democracy which means that it's run by the people. The president needs to be able to listen and hear what the people are saying and at least consider it. Without people's inputs being heard, the country would turn into something run by one person, for one person.

Unknown said...

I feel that in order to be a good president you need to have:
-great self-restraint: You can't be the president of a country without being able to separate your decisions from your personal feelings. If you base your decisions on what you personally feel instead of on what is best for our country, then you won't be making the right decisions and you won't be doing your job as president.
-enthusiasm: even though self-restraint is necessary, so is a level of enthusiasm. A president has to be excited, hopeful, and enthused about the decisions and changes he/she is making. The president will has influence over the tone of the entire country feel and how they feel about a situation or subject. A president has to learn to influence the country for the better.
-determination: a president won't do anything at al if they are not determined about what it is they want to do. No one can make a change or influence anyone else if they aren't resolved to do so. If a president isn't willing to put in the hard work and time on an issue he/she feels deeply about, then nothing would ever get done. A president has to be decisive and earnest and steadfast.

Lauren said...

I think the three most important qualities that a president should have are courageous, trustworthy, and leadership.

I think being courageous is important because it takes a lot of courage to take on the job of being president. I think a president needs to be fearless in order to put confidence in the people and instill trust in them. I also think being trustworthy is an important quality because the people are putting the country's future in the president's hands. The people want someone they can trust to take on the responsibility of running the country. Finally, i think that strong leadership is important because it takes a leader to run the country and make the right decisions for the good of the people. Being the president requires a person to take control of situations and lead others.

Lauren B
Class 3

Unknown said...

To be a sucessful president, he/she must have three qualitys: experienced,leadership,and bravery.
Those are just three of many that will make a president successful. To start with, a president does not have to be experienced, but a president who is expierenced will prove to be sucessful. What i mean by this is, An older person will have gone through many more life expierences then someone who would be a younger age. So many people werent sure if Obama was going to be a right candidate because of the fact that he is younger then the other candidates, he hasnt gone through experiences like others have gone through. A successful president must have great leadership qualitys, he needs to know how to guide people the right way. And finally, a successful leader must be brave. He has to be able to tell something like it is. War for example, it has had a lot of conflicts, whether to send more troops in or keep them away. A president must stand strong and tell people the way it is. This is why i picked a successful leader to have the quantitys of a leader, bravery,and expierenced.

Unknown said...

--Leadership ability

In order to run a successful country, a president needs to posess outstanding leadership qualities. He/she needs to be able to take the initiative in trying situations or else the country will lose all credibility with the people, and the country will fall apart. They also need to be selfless. If we were to have a selfish president, it would most likely turn from a democracy to a monarch type system, and the president would care too much about himself to bother helping those in need. And finally a president need to be able to stick for something he bielives in and stay determined. without the determination of our founding fathers, our country would not nearly be as advanced as it currently is.

Unknown said...

A great president must be understanding, courageous, and hard-working. A president has to be understanding and see both sides of an arguement or conflict in order to succesfully resolve it. He or she cannot be biased to one side until a good understanding of a topic or situation is developed. A president can't discriminate towards any race, religion, or sex. A president must pay attention to current events in the world in order to maintain peaceful relations with other nations. If a president is not courageous, they will not be able to accomplish/change much of the nation throughout his or her term(s) as president. A president must be a great speaker in order to persuade the people of the United States to do something that will benefit society. If a president is not courageous enough to use force and take action to get a message through to people, then the nation will remain the same. Finally, a great president must be hard-working and live up to his or her words mentioned during their election before going into office. A great president must strive to find a solution that will benefit society the most and typically increases the president's social status.

Andy H.
Class 7

Unknown said...

