Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Concerns facing the United States?

What is your biggest concern currently facing the United States and why? (One paragraph) Please post by Sunday, September 13th for full credit. Must put first name and last initial with post.


Kevin R. said...

My biggest concern that the United States is facing now is the budget crunch and the economy. Because of the millions of jobs lost across America, income taxes sharply declined, and the government was left without any money for state budgets. Also, people pay taxes on their capital gains on their investments, and this is a main source of money for the government. When the stock market crashed, people lost their investments, causing the government to lose their money. Now, each state has a limited budget, and they must decide to cut certain activities, organizations, and events throughout local communities that do not receive enough funding. This is why the budget crisis is my biggest concern that the United States is currently facing.

Kevin R. period 3

Unknown said...

In my opinion, the biggest concern of the United States is the economy crisis. Although the economy has somewhat stabilized recently (due to the CARS and other such programs), there is still a need for concern. This is mainly because the average American is not willing to make the sacrifices necessary to improve the economy. Foreign goods will continue to be cheaper, and most Americans would rather by a cheap foreign product over a more expensive American product. Also, the increasing prices of goods coupled with the lack of available jobs affects he majority of the country. People tend to ignore these obvious signs and continuing spending. Convincing all people to cut back in order to stay financially stable is nearly impossible to do (since most people don’t react until it’s too late). Due to this, the economy is a huge concern for the United States.

Drew R.
Class 3

Unknown said...

My biggest concern facing the United States, currently, is how we will be able to pull ourselves out of recession and return to a healthy economic status. People seem apprehensive about the new tax system, health care, issues involving Iraq, etc. Some people are unwilling to accept any new ideas and are selfish about their taxes. This is a time for our country to be united and accept new ideas, but right now, America is not fully on that path.

Jenna said...

One of my major concerns facing the USA today would have to be terrorism. There are precautions that can be followed to prevent an attack but there is nothing to say for certain weather or not that will be enough to stop the terror. It is a concern because it is not in our control, the US can not watch each individual coming in and out of the country, which leads us Americans to be totally reliant on the government security.

Jenna E

Unknown said...

Currently, my biggest concern facing the United States is the state of the economy. Since college is coming soon, money is very important. However, with lots of people getting fired from their jobs, money is harder to get. I don't know how this economic problem will be solved. I hope that for the sake of the country, something will be done soon.

Josh V. - Period 7

Unknown said...

The biggest concern facing the United States as of now in my opinion would be the unemployment rate. The saying "History repeats itself" proves to be right. Around 1929 The Great Depression had taken place, hundreds were left without a job. According to NBC connecticut, Today in 2009, the current unemployment rate is 9.7%. Millions of people are left jobless. Because of this, people are in a furry, and even many more are being put in a depression state of mind. people are left without houses, living on the street becoming deathly ill. They have little money to afford medication, meaning people are dying. Without jobs there is little money, without money parents are having trouble doing what they need to do to keep there children safe, nutrition and medication wise. As the days go on more and more people are being laid off, causing the numbers to increase. The Unemployment rate is definitely a massive concern facing the United States.

dugan,class 7

Unknown said...

I think the biggest concern facing the US is, who is going to take up pushing for health care reform now that Ted Kennedy has died? A wealthy man who understood the importance of health care for the average man is hard to find. Many politicians are too privileged to see as the average man or woman would see. I believe if the wrong politician picks up where Ted Kennedy started health care reform will end up heading in the wrong direction and actually hurt the citizens of the united states.

Paige Olson
per 7

Unknown said...

I think that my biggest concern in the U.S as of now would have to be health care. Right now the government wants to give health care to the 47 million people who are living without health care. This would cost the government about 1 trillion dollars to be able to do. Some people don’t think that we should give everyone health because the large price it would cost the government. Also a large amount of people will have to change their health care policies just so that others can get insurance. I think this is important because it is imperative that all people have health care but the large price tag will affect our generation later.
Meghan L

Unknown said...

Dan Snyder:
I feel that the largest problem facing the United States is not any tangible event or situation, but rather the attitude of the country. You can see it just by the way other countries see us: arrogant, lazy, and worst of all, overly complacent. Americans never used to stop when working for goals, as was demonstrated by times such as the sacrifices made by every American during WWII. In comparison, think about the war in the Middle East. I'm sure its the first time any of us have thought about it all day.
In order to be successful and overcome problems facing us as a country, both internally and externally, we have to respect our ourselves and want to make the country prosper rather than complaining and arguing about some current issue, which in itself could probably be much easily resolved if we were unified, proud, and forward-thinking, as we have been in the past.

