Sunday, September 27, 2009

Test your current event knowledge

Click on the link below to test your current event knowledge. Complete quiz and talk about your results. What were your strengths and weaknesses? Complete by Sunday 10-4-09 for full credit. Please put first name, last initial and class number with post.


Unknown said...

Kelsey P.
I recieved a 8 out of ten on the USA Today quiz. I knew most information because I keep myself fairly nformed about what is going on in the world. My strengths consist of knowing about the current events such as; the UN meeting in New York, New york, and when Gadalfi put a tent up next to a dear friend's house on Donald Trump's property. My weaknesses are that I did not pay attention to sports or emmy awards but merely, focused too much on the politics.

Kelsey P.
period 3

Meaghan Carney said...

After taking this quiz I realized that I do not have that much knowledge of the present day. I only got 4/10 right on this quiz which seems decent, but in a way it is pitiful. There was not one question on this quiz that I was 100& sure about either. To be honest, I guessed all of them. I don't want to make myself seem unaware about the world today because I understand the basics of what is occurring. I was aware of the man who conspired a bomb and the flood in the south that mainly affected Georgia. However, I only know this from briefly walking through a room that had the News channel on. A part of me has no desire to completely understand the current events in the country. I would rather utilize my time with other events that a teenager should be aware of like sports and music. Nonetheless, I understand it is important to be conscious of the events occurring. After taking the quiz I realized that my weakness is motivation. I am not motivated to be up-to-date or watch the news. However, I should make an attempt to understand more of what is occurring because as a country we learn from our mistakes. There is also that saying, history always repeats itself, whether good or bad; I need to be more conversant of current events.

Meaghan Carney, period 3

Unknown said...

I received a 4 out of 10 in the current events quiz. I was actually surprised that I did as well as I did, which was still awful. Some of the stories seemed familiar; I recognized the picture from the trial of the bomb plot man and was able to recall that he was a driver of some sort from watching a few minutes of the news after another show I was watching. I knew the question about social media in 35+ year olds not from any new source, such as a newspaper or watching the news, but from my own experiences. My parents, their friends, and my neighbors are rapidly picking up Facebook and texting. I knew of the man with the tent and that there was flooding going on, but I did not know specifics. I probably should pay more attention to current events, maybe by popping on an online news cite, flipping through a paper, or watching the first few minutes of the news. It seems I never quite get around to it, so most of the exposure to current events I have is what affects my life, what I hear between songs on the radio, and what my friends and family discuss.
Melissa C.
Period 3

Unknown said...

I received a 2 out of 10. admittedly the two i got write my dad mentioned before I took the quiz. I'm not uninformed I think I didn't know any of them because when it comes to the news I just don't want to read or listen to whats going on sometimes. I didn't watch the emmys and if I read anything about them I'm going to be honest, I was interested in the fashion politics.

Paige O.
Class 7

Unknown said...

After answering only five out of the ten questions correctly, I am aware that somewhat detached from the happenings of the world. Apart from glancing of the newspaper daily and occasionally watching the news, I do not take time out of my day to learn about what is happening around me. This is mainly due to the fact that most of the recent occurrences do not directly impact or interest me. Knowing who won an Emmy or who the oldest man in the world is does not benefit me in any way I would rather take my time looking into recent sports events or engage in the activities that most teens enjoy. Although I do not see a problem in incorrectly answering the entertainment related questions, I am disappointed that I was so unaware of the political events that I currently going on in America. These events may develop and grow in importance, yet I still might be unaware of what is going on. I am going to try to improve this by taking a little time every week to get a feel for what is going on in the world politically.

Drew R.
Period 3

Kevin R. said...