In order for a president to be successful during his term/terms in office, he must have several desirable traits. First, he must be able to handle criticism well and use it as a motive to work even harder as president. Due to the freedom of speech and the powerful voice of the media, basically any criticism about a president will be brought up at some point. This even includes the personal life of the president. For example, President Obama was relentlessly accused of being a "closet Muslim". A president must not be affected by these comments. If he is affected, then he might change his ways based on them or just completely lose it.
Additionally, a president must be objective. Loyalty to his party is important, but it must not take priority over solving the country's issues. A president can be successful by eliminating the bias involved in distinct parties. For example, Republicans and Democrats often disagree on how to handle the war in Iraq. Instead of trying to please his party, President Obama must find the most effective way to handle the situation.
Lastly, a successful president must obtain the trust of the people by showing great leadership. This is imperative because people tend to freak out when crisis strikes. A president must be able to control the chaos by promising to lead the country out of the crisis. If the chaos is replaced by the general support of the people, then it is much easier for the president to be successful. These three traits are vital to the success of a modern day president.
Drew R.
Class 3

Brian R said...

I believe that presidents must be trustworthy, intelligent and articulate. Trustworthiness is an essential quality for presidents because the people must be able to take his word as the truth. The president helps to unite his country behind certain causes and plays a huge role in holding the country together during times of trouble. If he (or, perhaps sometime in the future, she) lies to the people, then he loses the ability to unite his country's people because they cannot be sure that the premises they are acting upon are real and genuine, and not concocted in order to generate a particular response. Intelligence is key because because the president is the most prominent decision-maker in the country. He must be able to think his way through extremely complex problems, think quickly (both when dealing with the press and leaders of other nations), and make delicate compromises in order to please his people. A president must also be articulate so that he is able to let other people know what he is thinking and what (he feels, at least) is the best course of action. Someone who can solve all of the world's problems is useless as a president if he is not able to let other people in on his ideas. Also, it is the president's job to assuage the fears of the citizens of his country during times of trouble and inspire them, both during turmoil and times of opportunity. In order to do this, the president must be able to express his ideas clearly and manipulate his voice to capture a certain tone, for oftentimes what someone says is secondary to how they say it. (Thus, there are several reasons why being articulate is an important quality for presidents.)

Unknown said...

I think that the three most important qualities that a president should posses are good leadership, extensive knowledge, and patience. It is important that a president has good leadership qualities so that he has a firm control over the country and so that citizens can trust him and rely on him. It is important that a president has an extensive knowledge so that he can lead the United States in the right direction. If the president knows a lot about history, he will know what to do if similar situations reoccur. Also, it is important that the president is very patient because it isn't possible to make quick changes to the country. Things like this take time, and rushing through them will result in a not as successful result.

Ale F said...

*tenatious: one of the three qualities a president needs is to be tenatious. If the president isn't determined in helping and leading our country then how can we rely on him in being a successful president for the people.
*charismatic: the president needs to have a personality. He/she needs to be able to present him or herslef with enthusiasm and optimissm to keep nationalism and faith alive in the U.S.(this will keep our country strong). He/she needs to be able to get/keep the people's attention so that he/she can be more successful in leading the U.S.
*loyalty: the last quality a president should have is putting the country first no matter what and his or herself second. The president should always make decisions based on whatever is best for the country, not on what will benefit him/herself.
-Ale F
Period: 7

Unknown said...

I think that a president needs to be open-minded, experienced and trustworthy.
He/she needs to be open-minded to be able to make the right decisions that not only make the people happy, but also make sense and aren't one-sided towards any political party. The president has a lot of responsibility, and by being open-minded, he/she can make the best choices for the country as a whole.
The president must be experienced because this is not a job for someone just getting out into the working world. It is a powerful position that involves choices that will not only affect one or two people, but the entire country. With experience comes knowledge, so in turn, the president will be knowledgeable in many different aspects of life. He/she must be able to utilize this knowledge to make decisions and show the people that they have the right person for this big job.
The next quality that a president must have, has to do with trust because the people of America must be able to believe in their own President and know that he/she is telling them exactly what is happening in the country (and the rest of the world) without worrying about lies and deceit. These two things seem to be prominent in politics nowadays, but if the President tells the truth and gains trust from the people, maybe this will change.