Meaghan Carney said...

My biggest concern for the United States varies from other indivdual's opinions. My main concern is that our country is not accepting of change. Already there have been threats towards our president, Barack Obama. Although, these threats have not been made because of his actions but because of his race. Our president overall represents the idea of change. I hope that our country can come together to peacefully accept any new changes to our day to day life. The main problem is that our country has several different generations at the time. Each generation is accustomed to their ideas and beliefs. Therefore, many individuals are stbborn and blinded to their own bias. Change is an idea that is scary because people fear the unknown. If our country accepts change, we can all grow and improve the United States successfully.

Brian R said...

In my opinion, the biggest concern facing the United States is the federal deficit. This huge debt is a result of paying more money than the government actually has; this money has been funding programs such as Medicare/Medicaid, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, and the wars being fought in both Iraq and Afghanistan (although we are now starting to withdraw our troops from Iraq). The huge deficit, which now stands in excess of $10 trillion dollars, hinders our ability to fund future initiatives (such as universal health care), thus limiting how effectively our government can positively impact the lives of Americans. The deficit also makes us indebted to other powerful countries such as China, which is the single largest owner of US debt. State governments are having to make drastic cuts to their budgets because they are running too big of debts; for example, some states were even thinking of shutting down their governments for several days in order to save money. What worries me is that it seems as if we either will have to make similar cuts to our federal budget, or we will anger other countries when they want their debt repaid and we do not have the money.
Brian R.
Class 3

Unknown said...

Honestly, I do not have a major, pressing concern about the United States. Our current economic condition is less than ideal, and it affects the daily lives of many people. We could be so much worse off, though. We have pulled out of poor economic conditions in the past, and I see no reason why we can't do it again. Hopefully, we as Americans will use this tough time to learn to appreciate our life. I worry sometimes about the strong political divides in the United States. When people hold themselves and their opinions so strongly, sometimes the good of the country can suffer. Also, the US needs to somehow improve it's global image. We are a very prideful and powerful country, and sometimes this can be a bad combination, leading the citizens to fear terrorism, etc.

Melissa C.
Period 3

Unknown said...

My biggest concern currently facing the United States is the recession, and the unemployment that goes along with it. Even though we are supposedly coming out/at the end of the recession, the rate of unemployment isn't decreasing enough. While to some, "unemployment rate" means simply people who can't find jobs, to those specific people, the term defines their life. It is a huge deal, even though here in Newtown there aren't many instances where the impact of unemployment can be seen. In a few years, though, if things don't get better and more jobs aren't produced, Newtown will feel the effects. In the last year alone, the rate has increased by 3.3%, 5% from 2006.

LP said...

My biggest concern facing the United States is the big increase in the unemployment rate. This concerns me because people being unemployed effects many areas of our economy. For example, if people do not have a job they can't afford to live in their home so housing values decline, and many houses go to foreclosure. People's lives are falling apart, family's are being broken, and people's mental stability is tenuous. Unemployment also effects consumer spending and when people are spending less it has a negative effect on the strength of our economy. When unemployment is high it effects production and the growth of our economy as a whole.

Liz P. Period 3

Unknown said...

My biggest concern of the United States is the increase in bankruptcy. About ten percent of United States citizens have lost their jobs, which is why many Americans don't make any money to support their families. Thus, they eventually declare bankruptcy and their belongings go directly to the government in order to pay off their mortgages. Unless the government finds some way to resolve this major issue, many Americans will become jobless and homeless.

Andy H.-Period 7

Unknown said...

The biggest problem facing the United States is our health care system. An estimated 47 million U.S. citizens are without health insurance, 8.7 million of whom are children. Because of our economy, corporations are now making the cost of health care much greater for their employees. Americans who previously could afford health insurance are now having trouble paying the higher premiums, co-payments, and deductibles. Most people cannot afford these high payments. Prescription medication is also a much higher cost and many people cannot afford the medicine that they desperatly need.

Emily M said...

My biggest concern facing the United States right now is the economy. It started about a year ago just hasn't been good. The employment rate has been going down leaving families, especially with chldren, in a rut. Without a job there is no money, and without money, it is very hard to get the necessities that people need. Hopefully, since we have chosen Obama as our president, that change is coming soon. Unemployment rate is a big concern and needs to be fixed.