When I took the quiz, I scored a 4/10 on it…Embarrassing right? I have to admit that I don’t go out of my way to pick up a USA Today magazine or turn to FOX News at 10 to learn more about current events. I’m certainly not a tabloid reader because I could care less about everything they mention in those. I am not a reader of who won the Emmys, who the richest man in Russia is, or why he’s trying to buy basketball teams, and most of all I don’t read USA Today. I do know that Paul Kirk Jr. was the senator in MA to replace Ted Kennedy, that Georgia was heavily flooded, and that Najibullah Zazi was an airport shuttle driver, but I don’t keep up with small facts that don’t interest me. I know that I should keep up with current events, but only things that really interest me or affect the world. Knowing the age of the oldest man in the world is a fun little tidbit and knowing The Wizard of Oz is 70 years old is interesting, but I don’t feel like I need to research this on the internet. In this way, my strengths are the major facts that change the world, while my weaknesses are the tidbit information that is related only to USA Today.
Kevin R.
period 3

Unknown said...

Basically, the entire quiz was my weakness. I barely managed a 2 out of 10, and for the questions I did get right, I completely guessed. Normally I don't go out of my way to read newspapers or magazines and watch TV. My main connection to current events is through the computer. There, I may see some form of news on the Yahoo! home page. Thus, I usually know about really major events or some strange findings here and there. Other than that, every question on the quiz left me dumbfounded.

Anne M.
Period 3

Brian said...

I had received a 10/10. I got this because I am very informed about the news today. The only one that I needed to guess was the basketball player, I knew who he was just not team he was on. I was lucky I knew the person who won the Emmy because I just happened to see that part. Also I thought the first one was a giveaway because you always hear on the news that he pitched a tent on Donald Trumps land. Also there was a SNL skit about him and the tent. Also the floods was an easy one because they talk about that on the news a lot too.

Brian M.
Class: 7

Lauren said...

After taking the quiz, I received 4 out of 10 correct. I honestly thought that this quiz was a little pointless. I guessed for pretty much every one of them and got to the answer through process of elimination. It really made me realize that I don't watch the news as much as I should be. I think that the reason I don't watch the news is because I have no motivation to. I barely have time to fit everything I do into one day, let alone watch the news or read the newspaper or internet. Honestly, that doesn't interest me. I find the news to be depressing sometimes, and would rather occupy my time with things that make me happy. I also think that for the most part if I do watch the news, it goes in one ear and out the other. I only remember something if it strikes me as interesting or pertains to me.

Lauren B.
Period 3

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

After taking the quiz I realized that I know almost nothing about current events. On the quiz I recieved the sad score of 1 out of 10. One reason why I think that I did this bad is because I never read the paper or watch the news. The one question that I did get correct I only knew because I had recently been required to read an article regarding that question.
Even on this question though, I was still doubtful about what the right answer was. This quiz really showed me that I need to start paying attention to current events.

Matt H. Period 7

LP said...

I got a 4 out of 10 on the USA Today quiz. This quiz made me realize that I am unaware of many current event happening around the world. There were only a couple questions that I was even certain I knew the answer. I guessed on the majority of the questions. I knew the answers to questions that I had heard people talking about and the ones I saw on the news. For example, the flood in Georgia and 70th anniversary of the Wizard of Oz. My weaknesses were the questions about government topics such as senators and the economic questions. I believe these were my weaknesses because they are topics that don't interest me so I don't read about them as often.

Liz P. Period 3

Leah B said...

I got a 7/10 on the quiz. I try to keep myself updated because i like to know what is going on. It is important to read/ watch the news simply because it is often topic of conversation; especially with adults. I watch brian williams and the daily show almost every day so I was stronger with the more politically based questions because they usually get more attention from those programs. I wish i had watched the emmys but it is hard to catch everything. I really should pick up a newspaper more often to get a wider variety.

leah b per3

Unknown said...

I answered 7 out of 10 correctly. Personally I thought that was pretty good because I like to believe that I am decently up-to-date with current events. I do not read the USA Today so I got the question that refered to the USA Today article wrong. I am always up to date with sports and fairly current with entertainment. My parents constantly listen to the news on TV, so I knew many of the politics related questions except for the location of the G20 summit. Overall though, I thought I did pretty well.