Shannon Barra
Period 7

Unknown said...

A great president is charismatic, intelligent, and decisive.

The president needs to be charismatic becuase people need to be able to want to listen to him or her. Without charisma, nobody would want to listen to the president, so it would be difficult for him or her to get their voice out. It is also is necessary for the president to be intelligent because the president is leading the country, and it is foolish to follow somebody who isn't intelligent and knows what their doing. Finally, the president has to be decisive because he has to directly lead the country, and we as people cannot follow somebody who constantly flip-flops between decisions.

Ishan T. Period 3

Unknown said...

Three important qualities that every president needs are strength, pride in one's country, and honesty. The president is the symbol of the country, he/she needs to be strong in order to stay on top of every situation and make those important decisions. If the president is not strong then the people will not be strong either for they would see that the person that's supposed to be protecting them is just as scared of something as they are. And how can someone serve their country if they are not proud of it? This pride will give the president the inspiration they need to do everything in their power to make the country the best that it can be. And lastly a president needs to be honest because with honesty comes respect and when people respect their president they can give him the support he/she needs to do a great job in leading their country.

Justin Domhan, Per.7

Unknown said...

Being the president of any country is one of the most important and stress-filled jobs in the entire world. In order to do a good job of being president you need to possess a variety of qualities. One thing that a good president needs to be able to do is work well under pressure. A president is the leader of an entire country which could contain millions of people. A president is in charge of all of these people, making big decisions each day such as leading them into wars and other things. A president needs to be able to work well under these high pressure situations. Another thing that a president needs to be is smart. They need to possess the knowledge to make good decisions and steer their countries in the right direction. Another quality that a goo president should possess is honesty. A president needs to have their peoples trust in order for a president to do lead them. A president should also have good social skills. They should have this because they will be managing relations with other countries and good social skills will strongly help with this. These are all qualities which a good president should possessl.

Meaghan Carney said...

Three essential qualities that a president must posses are character, courage and persistence.

Character is very important for a man who is running a nation. As a country we depend on someone who is presentable that represents our country in a positive way. Character is important because it sets someone apart under specific circumstances. It is important to have character in order for a president to stay true to themselves when their character is tested by opposing people. If the president has good character they will be successful.

A president should have courage so they are not afraid to be questioned and take risks. They should have the courage to try new laws and make change to negative old ways in the country. A president should learn from the past and have the courage and confidence to never back down from his own ideas. By demonstrating courage, the people of the united states will have more faith in the president.

Persistence is a key quality in a president. The president’s determination towards making our country more successful is extremely vital. A president should welcome failures and learn from past mistakes. The president was chosen to lead our country for a reason, he showed persistence in the campaign and this should continue through out his term for presidency.

Ungrandours said...

Three qualities to a good president are that they are persistent, honest, and selfless. The most important of the three qualities that i listed is that the president is selfless. If a president only supports or believes in his own policies the country doesn't get what they want. A senator represents a state and is supposed to represent the states ideals. The president though, should represent all of the US and what we believe in. A president also needs to be persistent. If they are having a hard time getting something done, they need to keep trying. A good example of this is the way that President Obama is supporting his health care bill. Another very important quality for a president to have is honesty. They need to speak openly about everything they plan to do and not hide anything from the country.

Patrick B. Class 3

Emily M said...

To be a great president, one needs to be great at pretty much everything. But in my opinion, the most important qualities are honesty, being able to deal with stress, and caring for others. Honesy is key to trust. If the president weren't honest then how could the rest of the country trust them? The president should be able to keep some things personal but when asked something, they should be completely honest. We have the right to know what's going on in our country. Another quality a president should have is the ability to work under a lot of stress. Being the president it probably one of the most, if not the most stressfull job in the country. And if they can't handle it well, then the country would fall apart. Finally, the third quality I believe a president should have is to have feeling for others. Since the president runs the country, without caring about others would get us nowhere.
Emily M
Class 7

Unknown said...