Brian said...

My biggest concern for the United States today would be the overspending in our government. We have over 11.8 trillion dollars worth in debt but our government continues to spend. I feel at this rate we will never be able to pay it off. Our government wants to spend money every which way but they need to realize that we cannot do it all. Yes public healthcare is a nice idea but is it really the time? We have people losing jobs and with the stimulus package barley spent we need to learn to conserve our money. I feel that if our government does not stop the spending, this would be the demise of America as we know it.

Brian Mendonca
Per. 7

Unknown said...

My biggest concern that the United States is facing now is the economy (particularly the effect of unemployment). Many have been quoted saying that the youth are the future. As of right now, individuals graduating from college are having a more than difficult time finding jobs. This difficulty is crushing their confidence and they are wasting their recent education. These individuals are excited to start a new, independent life but are being forced to start with debt and loans. If they can’t find a job, then they don’t have money to pay their loans, creating a bad cycle which needs a solution.

Adam M.
Period 7

Unknown said...

My biggest concern facing the United States now is terrorism and the fact that we will have no idea when, or if we will be attacked again. Even though it doesn't really change our daily lives, we are still at war, and anything could happen at anytime. We have no way of knowing if other countries are plotting against us or are mad at us for certain reasons. The safety of our country is dependent on our government, and even if we are attacked, no one will be able to protect themselves,and we will have to rely on our government and armed forces.

Andrew M - Period 7

Unknown said...

My biggest concern facing America today is the downfall in the economy along with the loss of jobs and job opportunities across the country. Without jobs, people are earning less money to afford neccessities such as food, water, etc. This also means that the government will be earning less from taxes due to low income and won't be able to put those taxes to their proper uses such as building and repairing schools, libraries, roads and many other things that the states need for their people. Many people feel its ok to blame Obama for this issue but how can we blame someone who's been president only 9 months? Sure he's created a roughly $750Billion stimulus package... but think back to before Obama was put into office. Bush took $800Billion to bailout a bunch of financial institutions..and no one knows where this money went. America should worry less about who to blame this all on, and instead worry more about how we're going to fix it all.

-Justin Domhan Per. 7

Lauren said...

My biggest concern facing the United Sates today is the state of our economy. It is unsettling to think of all the jobs lost and money not being made. We are constantly reminded of this problem inside and outside of school. With budgets being cut and parents worrying how they will pay for college, this has become a major issue for all of us. I wonder how this will affect my future and generations to come.
I think that it is important for people to understand this problem in order to fix it. It seems that in some cases people are ignoring this problem because they are scared of having to change their lifestyles. This country revolves around money, and is one big competition. I think in order for this problem to ever be solved we would need to work together as a country and make a change.

Lauren B. period 3

Sarah P said...

My biggest concern the US is facing is the financial crisis. The unemployment rate continues to increase and many are being forced out of their homes becuase they can no longer pay for them. Some things bring the nation together but the financial crisis is tearing it apart. People are in a frenzt to protect the things they have and not caring so much about helping those less fortunate than themselves. As the unemployment rate continues to creep up more and people fear for theirs. In order to pull out of this ression the contry is going to have to start comming together. For some reason we are losing the unity that we had only a few years ago. That is why the ression seems so bad even though compared to past financial ressions it isn't so bad. The country really needs to pull together and climb back out of this financial crisis. That is why, I believe the financial crisis is biggest obstacle for the US to overcome.

Unknown said...

In my opinion, the biggest concern that the United States is currently facing is the debate about healthcare reform. Over 47 million hardworking Americans are uninsured and can't afford to go to the doctor. Although it will take a lot of money to fund this program, budget cuts can be taken from unneccessary projects, and with the addition of the public option, people can stay with their current insurance provider if they have coverage already. This would also bring competition to private insurance companies, therby causing them to be more honest and fair with their service. Furthermore, as this debate rages on, I feel that the country has become more divided into the far left and the far right. The media has been bickering back and forth, and there have even been armed opposition at some of President Obama's speeches. It's due time that we stop arguing, and put a plan into action to reform our defunct system of healthcare insurance.

Ishan T. Period 3

Unknown said...