Ishan T. Class 3

ricky grasso said...

When taking the USA Today Quiz I received 2/10 correct. This is embarrassing, but I did expect it. I do not watch the news regularly. Quite frankly, I’m never home and if I am I am doing homework or sleeping. The two I got correct were: the Gadalfi one because this particular news I have heard all over the place and the Wizard of OZ question because whenever I have watched TV. This week the commercials have all been about how its being digitally restored. After taking this quiz I will make an effort to watch the news so I can learn more about what is going on in the world today.

ricky grasso
period 7

Unknown said...

I recieved a 5 out of 10 on the USA Today quiz. I personally think that this was a really good score (despite how mediocre it actually is), considering I guessed on most of the questions. The ones I did get right I had sort of knew about, not from reading the news, but from overhearing various conversations from some of my friends and family. I do realize that I do not actively keep myself informed about the happenings in the world, but with some of the question topics, I, for the most part, do not have any interest in at all. (those being mainly about sports and celebrities).

Unknown said...

On the USA Today quiz, I recieved a 9/10. I believe this is largely due to the fact that I watch too much TV. However, I don't watch the news that often. The reason I knew most of this information is honestly from watching shows like "The Colbert Report" and "The Daily Show with John Stewart". These shows are both aired on Comedy Central and are newscasts with a comedic spin. The information is accurate, for the most part, but the host throws his own opinion into the program. While this may not be the best way to learn what is going on in the world, I guess it is enough to stay up to date. I'm a little shocked that I got such a good score, but I am not surprised that the question I got wrong was the one about the name of the person who took the newly available Senate seat, due to the fact that I am horrible with names.

Josh V.
Period 7

Sarah Zuvanich said...

I received an embarrassing score of 1 out of 10 on this quiz. As I read other comments, I think people had different questions which may effect the accuracy of the results. I know that I don't have time to sit down and watch the news everyday but I check my email almost everyday. There is a small news section which I always look at and I read the articles that interest me. Also, the news is on the TV in the morning while I get ready so I usually watch that, but it's mostly local news instead of international news. I know that I need to keep up with current events better, but most of the questions asked, pertained to depressing news like hurricanes which is never fun to hear about on the news. The depressing news could also contribute to my lack of knowledge of current events.

Sarah Z. per 3

Unknown said...

When I took the current event quiz, I scored 4 out of 10. I was surprised how in-depth the questions were. I listen to the news often and have a basic understanding about currents events because I listen to WCB880 AM every morning on the radio on my way to school. I feel the questions wanted details that were very “knit picky” and the questions asked for ages and numbers that the normal person would not know. My strength on the quiz was having a basic understanding of the topics. I had trouble with questions dealing with ages, years, and names. For example, I had trouble with the question asking who the senator from MA was that would replace Ted Kennedy. I knew Ted Kennedy died, but I did not know the detail of who was replacing him. I guess while I am listening to the news I should try to pick up on some more specific details.

Adam M.
Class 7

Anonymous said...

On the USA today quiz, i got a 2 out of 10. This is because I have never really watched the news, and i never read the newspaper. I found myself guessing on every question and I wasn't even sure about the ones I got right. I just got lucky on a couple. Even though i am not very interested in hearing about the world's current events, this quiz showed me that i should turn on the news sometime or pick up a newspaper.

Andrew M
Period 7

Unknown said...

Laura C.
Period 3

I took the quiz and got only 6 out of the 10 right. Honestly, I was not sure about many of the questions, and I didn't hear of many of the current issues. I wish I could be more in tune with what is going on in the world, and I think that it was one of my new goals: to learn and be a part of what is currently happening globally. I'm really thankful that my parents are so concerned with hearing recent news because they always seem to know what has happened just moments after it was publicly announced, and then they update me. I am also glad that in my Economics class this year, we are always having discussions on new events, which is how I knew about the choices for the 2016 Olympics. I also like hearing about neat little tidbits, so I hope I can find different ways to inform myself of such current events. I feel that will be a great strength: being informed!