I think the three main qualities that define a good president are honesty, knowledge, and experience. Honesty is one of the most important qualities of a leader because we all need to be able to trust and have confidence in the decisions our country makes. A good president will work as hard as he/she can to meet our goals and be honest when the goal is unreasonable. A president has to be knowledgeable in order to make the right decisions and listen to others. Experience is another great quality of a president. It is what gives him/her confidence in decision making. A president needs to have experience in leadership, not just in battle.

Unknown said...

In order to be an effective president, you should posses an education, experience, and leadership. These three qualities are very important because it will help quicken the process to create a better America. Education is essential because it provides the President with knowledge about the world and a look on how to do things properly. We can’t just have someone picked off the streets that have no awareness or understanding on how to do things. We need someone with patriotism and with an extent of experience in the political stance. A president should know how things work in the world of politics. It can even be someone that has served our country, or worked as a former politician. Last but not least, a president should obtain leadership. If the President of the US was not a leader, how could the country run smoothly? They need motivation to lead their country in the right direction. A president should be someone to look up to, so without their direct attention and reassurance, any country would suffer.

Emily Teri 7

Unknown said...

Leadership: The President of the United States must be a great leader because he needs to have the confidence to make the decision he thinks is right for our nation. The President cannot be persuaded to make a decision he does not think is right.
Honesty: The President needs to be honest when dealing with the American people. United States citizens want to be informed as much as possible about the problems facing the country. If they are not, that can become a big problem.
Education: The President needs a great education in order to lead the most powerful country in the world. He needs to understand foreign policy, health care, and military. If the President does not have knowledge of every aspect of our government, then the President cannot be an effective leader.
-Doug Brodbeck
Class 7

LP said...

In my opinion, a president needs many good qualities in order to successfully run a country. The first characteristic would be leadership. A president's job is completely about leading the nation and having citizens follow his ideas. If a president isn't a good leader, the citizens wouldn't elect him because they would be afraid that he wouldn't guide our country in the right direction. Secondly, a president needs to be intelligent. He needs to be able to make smart decisions that not only will help in short term situations but also in long term problems. Finally, a president should not be selfish. He must be open-minded and make decisions for the people as a whole, not just his own necessities. If a president cannot make the majority of the people happy, he is not doing as good as he could be.

Unknown said...

-Open minded
-Trust worthy

To be a good president I believe the three above qualities are mandatory. First off a president must be open minded because as they walk into this job, they have followers, but unlike most new jobs they have those who are not supporting them from the start. This brings us to the next quality, confident. If you know that you already have those not supporting you, you have to be confident in the choices that you make not only to persuade people, but also because if you believe it is a good choice, it probably is, and thats what the country needs. The final quality that I choose for the top three of many qualities that a president needs is that a president must be trust worthy. The reason this is so important is because you want people to trust that your going to do what is best for not only the country, but hopefully the average citizen also, this not only gains votes, but helps everything run smoother in a job where everything is very hectic.
Janis H. Period 3

Unknown said...

I feel that the qualities that a president should have are: the ability to work/operate under pressure, be able to make the best decisions possible during any kind of situation, and finally, to be able to put their country before themselves.
It is important to be able to work/operate under pressure because. as the president, they are often put under immense pressure, and to be able to work properly is one sign of a capable leader. Being able to make the best decisions (but not necessarily the "right" decision) is also important, as no one would want a president who would make a decision that could put their country at risk. All presidents have to be able to put their country before their own interests, otherwise they will not be able to make the best decisions, will put their country at risk, and lastly, will not be popular with the people.

Clark said...