I feel that I am most concerned about the United States' current healthcare ordeal. Our country, once described as a fortunate nation that lacks giving all citizens insurance, loses 18,000 people a year who could have been helped. That's a pretty big number! I understand that recently an option has been created for the people that cannot afford healthcare; the government will pay it for them. Controversial and causing a stir in the media, the new healthcare plan has its benefits and cons. I think that everyone deserves some form of coverage, but is it possible to do so without losing money, forcing (if not immediately then eventually) everyone to switch to one insurance, and upsetting certain political parties and/or classes?

Unknown said...

My biggest concern about America is that we are overstepping our boundaries by being a global policemen. I wonder, is it our place to get involved and tell other countries how to live and run their government? The reason why this concerns me is because I feel as if by controlling other countries we will find ourselves somewhere don't that we want to be, a perfect example of this is Iraq.We originally went into Iraq to find nuclear war weapons and now we are there trying to change their form of government, and enforce our 'american ways' upon them. Not only do i feel it is wrong to tell other countries what to do, but i feel that our country has its own problems that we need to work on before we go controlling other countries.

Unknown said...

I think the biggest concern that the United States is facing now, is dealing with change. In January of 2009, the United States elected a new president, Barack Obama. Barack Obama is of a different race than the past presidents, and I think that some people in the country are having a hard time accepting that. For example, some time last week President Obama gave a speech and directed it towards the children of the United States. Some of the parents refused to let their children watch the speech at school. Why is it such a big deal? We could all learn from the speech that he gave, and he wouldn't be doing it to brainwash them, it is just a learning experience. If everyone accepted the change that we are going through, we wouldn't have such a crisis.

Lindsay M. Period 3.

Unknown said...

My biggest concern facing the United States is definitely the economy crisis, but I also think that it will get much better in time. For right now though, there are less and less jobs available for the people and this is especially detrimental to those who do not have a lot of money or opportunities. By this I mean the people who do not have cars or other means of transportation to get to a job that is far away. It also includes the people who don't have the skills for certain jobs. All of these people are hit hard by the failing economy because they cannot get jobs and therefore not support themselves or their families very well. The other factor is the teens that cannot get jobs when their parents are tight for money. It's hard for younger people to get jobs because there are few places that they can go. This is a big problem when families have little money and they need more income. If so many people can't support themselves, they will not be spending money on anything but the essentials (food, water, etc.) so less money will be circulating around the country. Circulating money is essential for a healthy economy, so this lack of jobs and lack of money hurts the economic situation even more.

Shannon B. period 7

Unknown said...

My biggest concern facing the United States is the state that our economy is in and the unemployment rate which comes with it. Millions of people are losing their jobs because of companies going under and cutting thousands of jobs leaving them without money and health insurance. A lot of the people that have lost their jobs are parents with families which leaves them without money to take care of them. If things keep going as they have then there is no telling what the United States economic future could hold.

Unknown said...

My biggest concern facing the United States today is the current state of our economy and the unemployment that goes along with it. With the economy in the shape that it is in thousands of companies are going under leaving millions of people without work, money, and health insurance. Many of the people who lose their jobs are parents who have families to take care of. If our economy continues in the shape that it is in then there is no telling what the United States financial future could hold.

Unknown said...

There are a few issues that the United States is facing right now that concern me, but probably the most pressing issue is economic crisis. Millions of people around the world have lost their jobs, and the U.S. in particular has been hurt badly. Although there have been job openings showing up recently, they are showing up too slowly to mean we are finally getting out of the recession. I personally believe that part of the problem is that people are lazy and just want a quick and easy way out, hence why they turn to false hopes like "economic stimulus packages".

Colin S.
Period 3

Unknown said...

My biggest concern currently facing the U.S. is the state of the economy. I think that because of the state of mind most people have, it's difficult for our country to pull itself out of this crisis. People don't understand how to do their part and give what they can back to their country, and don't realize that eventually, no matter how wealthy they are, this crisis will effect them too. As the government modifies tax laws and such, people complain and resist change, and what could have been a fairly easy solution has become more and more of a crisis, and will continue to get worse until people realize what's really going on. Until many Americans feel the change due to unemployment, taxation, and budget crunching, they remain ignorant, not paying attention until it's too late. I think if the public could be more informed and realize what's happening in the long run, they might start doing their part.

Alex F.
Class 7

Audie said...

