Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Remembering 9-11

What do you remember about 9-11? If you have no memory, when did you first find out about the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11th?
Please post by Wednesday 6-17 for full credit.


kevin breuninger said...

i believe i was in the fourth grade during 9-11-01. i remember that i walked out to the back of the school where my mom usually picks me up and she seemed very nervous. we went home and she told me about the towers. i didnt really understnad it at the time. it didnt scare or even hold my attention for that long. i thought about it for about a minute and then played some videogames.

Unknown said...

Jeff Keating
Period: 8
I was in 4th grade when then attack on the World Trade Centers occurred. I remember that the principal came into our class room and explained to us what had happened and who were supposedly involved with the attack. Just as a precautionary procedure we did not have recess that day and were forced to have free time in the class room. Almost 10 years later we have learned so much about the attack and how it came to happen. Many soldiers have died and we have spent millions of dollars trying to put and end to terrorism. But as a child this was all very hard to comprehend and as I grew so did my knowledge of this event.

Unknown said...

Taylor Carnes

9-11 was a bad day for me. I wasn't aware of the elevation of the situation at the time. In fact, I had no idea why everyone was freaking out. My mom picked me up from school, to which i had no idea why. At the time, i just told people that i might have a doctors appointment or something. but when my mom picked me up, she was freaking out. Apparently thought that the whole country was under attack. On the way home, she explained that the twin towers had been attacked, and I didn't know how to respond to that, i didn't know what the twin towers were. All I really cared about was that I got out of school early. Funny thing is, the next day some kids thought that I was a terrorist or something. At least that's what i implied

chris teri said...

I remember being in class in 6th grade, and my teacher going to the tx we had hanging in the conor and turing on the tv. I along with my other class mates didnt know what had happened and we may never realize the full extent of what happened until we grow older. I really didnt even know wat happened until later in the week. when my dad and mom we talking about it and i asked like 100 questions. ill never forget the day, or the shock i have now realizing what i lived through

Unknown said...

I remember being in fourth grade when our teacher got a call and then told us what had happened. I knew what it ment because I was in the towers one month before the attack happened. When i got home my family watched the news all day and my dad kept trying to call his brother to see if was ok because he worked it the building next to the towers. Later that night my dads brother called and told us what he saw and how he had got away before the buildings went down.

Unknown said...

I was in 4th grade when 9/11 occured and i remember finding out about it from my bus driver. I went to Head O'Meadow School and my brother and i were the last stop to get off the bus. When we were the only ones on the bus, my bus driver asked us if we knew what had happened and we didn't, so she told us.
After the bus dropped us off at home we walked into the family room and my mom was sitting in front of the tv crying. I remember how upset and angry she was that the bus driver told us what had happened.
Annie F. Period 2

Laetitia said...

What I remember most about 9-11 is that I did not even know what was going on until my mom came to get me at Head O' Meadow. All the teachers had asked the students who went home alone and I was one of those kids so I had to stay at the school. I left a note on the front door of my house that I was at the school but my mom thought it was a Fed-Ex notice. My mom started panicing because she had no idea where I was until finally I called her from the school. She then picked me up and I stayed with her for the rest of the day. She also let me sleep in her bed because I was so scared.

Unknown said...

Everyone know where they were when they heard about the 9/11 attacks. Sandy Hook elementary had no school that day so I was out with my mom going to Stew Lenard's. Being in Th grade I really didn't understand what was going on at first. Reports were so hazy. We were listening to the radio and hearing about the towers falling to the ground. They were calling it an accidental plane crash. I remember thinking about the people trapped in the buildings but I couldn't comprehend what this would mean for America.

Unknown said...

I remember on 9/11 my sister and i woke up to find our mom telling us we didnt have school. I went to Sandy Hook Elementary, and supposedly a milk truck hit a light pole so the school had no power, and we would have the day off. Then when the first plane hit there was just a lot of confusion and chaos in the air. Then the second plane hit and my mom was just watching the news. All this time my sister and I and our neighbors came over and we were carefree jumping on the trampoline. My mom and her friend were just talking wondering what was going on. And my neighbor had known a couple people who worked in and around the WTC, so she was trying to get word about there safety. I knew what was happening a little bit, but it mostly went over my head.
Cameron Gehrman Class 2

Unknown said...