Unknown said...

Justin D.
I received a 5 out of 10 on the quiz. This actually came to me as somewhat of a surprise for I felt I would have known more about situations occuring around the world because I tend to watch the news roughly everyday to every other day. However, I do not blame my lack of knowledge on current events as much as I blame the media for not portraying the news correctly. Many stations will spend more time talking about celebrity gossip and such than they will talk about the news. When Michael Jackson died, FOX news and others must have spent a good 5-6 days talking about nothing but Michael Jackson. Sure, it's a tragedy and he will be missed, but there are still other situations occuring that need to be addressed and they can come back to MJ once they have some actual information on him instead of spending 3 hours shooting video of his house and people in L.A. just waiting for some test results.

Justin D.

Audie said...

I recieved a 7 out of ten on the USA quiz. I haven't watched the news as much as i would like to. I new about the naural disasters for example the Tsunami in Indonesia and the earthquake in the Phillipeans. Politics aren't my stongest points as well as sports. When taking this quiz i realized there is so much that has been going on in this world today and I only know about the big things. In some cases the little things are just as important. Some news is ok if you don't know it, for example where the Olimpics will be held or which sport player is out for the season. It's not really a tragedy thats why it doesn't seem too important. Therefore is not my main focus or intrest.
Class 7

Emily M said...

Before taking the quiz, I knew that I wasn't going to do so well because I don't have the time to watch the news or follow up on everything that's going on in the world today. It's sad to say but I got a 2/10 on the USA Today quiz. Everyday when my mom gets home, she turns on the news and watches it. I'm always too busy doing homework, etc. I always hear the news in the background, so I had heard about most of the questions being asked but I didn't know the specifics. For example, I knew about the earthquakes and tsunamis that have occurred in the past week and thought that those would be easy points. When I saw that I had gotten them wrong, I was suprised. The two questions that I had never even heard about and guessed on were the two I got right.

Unknown said...

After taking this quiz, I came to the realization that I don't keep up with current events as much as I probably should. I think that some of the events weren't as important, but then I realized that I should still know more than I did. I received a 6/10 on the quiz, even though my dad told me about two of them earlier today, and I took educated guess on the one about the tropical storm in the Philippines and the one about the police talking about cell phone distractions because I know that this is a big issue in the U.S. right now. I also recognized the people in the picture as Filipinos because my dad goes there all the time and he has some friends that are Filipino that I know of. But my weakness was that I was not completely sure about the answer on most of the questions, but I could guess pretty well from what I knew about society or other events that have happened.

Shannon B.
period 7

Jenna said...

I received a 2/10. I know that lack of time is no excuse for being so uninformed, but for me that is what it comes down to. Right now I am focusing on college applications that have approaching deadlines, and I have not turned the T.V. in the last month or so which, in this aspect, proves to be a weakness for me. We talk about some of these issues and current events in Econ, which I thought was helping me stay updated. On a few others questions I went against my gut feeling, which the results told me I should not have. I have now realized that it is solely in my hands, which is a strength. I have control now, and this quiz showed me that.

Jenna E.
Period 7

Unknown said...

I got a 6 out of 10 on the USA Today quiz. I knew most of the answers because I read about the new current events from my Dad's TIME magazine. My strengths were knowing about the natural disasters such as the American Samoa earthquake, Indonesia earthquake, and the 2016 summer olympics in Rio de Janeiro. I also knew that texting is the biggest problem in public transportation and that the right to bear arms is in the 2nd amendment. My weaknesses are about other not-so-important topics such as space exploration, politics, and sports news.

Andy H.,
Period 7

Unknown said...