My biggest concern in the United States today in the economic crisis. Since the economy is in terrible shape the realastate market is suffering severly. No one is buying houses and because of this the people who are trying to sell their houses aren't getting their refunds to ultimitly buy another house. Another problem that is a result of the recession is unemployment. The increase of unemployment is drastically rising because their isn't enough money to go around. Since having a job is the main source of income people are struggling and have to make alot of cut backs. Families are becoming more weary of their money and are ony buying the items they need rather then want. In result companys are losing customers and money. Fortantly the economic crisis today hasn't reached the level of the Great Depression in the 1930's but is dangerously close.

Unknown said...

Currently, my biggest concern facing the United States is our economic situation. This is the worst economic crisis since the great depression. Everyone in the US has been affected by the recession and the unemployment rate is predicted to reach 10% by the end of this month. We will continue to struggle through this problem until the economy slowly recovers. We cannot tell how long this will last or how bad it will get.

Tom A. Period 7

Unknown said...

My biggest concern facing the United States is the economic crisis. We hear all the time that Americans need to cut down on thier spendings. But not everyone does. Only people who think cutting down on thier expenses will directly affect them take action and cut back. Many other people continue to spend their money without thinking of the effect it will have later. They only realize they've spent to much money at the last moment when its too late.

Brian Buchetto said...

In my honest opinion, i'd have to say that my concern with this country is what we are going to do after we 'suposedly' pull out of Iraq. I find that Obama's words regarding 'change' are empty and bland as they are not changing much regarding major issues. If we do pull out of Iraq, what are we to do? We will look like we do not have a clue what we are doing as we, The United States of America, are finnally shown how wrong we were for intruding into a country so blindly in the first place. I beleive what is to happen after we pull out of Iraq is the greatest challenge we face.

Unknown said...

My biggest concern currently facing the United States is the economic crisis. The unemployment rate is gradually increasing, which leads to more than half the people in the United States in debt. Due to this crisis the results are going to take years, money, and lots of time to recover from the fall. This outcome is leaving people without homes and in outrageous debt. This is my biggest concern because it is affecting everyone living in the US. Another problem is that it is unclear on how we got this way in the first place. The country is getting torn apart because one thing always leads to another. Graduates from college are having a hard time getting jobs because of the hole we are in. I understand that there are other problems that should be addressed such as health care, but I don’t feel like it’s the time to worry about something like that when our whole economy is in trouble. We should take one thing at a time, and worrying about health care could put us more in debt.

Emily T class 7

Sarah Zuvanich said...

One of my biggest concerns for the United States at this moment in time is the economy. It's a wide-spread problem that every single person and family is effected by. It's especially hard for a family like mine who lives in an upper middle class town, when our income is barely middle class. Although we may live in a wealthy town, it doesn't mean that everyone in it is wealthy and I think a lot of people overlook that. I know friends whose parents have been laid off and can't find work or other people who hate their jobs, but can't change them because of the uncertain job market. Towns' budgets are getting slimmer and slimmer and schools are the first to get cut. With my mom as a new teacher, it's possible for her to be on the chopping block if the town needs to tighten its belt. It's a tough time, but hopefully with our new president things will start to turn around and our futures won't look so bleak.

Sarah Z. period 3

Mark A said...

One of the concerns facing the United States at the moment are the Health Care reforms being introduced by our president. This is a step in the right direction, but is facing a heavy amount of opposition. It means the United States going into more debt. The idea makes sense, but it comes down to the moral issue which is whether or not you want your earned money going to people who who can't afford it. In our current economic state, with people losing their jobs and losing their healthcare, something does need to be done.

Anonymous said...

My biggest concern facing the United States is the health care plan that is going to be launched by Obama. I think that it will take 4 or 5 tries to pass the plan. But once it is out i think that it should help the people in need of health care a great deal if what Obama said is really true. I think that getting out of the recession is another big concern because people need to save money for after the recession, but also there needs to be money spent in order to climb out of the recession. It is a chain reaction that will lead to no where if the right actions aren't taken.

Aaron N.
Period 7

Unknown said...

My biggest concern facing the United States is the current status of the economy and especially that relating to job loss. i hear countless news reports of how people around the country are being cut from their jobs and how more and more U.S. citizens are struggling with extremely low incomes. the concern is clearly evident based on how many of the current jobless people of this country are trying to support families which can not be easily done without a steady career and income.

Ale F said...

My biggest concern along with many other people living in the U.S. is the recession that is currently still going on. Many people are unemployed or are suffering from keeping a job. This I think is the biggest concern because it affects the whole entire United States Economy and will determine what we can and cannot achieve.