I remember being in my 4th grade class and being confused because so many kids were leaving in the middle of the day. When I finally got called out of school early and my Mom explained what had happened and let me watch the news, I wasnt scared because it just didnt seem real. I was sad because we knew people who were killed, but I didnt know what the attacks meant for our country, I only knew how it was going to effect my family. Before 9-11 I didn't even know what the towers were actually used for and it took a huge tragedy for me to even notice them.

Unknown said...

When the attacks on the world trade center happened, I was sitting in my classroom completely unaware. When I came home the footage was on the TV, but I didn't really get what was happening. My sister had been told and sent home early, because she was in middle school at the time.
I didn't really realize what had happened for a little while. To me they were two buildings that fell down. The significance of the whole thing didn't hit until the War started. It's hard to believe it was so long ago.

Unknown said...

I remember on September 11th, we were let out of school early for an unexplained reason. Our teachers seemed worried and took busses home with us, one teacher per bus. I remember asking my mom what was going on and she said that the twin towers went down. She also said that we needed to call my Dad because he was working in New York at the time. We called him and he was all right, but it was close because he had an appointment at noon in one of the two towers. After that, my mom explained to me that terrorists flew planes into the buildings to make them come down. I felt that it was unfair and wondered what America ever did to deserve that many innocent lives lost.

Unknown said...

On September 9th, 2001, I remember walking into my 4th grade classroom to see my teacher sitting down with watery eyes. I asked a couple classmates what was wrong but they didn't really know. Eventually our teacher told us the news and turned on a TV to show the news covering the disaster. Apparently, my 4th grade teacher's son worked in the World Trade Center so she was just worried for his life. In the subsequent weeks, I just remember we had to do many projects that showed our patriotism. I remember one girl made models of the two towers with the American flag painted on their sides. It was a time when the country was showing off their nationalism.

Calvin Song
Class 8

Unknown said...

I remember this happened when I was in 4th grade at Hawley School and the principal came onto the loudspeaker to announce the twin towers have been attacked. I didn't really think much of it because I didn't understand. Then I remember kids were being taken out of school early and not coming to school for the next couple of days. Also, I remember it being everywhere on the news, everywhere I went someone or something was talking or had to do with this horrible event.

Unknown said...

On 9/11, I remember being in my fourth grade classroom and my teacher got called out of class by one of the other teachers. They all stood in the hallway for a while and then my teacher told us that we were done for the day. We were all really excited, and then people started getting called out of class. I was one of the first people to get to leave, and when I saw my dad he seemed really tense. I asked him what was going on and he told me that America was under attack. I had no idea what that meant, but on our way to pick up my sister, he explained to me that two airplanes had crashed into the World Trade Center. I remember looking into the sky and wondering if anything was going to crash into Newtown. The news that day was really depressing, and my parents made me go outside and play with my neighbors. I didn't think it was that big of a deal until I was told that people had died in the crash. 9/11 was one of the most tragic days in our nation's history, and most of what I remember from that day was what I heard from my parents and watching the crash over and over again on the news.

Jacey Mattegat
Class 2

Unknown said...

911 happened when I was in second grade. I remember the day, because that very morning my mom told me it was going to be a beautiful day, no clouds, just all sun. The day was pretty normal, up until around 10:00, the time when the planes had hit the towers. My principal came into every single room and explained to us what had happened. She said, a helicopter had accidently hit the World Trade Center. Rather, it wasn't until that afternoon when I got home that I had found out the truth about it, it had been a terrorist attack on America. I was little, so I didn't really understand how it would change the future of America, and how much it would have impacted today.

Unknown said...

My fondest memory of 9-11 was first, having the day off from school. My mom came in and told me that a truck had driven into a telephone pole wire down near Sandy Hook Elementry and they had cancelled school for the day. I was over at a friends house when I heard the parents yelling and telling the children to come inside. Mny families including mine watched on TV as the planes flew into the buildings. It was a very scary day to think about nnow because of the unusual events that happened.

Unknown said...