HAHA! well, after taking this test i was not only surprised but very dissapointed in myself. I had gotten three out of the ten correct. And the three that i had gotten correct, i was not positive about when answering. This proves that society spends way to much time focused on there own life then what is happeneing in the world, What happens in the world greatly effects the people, but if the current event is not directly connected to the person, alot of the time, the news just goes right over peoples heads. This is extremely sad. Many of the questions asked about Tsunamis, earthquakes,etc. all events that are deadly and i knew nothing about. So many more innocent people are dying everyday, and i knew nothing about it. After taking this survey, i hope to catch up on current events daily, the number of events that are critical in life that i had no idea even existed is incredible.

Chelsea D
Period 7

Unknown said...

After taking this quiz, I realized that I don’t know much about what is going on in world today. I got 5 out of 10 on the quiz. Some of my strengths on this quiz were the questions about events going on around us, such as the texting while driving issue. Some of my weaknesses were often the question dealing other countries such as the tsunamis and deaths that had occurred there. I also didn’t know anything about the sports issues going on at the time. I think that my problem is that I don’t really enjoy reading the news paper, but I realized how important it is to read it. I realized while taking this quiz that I know about the more interesting news stories, such as where the 2016 Olympics are going to be, But it is so important to know about the smaller but still important issues. I’ve learned that it’s so important to read the newspaper so that you know what is going on in the world.
Meghan L.
Period 3

Unknown said...

Janis H. Period 3

After taking the USA Today weekly news quiz and scoring 5/10 I would have to say I was not shocked. I have never really been someone that keeps up with current events unless they touch my life in someway or stand out substantially and this is definitely something I need to work on. The questions that I did answer correctly were the ones that were more social for example the question about the Emmy’s or social media because these are events that actually interest me versus government events or emerging economy gatherings. I do intend on making a better effort when it comes to current events because I really do think that it is something that is important, if it weren’t millions of newspapers wouldn’t be sold every day.

Unknown said...

For the USA today quiz I received a 6 out of 10, which I found to be surprising that I did so well on because to be honest I guessed most of the answers. Some of the questions on the current event quiz, I wasn’t even aware were going on because they do not include my interests or affect me personally. I do not keep up with current events but stay informed by listening to my parents talk about them. My weaknesses were where the tsunamis and earthquakes took place or how many people the disasters have killed. I found it surprising that my strengths fell in the places about war, the Olympics, and sports. I think that maybe this is because these issues involve the US. I find that I should pay closer attention to what is going on around the world instead of just being informed of what is happening in the United States. I’m not ashamed that I didn’t receive a 10 out of 10 but I do think I should listen to the news once in a while instead of turning on MTV, or pick up the Sunday paper instead of going on the computer.

Emily T
Period 7

Unknown said...

For the USA today quiz I received a 6 out of 10, which I found to be surprising that I did so well on because to be honest I guessed most of the answers. Some of the questions on the current event quiz, I wasn’t even aware were going on because they do not include my interests or affect me personally. I do not keep up with current events but stay informed by listening to my parents talk about them. My weaknesses were where the tsunamis and earthquakes took place or how many people the disasters have killed. I found it surprising that my strengths fell in the places about war, the Olympics, and sports. I think that maybe this is because these issues involve the US. I find that I should pay closer attention to what is going on around the world instead of just being informed of what is happening in the United States. I’m not ashamed that I didn’t receive a 10 out of 10 but I do think I should listen to the news once in a while instead of turning on MTV, or pick up the Sunday paper instead of going on the computer.

Emily T
Period 7

Unknown said...

After completing the quiz, I received only 5/10 correct answers. The answers I got correct I strangely heard on the News brief by Seth Meyers on Saturday Nigh Live. For example, on the show they made fun of Roman Polanski receiving an award in Switzerland after his questionable acts. Other questions I got right I didn't really know the answer to because I listened or read the news, I just used my previous knowledge of countries and the pictures provided to arrive at the correct answer. For instance, on Saturday Night Live they said Chicago would not be the home of the 2016 Olympics so I automatically ruled Chicago out of my possible answer. Then I looked at the picture provided and saw lots of people dressed in yellow and green, and knowing those are the national colors of Brazil, and that Rio is in Brazil, I choose B, Rio de Janiero.
Cristina N.
Period 3

Unknown said...