A successful president is one who is well educated, reliable, and motivated. To be successful, a president must be intelligent and well educated to make appropriate decisions at the appropriate time. He/she must understand all of the elements in a situation, and make the best choice to benefit the people of the United States, and country as a whole. A president must be reliable and trusted so that people feel secure with him or her, and can rely on him/her to lead the country, knowing he/she will do their best. If a country isn't confident in it's leader, and the leader can't do what he/she's supposed to do, the country falls apart. Motivation is key in a president; a successful president needs to always be eager to lead and do what's best for the country no matter what, no matter how deterred he/she is. If a president isn't motivated and prepared to face daily decisions, failure could easily result.

Jenna said...

Three qualities of a good president are: pride, leadership, and faith. A president needs to be proud of his country and his decisions. If he is not, then it will be hard to from trust for him. This also ties into being a good leader. When disaster strikes it is part of the American way to look for educated answers. A president is, in most peoples eyes, the man that should be supplying us with those answers and leading us through hard times. Lastly, a president needs to have faith in the decisions he makes. He could alter our world effortlessly and faith in his own country will help us to not give up, but rather see through tough times, to a brighter future.

Jenna Ebert Class 7

Leah B said...

I think that a president should be intelligent, diplomatic, and open minded. A president is going to face a lot of big problems and they should know what they are doing. They also have a lot of power and should know how to use it. It is also important for a president to do well with other people. An important part of their job is gaining respect and trust from the public, other political figures, and world leaders. finally, because our country is a melting pot, a president needs to be open minded so they can prioritize and not dwell on small prejudice issues.

Unknown said...

The qualities that a great president must present are leadership, intelligence, and experience. The reason behind why leadership is essential is because if someone stepped into office without this quality, decision making would be frightening; both for the president and the country. Intelligence is also necessary because of very simple reasons; if a president was not smart or wise in any real political manner, the country would likely fall apart. Bad decisions would be made, finances would likely be a mess; all in all intelligence is a must. And lastly, experience. This is a great quality for a president to have if he wants to run the country to its fullest potential, and by experience i mean political experience as most past presidents have had. The reason also being is because with political experience, the president will already have an idea as to what the position requires and what paths are necessary to take in order to accomplish any necessary tasks.

Eric Sippin
Class 7

Audie said...

I belive leadership is important because the weight of our entire country depends on one person and they need to know how to handle that. I also belive loyalty is important because the president must know that the country comes before them on descion makeing and so forth. I also belive the president should have alot of knowledge because in this case intelligence is important because it enables one to make the right descions.
Class 7

Mark A said...

Three qualities a president should have are leadership, experience, and flexibility. The president needs to always be in control of the situation and never show weakness. If the leader shows weakness, than the people following them have no one to look up to. No matter what the situation is, the president must take charge and make decisions. But, those decisions need to be well thought through which is where their experience comes in. You can't make a smart decision without understanding what you are deciding about. The president needs to make sure he understands all of the views on a certain topic, and then make his own, before he makes a decision; because that decision effects the entire nation. He also needs to be flexible with his thinking. Not everyone is going to agree with what he does, but if the president goes into office having only one idea of what is right and what is wrong, it will most likely not be the best decision to each problem. He needs to take criticism well, and not let people become a negative influence.

Mark A.
Class - 3

Unknown said...

- Leadership
- Honesty
- Realistic mindset

As President of the United States, there are many important qualities one must have. These three are some of the most important. Leadership is obviously an important quality to have because it would be nearly impossible to lead a country without it.

Honesty is equally important because the American people like being told the truth. If their own President is lying to them, they will not be happy. Honesty shows self confidence and is a very imporant tool to successfully leading our country.

A President must also have a realistic mindset. This is important in him making the proper decisions for our country. Without these three qualities, a President just isn't doing his job correctly. I believe that our current President, Barack Obama, possesses these qualities and for that reason he will be a great President throughout his term.

Josh V. - Period 7