I remember the day of September 11,2001 very clearly. I was in fourth grade in the class room and the loud speaker came on announcing to us what had happened and we were sent home immediately. When I got home I turned on the TV to watch what had happened and I later found out that my uncle worked in the second tour on the third floor and he was lucky to make it out of there safely. After that tragic day our family prayed for all of those who had lost their lives.

Anonymous said...

I remember being in my classroom at Newtown Montessori school. I think I was in fourth or fifth grade at the time. My principal came in and informed us of what had happened. A few of my friends had family living and/or working in New York, so they were really worried. We sat in a circle, and some people cried. I think we were sent home immediately-- even though there had been talk of keeping us at school over night. I went home and watched the news with my parents-- who were in tears. I remember seeing the plane crash. I remember seeing people jump out of the windows of the buildings. I remember feeling scared and sad, but mostly, I was confused.

Olivia De Vivo
Class 2

Unknown said...

Although i do not remember much from that year i do remember vividly the day of 9/11. I was in fourth grade at that time and in Mrs. Tracys class. We were going about our day normally when our principal took Mrs. Tracy outside and soon came back in crying. We all were confused when they tried to explain what had happened. Later on that day i remember coming home to my parents upset and watching the news, they tried to explain in detail to me that terrorists had hijacked two planes and flew them into the Twin Towers. But at that time i did not know what it meant and just thought that the planes crashed into the buildings by accident.

tyler dav said...

Unfortunate for me and all my classmates, we were not old enough to comprehend the events of September 11th when they happened. Seeing as how I didnt have school becuase I went to Sandy Hook, I woke up kinda late. My mom was already up and watching the tv with her phone in hand. My uncle worked in the Pentagon at the time, so we immediately contacted him when we found out they were attacked as well. That day and the following week or two, I couldnt watch the news at night becuase I was too terrified at what went on that day.

Unknown said...

I was in 4th grade when i heard about 9/11. The school principal came into my classroom and explained what had happened. I remember thinking how terrible it was. However, about five minutes later I was thinking about something else.
margot isaacs
period 2

Alyssa Rodriguez said...

One seemingly average day in fourth grade, the teachers told us we couldn't go outside for recess. They told us it was for our safety; someone had attacked the U.S. and might still be around and try to hurt more people. I sensed an undertone of urgency and emergency, but I didn't fully understand the gravity of what had taken place. I later watched two towers collapsing one after another in smoke over and over on TV, only somewhat comprehending and trying to fully understand the impact. Only when I heard of friends of family that worked at the two towers but did not go in that day and hear other survival stories did I finally understand.
Per. 2

Unknown said...

Jon Smolen
Period 8
I remember that day because my elementary school happened to be canceled. I was watching the news for some reason (I never watched the news in 4th grade) and I actually saw it happen when it first did. I really did not know what was going on, but I remember my dad making a big deal of it. I found out later some more about it and then realized why it was so important.

Unknown said...

I was in fourth grade at Hawley during 9-11-01. My teacher left the room for a few minutes and then returned to tell us what had happened. Honestly, I didn't think much of it. At that time I didn't understand the significance of terrorism and how this attack so greatly impacted America. It was only a few years later that I realized how devastating a blow this was to America.
Chelsea Young

Unknown said...

i do not think i can forget this day. We had no school because a milk truck ran into a power line at Sandy Hook School. Me and my freind were playing video games at his house and his mom shouted for us to come see the tv. We saw the towers on fire and then the second plane came in. I didn't really understand what was happening. I thought it was an accident, that the pilots lost control. They showed a video feed of Bin Ladan and how they were happy. I didn't understand why they were showing them.

Unknown said...

I remember coming home and turning on the T.V. Channel after channel was broadcasting the twin towers. I remember looking at the video of smoke just pouring out the towers and everyone freaking out. I didn't understand what was going on, back then I had no idea what terrorist were. I just looked at the pictures with just curiosity. I remember that the family just getting together in much confusion and also it was so tense as we all just watched the news.

Anonymous said...

I remember going home, and my parents sitting on the couch, just watching the news. I knew that something was wrong. When I saw the reports, I knew what had happened was an attack, but I never knew what terrorism was. A fews days later, my teacher, Mrs. Kern, sat us all down and explained to us what happened, and basically explained it all again.

alkap0wn said...