I recieved a 3/10 on the USA Today quiz. Honestly, the only reason I got those 3 right were because I guessed correctly. I wasn't sure about any of it. To me, it shows that I really need to take time to make myself aware of what's going on in the world. My weekness is that I have no desire to watch the news and be aware, and would much rather watch more entertaining shows which teach me close to nothing. My only strength is that I'm decent at guessing.
Though I'm not that interested in learning about most of the events I was clearly unaware of, I realize that some of them, like the political changes in my own country, wil become more and more important to me, and it's a little scary that I'm so detatched. Right now, the news has little to no impact on my life, but as I get older it will, and i need to get in the habit of being informed, because this was a little embarassing.

Alex F.
period 7

Mark A said...

I received a 3/10 on the USA Today quiz. Considering 2/3 I got right were purely guesses, I realized I do not know what's going on in the world. I would have expected to at least answer the ones concerning the United States correct. I feel like even after reading through all the questions again, none of them really effect my life yet. Which is why I haven't really attempted to stay up to date with the news. At the moment I don't see it necessary to know these types of things, but I can see how in a couple of years, especially when I can vote, politics and world events will become a much larger issue. As for my strengths and weaknesses, I can't really say anything was a strength. The questions seemed to focus on recent tragic events that I might have known about if I had watched the news for a couple minutes. But, how would knowing about a storm in southeast Asia help me?

Ale said...

My score out of this quiz was a 3/10 which I am honestly not that shocked at (sadly to say). I do not read the newspaper nor watch the news at all or any t.v. at this time of the year b/c of sports and such. Though that shouldn't be an excuse I will try watching the news or reading the paper online more or talking to my parents about the news so I could be kept informed of what's going on in the world.

Ale F.
Class 7

Unknown said...

I recieved a score of 7 out of 10 on the test. I believe that I recieved this score because I'll pay attention to major events on such as the tsunamis and earthquakes. But not less important events such as how many self funded individuals have flown in space. My strengths were the two sports based questions because I am a big sports fan. And my weaknesses were confusing the countries that were hit by an earthquake or tropical storm.
-Doug Brodbeck
Period 7

Ungrandours said...

I took the current events quiz today ad got 6 of the questions correct out of 10. The results showed that I was more informed on subjects that covered big occurrences rather than politics or entertainment. Three questions I got right were about natural disasters around the world. I actually guessed on one of the three. I got a question about roman Polanski right because i had seen that on tv a few days ago. Another question I got right was about texting and driving. The final question i got right asked which amendment covers gun rights. I got the questions asking about the Olympics, Afghanistan, football, and some guy who paid to go to space.

Patrick B, period 3

Unknown said...

I got 4/10 on the current event quiz. I was hoping I would get that score, or higher (obviously). I really don't keep up with current events unless they are big and talked about a lot, so I knew it would be a long shot for me to get a high score on the quiz. The quiz itself, I felt, was a good mix of questions that any person who keeps themselves informed would know. However, I was surprised at some of the questions (like the one about a football player's injury) because they seemed to not be as important as the others. I guess it just proves that if you pay attention to the news, you'll hear about tons of things, both earthquakes and the injuries of football players combined. I think it is a really good idea, at least for me, to start paying more attention to what's going on in the world today. Not only will I be more knowledgeable of the world around me, but I'll learn to form opinions on matters that will later help me make bigger decisions (like who I will vote for as president, etc).

Anonymous said...

Matt M
Period 7

After taking the quiz, i recieved a 4/10. I am not very happy with this score because my dad is always telling me to read the paper. I think that the reason i got some of the questions right was because I had either heard ot from a friend or family member or saw it on the news. I didn't read about it myself which i think is a problem. My weaknesses in this quiz was that i was not very familiar with a lot of things that i could have only learned about if i out in a little effort to read the paper. I am dissapointed in this score and because of this, i am going to read the paper and keep updated about current events more.