Ale F said...

The biggest issue right now in the U.S. is the recession that is currently going on. Many people are losing there jobs and are still remaining unemployed. I think this is the main issue at the moment because this affects the whole United States Economy, which determines what we can and cannot achieve.

Ale F said...

The biggest concern I think that is currently occuring in the U.S. is the recession. Many people are losing there jobs and are still unemployed. This is extremely important because it afffects the entire United States Economy, which determines what we can and cannot achieve as a whole.

Unknown said...

My biggest concern currently facing the United States is the finical slump. I think because of America's heavy spending in the 1990's we are finally paying the consequences for our actions. People, even though some already have, need to cut down on excess spending until the economy problem is solved. Another problem facing the U.S is the environment, and the destructive patterns that are being created in our major oil companies (including those over seas). We need to change the system of obtaining fuel into something more substanial such as wind, solar, or hydroelectric.

Cristina N period 3

Anonymous said...

My biggest concern facing the United States at this time has to be the economic crisis. Even though we are slowely coming out of this depression I still feel that out country is in a bad state. People that had steady jobs for most of their lives had to get laid off because of this problem. This economic downfall was caused by our goverment and now the people of this country are suffering. The President needs to focus on this crisis more than anything else before he looks at any ohter problems. If we are not fully out of this depression soon, it will lead to much bigger and worse things.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the biggest concern for the Unites States at this time is the economic crisis. We have been in an economic downfall for a while now and even though we are slowely moving out of it, i think that it should be of bigger concern. I think that President Obama should be focussing more on this problem before anything else. If we do not get out of this crisis soon, it will lead to much bigger andworse things. Our contry has already been through one depression and we do not need to go through another just because our government spent our money wrong. The hard working americans who lost their jobs should not be suffering because of our countries mistakes.

Ungrandours said...

My biggest concern that the united states is facing now is the state of the economy. One big concern dealing with the economy is the number of Americans that are jobless. With unemployment rates hitting double digits, i am concerned about how the jobs of my friends and family will fair now and in the future. Will they lose their jobs or get cuts to their salaries? Will I be able to find a job to support myself in college? How about finding a more substantial job once i am out of college? I am also really curious about how the government is going to figure out how to get the economy back in order. This is a big order, especially considering the fact that the health care bill will only cost us more money.

Patrick B. Period 3

Leah B said...

I think a big concern facing the US is the segregation between democrats and republicans. I feel like the nation has been torn apart by negativity. Bewtween bumper stickers, chain mail, and other public messages some americans have come to hate eachother based on political views. Instead of working together to repair our country we proceed to fight. Before we can get anywhere we have to change attitudes toward eachother. it's time for our party system to change so we can make some progress

Leah B period 3

Clark said...

My biggest concern for the United States is the current state of the economy. As unemployment is steadily rising, not much progress is being made to bring the economy back to the way it was (if it's possible). It's evident that it'll take more time. I think more steps need to be made to stimulate the economy, by Americans themselves, and by the government. With the economy still in a weak state,and with all of the money and jobs that have already been lost, the economy is my biggest concern facing the United States right now.
Clark Giles
Period 7

Unknown said...

Kelsey P.
My greatest concern facing the United States is the issue of health care. As I am considering entering the field of medicine, this issue is in the forefront of my thoughts. it is my opinion that the patient doctor relationship should not be interfered by governmental laws and regulations. The doctor not the government must be the one to make diagnostic descions regarding patient care. I am also concerned with the investment I am going to make if I become a doctor. medical school is expensive and it is possible that I will be hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt by the time I finish. with the government continually cutting back on reimbursement I am afraid that I will be in debt for many years.

Kelsey P, period 3

ricky grasso said...

Ricky Grasso

The biggest concern facing the US today is the recession. Many hard working Americans have been laid-off from their jobs because of these tough times and changes in the stock market. Many Families across America have been affected by this; evicted from their homes, in serious debt, and no steady income for months at a time. In this time, people are still trying to find jobs to support their families, hopefully the government will figure out ways to make the country stable once again.

ricky grasso said...

The biggest concern facing the US today is the recession. Many hard working Americans have been laid-off from their jobs because of these tough times and changes in the stock market. Many Families across America have been affected by this; evicted from their homes, in serious debt, and no steady income for months at a time. In this time, people are still trying to find jobs to support their families, hopefully the government will figure out ways to make the country stable once again.