On September 11th 2001 I was in the fourth grade at St. Rose School. The principle came on the loudspeaker and told the school that a terrible act occurred in New York City. My brother told me that when he heard this all he thought was that there was a bad act like in a play. I don’t remember what I thought when I first heard about the attacks. I do not think anyone left school.

Jason Howell
Class 8

Unknown said...

i was in fourth grade at the time when 9-11 happened. i had stayed home from school that day, as did all sandy hook elementry school kids because we had some sort of electrical problem, so our school was closed for the day. i remember my neighbor and me were hanging out at my house when my mom yelled to us to come watch what was happening on the television. i didn understand the signifigance of 9-11 until my mom explained to us what was happening. it scared me also because my dad was in new york city but he didnt get hurt, he watched one of the most signifigant and terrifying terroist attacks.

austin hall said...

on 9-11 i was in Mrs. VanVorrens fourth grade math class. i know we didnt get out of school early but i dont remember if the teachers told everybody or not. i know, becuase my teachers son worked in tower 2, once she heard the news she turned on the tv. so at least for my class we got to watch it from early on. when i got home, my mom was watching the news all afternoon as was my dad at the office and at home after work.

Unknown said...

I remember I was in fourth grade when 9/11 occurred. I was sitting in my classroom and I heard the principal on the intercom telling us about what I had just happened. I didn't really think it was a big deal, until I got home and I saw it all over the news. I also remember my dad was meant to go on a business trip the next day, but his flight was canceled due to precaution. I'll never forget this horrible day.
Karen Narayanan
Class 8

Unknown said...

I was in 4th grade and i remember that i didn't have school that day at Sandy Hook so i had to go to a tennis match with my mom. I remember getting to the building and instead of watching my mom play tennis we all sat in the lobby and watched the towers on tv.I didnt know much about it but i knew that it was bad becuase of all of the peoples reactions in the lobby.
Evan Kennedy
period 2

Unknown said...

I was in the fourth grade and school was canceled that day because a milk truck hit a power line to the school. I was watching tv and I saw the from the moment they started filming the attack. On tv i witnessed people jumping to their death and i even saw the second plane crash. I didnt think it was much of a big deal at the time so i think I went outside to play and left the news channel on.

Unknown said...

I was in fourth grade when the attacks happened on the World Trade Center, and at the time I didn't understand what was happening at all. We were told at school that airplanes had hit the twin towers, so that was all I really knew. I didn't quite understand the gravity of the situation and I had no idea what terrorism was, but I was worried because I saw a lot of teachers crying and my dad works in New York City. When I got home my mom was upset but she said that my dad was okay, and we just watched the news together. I remember there were no planes flying that day and literally everything got cancelled.

Unknown said...

When 9-11 happened, I remember being in my forth grade class at Hawley school. Unlike the other schools in town, we stayed in school unless we were called out by our parents. We were first told by our principle. She describe what happened and being so young I did not really understand. I do remember though later on that week my friends and I realized that the attackers planned it out purposley so the date would be 911 or the emergency phone number.

dk12 said...

I remember being in fourth grade when the World Trade Center attack occured. I was at home that day for some reason i dont remember and i can still hear my dad raising his voice at the TV. I walked into the living room and sat next to him. He cursed a few times and i just remember being so angry and upset that my dad was upset and then he told me what happened, and i still felt angry.

Unknown said...

Katie Fragoso
I vividly remember that morning on September 11th, 2001. I was in 4th grade at Head of Meadow Elementary, and our class needed to write a poem about anything we wanted. I started to write one about New York City- but then stopped, and wrote one about lemons (its random, but I remember that). Now I don't believe this had any correlation but it kind of freaked me out at the time. Later that school day, it was announced that the teachers would be going on our buses with us home, to make sure we "got home safe." We had no idea what was going on, and were whining about the annoying, supposed drill. When I got home my mom told me the news- I was upset, but I think I was way too young to understand, plus I didn't know anyone directly affected. I was respectful but not emotional or anything. I feel like people were more scared than anything. If it happened now, I think I would have more of an emotional response, and matter be a little more scared.