Unknown said...

I answered 7 out of 10 correctly. I thought I would do much worse because I usually don't pay attention on the news. My parents always have it on, and I sometimes listen to it while doing my homework or other various things. It never usually has my full attention. My strengths actually lie on knowing the stuff that happens outside of our country such as the earthquake. My weakness is that I don't pay much attention to what goes on in our government, because I usually don't show much interest.

Lindsay M.
Period 3

Unknown said...

I recieved a 5/10 on the USA Today quiz which suprised me. I don't really pay attention to news or current events that much, but I had heard about some of the question topics earlier. My strength is more focusing on the current sports and entertainment worlds, rather than the news and politics.

Hank H. Period 7

Unknown said...

Dan Snyder
I received a 7 out of ten on the current events quiz. this doesn't really surprise me because while I do like to keep up to date on what's going on, I don't spend more than five minutes a day listening to the news, and i couldn't care less about sports teams or celebrities. Most of the events i heard about on radio stations like NPR, while others i chanced upon in the newspaper or in public. I suppose it would be a good idea to be more informed, but then again i knew about the important things like the earthquakes and Tsunamis in southeast Asia, which matter much more than knowing which football player had his throat collapsed when he was lifting weights.

Unknown said...

My final score on the USA Today quiz was a 4 out of 10. This quiz helped me realize how easy it is to miss or forget what happens in the rest of the world, especially during the stressful times the school year brings. I feel it is important to focus on political news or events in order to make the right decisions in life. Therefore, I am disappointed in myself for not knowing the answers to the political news questions and I hope to start paying more attention to the news.

Anonymous said...

I scored a 7 out of 10. I heard about everyone of the topics that had come up within this last week, but I forgot a 3 of them. I felt that my strengths had to do with the major storms since I am interested with the weather. I thought my weaknesses had to do with the sport and war topics. Overall I felt that i am staying up to date with the news. When i can at night i try and watch the news stations rather than unnecessary reality shows. And almost all the time on Sundays i watch 60 minutes. And i think that it is a good thing to stay up to date with everything going on in this world.

Aaron N.
Period 7

Brian Buchetto said...

I received a score of 2 on the quiz. This is most likely due to the fact that over the past week or so i have not paid attention to current events whatsoever. The only two i got right were the two i heard on a web show on youtube which i watch to try my best to keep up to date on current events or unnecessary-to-know current events. My weaknesses are that i haven't really kept a close watch on current events lately and need to pay more attention for it is what's happening in our world today.

Brian B
Period 7

Clark said...

On the USA Today quiz I received a low score of 3 out of 10. I realize how much I don’t pay attention to the news and what’s going on in the world. I stopped watching the news a while ago due to the constant mentioning of the war, economy, pointless stories and occasional gossip, things which I have no interest in and as a result don’t look into. I’d rather spend my time doing and paying attention to things that directly affect me. As a result, the whole quiz was my weakness, and nothing really my strength. The questions given to me were all about natural disasters or pointless gossip. The only one of relative importance was asking where the Olympic Games were going to be held. However, I do think that I need to take a little more interest in news than I currently am.

Clark G.
Period 7

Unknown said...

After taking the quiz, i answered only three out of the ten correctly. as for my strengths and weaknessess, well, i really didn't have any strengths at all. my weaknesses in my knowledge of current events, however, were really evident and actually shocked myself a bit considering that for the only three i answered correctly, i just so happened to guess luckily on. truth be told, i have had no acknowledgment of any tsunami's taking place in the world or of the number of deaths that tropical storms have been bringing recently. for the reasons why i have no knowledge of current events; i never read the paper or watch the news for i always seem to be occupied by something else of importance, but maybe now that will change.

Eric S.
Period 7