Unknown said...

i was in fourth grade a this time and my school, Sandy Hook elementary school was closed that day due to some electrical difficulties. i was with my neighbor when my mom had told us to come upstairs and watch the news about the plane crash into the twin towers. I was especially scared because my dad was going to new york city that day to do busniess. Fortunaley, he got stopped in the traffic that the police blocked off due to the first hit of the tower. He did see the second tower get hit and he saw one of them fall from a great distance.

Taegan said...

Taegan Estores
Period 2

I was in forth grade and I remember there being an announcment that we were having an early dismissal. They didn't tell us why so we were all very happy about it. I got home and thought that it was weird that my dad was home. He's never home during the day. He came home from Valhala where he works. My mom told me that the twin towers had fallen and I had no idea what she was talking about. I watched the news for a bit, but I didn't really understand what had happened until the anniversary the next year.

Unknown said...

On 9/11 I was in fourth grade. And for some reason [which I can't remember now] I was in the hallways and one of my friends who was in 5th grade asked me if i heard about the planes. And I hadn't, so i said "What planes?" I was very confused and didn't think twice about what she told me. When I got back to my classroom the principal had just arrived to tell us what happened. I didn't understand the importance of this attack until I got home and my parents were very worried. They watched the news all day. I remember going to sleep that night really scared because I thought the next attack was going to be in Newtown.

Period 2
Kate Bowen

Anonymous said...

I was in my 4th grade classroom. It was a normal start to the day but then some kids were being called home and nobody knew why. It wasn't till later when our teacher turned on the TV and told us that a plane had crashed into both of the World Trade Center towers. It was also on that day when my dad was flying on a buisness trip. My mother was extrememly worried and spent the entire day trying to get ahold of my father. Eventually she did and he told her that his plane had been cancelled due to the attack. It had been a very scary day for me and my entire family.
Katie Dunlap
Class 2

Unknown said...

I was in 4th grade when the 9 11 attacks happened and I hadn't gone to school that day because i had a doctors appointment. When we were waiting in the office a woman from outside came in and shouted, "the world trade center has been attaked!" at the time i wasn't even sure what the trade center was because usually i referred to those two buildings as the twin towers. It wasn't until a year or two later when i found out that it was a terrorist issue and really put me into prespective of why it was such a big deal. Its something that didn't have any signifigance at the time but really had an everlasting effect after knowing the entire situation.

Unknown said...

i was in 4th grade at hawley, they brought a tv into my class and we saw the second plane hit. After that we didn't really do much in class, i can't really remember, but a teacher came home on my bus. When i got home, both of my parents were home and glued to the tv. i wasn't allowed to watch with them and i had to go to my room. i thought i was in trouble. My mom was crying at one point. thats about all i remember.
Dan O'Connor
period 2

Unknown said...

I remember being in 4th grade, of course being that young I didn't know the real story. Many of my friends got to leave school early that day and I was so jealous I waited all day to hear my named call down to the office because everyone else was going home so I wanted to. When I got home my parents let me watch the news not fully understanding what happen, they tried to explain it to me but the 9-11 attacks were very hard for me to comprehend at such a young age.

Unknown said...

I remember that day I was out of school taking a drive to Flushing NY when we heard about the first tower getting his on the radio. Shortly thereafter, we came into view of the towers, the smoke was rising into the sky and we saw the 2nd tower actually get hit by the plane. We were pretty far away from it so I never had a clear view of it. Just a small black outline dissapearing into the tower amist a ball of flame.

I never really understood what that was that day. I remember being told that it was, but I never fully grasped the significance of it all till only a few years ago. Now I know of the people that lost their lives, and gave their lives on that tragic day.

Jay Lee
Period 8

Anonymous said...

Aaron Nezvesky
I was in the fourth grade when the World Trade Centers were attacked. I was sitting at home, sick, and watching tv, and all of a sudden a live feed turned on. I wasn't sure what was going on, my mom was home and i called her in. She was crying and explained to me what was going on. I can remember everything, i saw all the people running, i saw the planes hit the towers and it was very scary. My dad was going to Poughkeepsie, NY that day to work in his office. My mom called him and told him to come home fast. It was very quick and confusing, and i can still remember it like it was yesterday.