Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Justification for War?

We will soon be studying about the United States' entry into world war:
Spanish-American War, World Wars I and II, so let's discuss reasoning for
going to war.

Is war ever just? Explain one example. Do not repeat other responses.
Complete for full credit by Monday 3-2. Any responses posted after 3-2
will earn half credit.


Unknown said...

War is justified if another country threatens national security such as terrorist attacks. Terrorist attacks will always put the people at risk so effectively combating terrorism is a justified cause of war. Although it may be the terrorists religious belief that they are acting from a higher religious being or cause, harming others is never acceptable, therefore terrorism needs to be controlled. War should always be a last resort for the resolution of a problem to avoid further bloodshed.

Cameron Gehrman Class 2

Alyssa Rodriguez said...

War is never just. We as a society often go to war to defend our beliefs, what is morally "right." Yet in reality, it only provides an alternative to admitting mistakes and harms others.
In trying to defend our beliefs, we forget to acknowledge others'. In reality, war results from a combination of pride and stubbornness. Niether side is willing to back down from their beliefs, niether side is willing to compromise. Niether side will listen to others. Ultimately, there is no justification for war, as it only harms all who are involved, whether the defender, the enemy, or the innocent victim.

Alyssa Rodriguez
Class 2

Unknown said...

Jeff Keating
Period: 8
War is never just nor is it a solution to a problem. By having a war, a ripple effect is sent throughout society and can scar and or effect a county's image internationally. Many times a war leads to noting but more problems and can last indefinitely if not executed correctly. U.S involvement in the middle east has led to essentially nothing but problems, and with this crumbling economy chances are that this war will have turned out to be nothing but a loss. The true way to resolve a dispute is to do so diplomatically and peacefully. Wars are not always started by violence and even if they were, a conflict does not justify the need for bloodshed.

Unknown said...

I do not believe war is ever just. If a conflict arrives between two people's morals and beliefs, is it considered right under law to handle it physically? No, and it is punishable by law to do so. Why then, can two nations who are stuck in a conflict of interest solve their problems through violent war? All war proves in the end is who has better trained, and in larger numbers, men. It does not solve the original conflict and can dig a ridge between the nations that prevents further civil relations.

Taegan said...

There are people today who seem to be under the impression that war is a necessary part of our survival. We must defend ourselves against what is different, what is unknown. The fear behind this drives us to execute terrifying acts of violence, and then we justify our actions by saying it was “the only way”. War has always existed; there has always been an oppressor, and there has always been the oppressed. The sides change, the tables turn, but it all stays relatively consistent. While it exists, there is no reason for it to persist. There is no justification for war. It is nothing but a manifestation of our own fears and insecurities. We can't heal our wounds with a gun in our hand.

Taegan Estores
Class 2

Anonymous said...

I think that war is just when the sovereignty of the United States and general welfare of citizens has been compromised. However, I do not believe going into other countries that have made no immediate threat to the United States is completely ethical. In cases like WWII, the United States was brutally attacked, and the only way out was to defend ourselves. Wars like Iraq and Vietnam could have been avoided. War should always be the last option for our government, trying to save both American and foreign lives, but in recent years presidents have been eager to extend the military services of the Unites States.

Dan Milot
Class 8

Unknown said...

Katie Fragoso class 2

The idea of war will never be just, however since the beginning of human civilization and even up to now it is necessary. Hopefully in the future there will be no need for war, as it seems that wars are becoming less frequent. For now, war can sometimes successfully control either a genocide (like WWII), end slavery (like the Civil War), or declare autonomy. Although wars can also be unsuccessful and a waste of resources and lives (Vietnam), it is sometimes the only answer to violence and threats. Attacking Germany in WWI and II was not a question of pride or stubbornness at all.

Unknown said...

this is a difficult question. i think that war is only justifiable when the consequences of no war are higher than the consequences of said war. for example, world war two, if we had let hitler do his thing, and kill all the jews etc. that would have been worse consequences than having the war. or if aliens attacked and were going to wipe out the human race, or giant monsters or zombies etc. but, if the consequences of no war are lower than the consequences of having a war, than there should be no war. on the really dark side, think of how even more overly populated the world would be had war never, ever, ever, occurred. so i really don't know the answer. i think we should just keep it real.

dan o'connor class 2

Unknown said...

War is necessary when major disagreements arise and they cannot be resolved by discussion. People may say that war is not just and only results in casualties, however, without war many decisions in the world today would not be resolved and many countries would be upset with the other. Major agreements do arise in the world and although fighting is never the answer, sometimes it is the only way to resolve an issue or disagreement.

Casey Tenney Class 2

Unknown said...

I believe that there are other ways to solve problems beside going to war, but I also believe that it is sometimes the only answer. War is just when other people will be hurt if they are not helped by another country, such as incidents like the Holocaust. Without the additional support of countries like the United States, the outcome of that even may have been much different.

Unknown said...

I believe war is just when there are threats to the people of a certain nation. If there is a conflict i do not believe it should be handled by bombings or attacks but i believe it is just to fight back and defend your life and your country. An instance like September 11 is a great example for going to war. American citizens were murdered in this terrorist attack and i believe it is just to go to war and fight four your country and the people of your country.

Annie Fletcher Class 2

Unknown said...

War can be justified. There are cases in America's past which could not have been solved through negotiation or diplomacy. An example of this would be during WWII when the u.s. was attacked by the japanese at pearl harbor. Despite the fact that the u.s. stayed out of the war pearl harbor was reason to enter it. War should never be the first option but it can be justified.

Margot Isaacs
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Personally, I do not feel that war is ever just. Although it could be argued that war is just when used as defense, I do not believe that war does nothing but create more tension between nations, and destroy countries.
Throughout history, America has been involved in many wars which have essentially resulted in death. Although we have won many wars, and although the War of 1812 concluded with peace between Great Britain and the United States, many lives were lost.
Since every nation had such a desire for control and power, there is no justification for war. War is not just.

Olivia De Vivo class 2

Unknown said...

I do believe war can be justified to a certain point. If someone attacks us or our allies we should defend ourselves and fight back. Also if something so horrible is happening we should intervene. It has to be an extreme circumstance. For example the war in Rwanda in the 90's we should have stopped and intervened with. Millions of people died in another holocaust.

Dana H. Class 2

Unknown said...

Well... if another country points nukes or something at us, or makes movements toward our country wish a sizable military force, or just openly declares war on us, I think it's justifiable to go to war to save our hides. Unless our peace is threatened, I don't believe the US should get involved in wars. Wars of conquest aren't really justifiable.

in the end, negotiations are the way to go.

Unknown said...

Well... if another country points nukes or something at us, or makes movements toward our country wish a sizable military force, or just openly declares war on us, I think it's justifiable to go to war to save our hides. Unless our peace is threatened, I don't believe the US should get involved in wars. Wars of conquest aren't really justifiable.

in the end, negotiations are the way to go.

Jay Lee Class 8

Unknown said...

I think there are many reasons that countries go to war. Although these reasons seem ridiculous to some people, there is always a reason that a war is started. There are responses that say that war is never just, but if that is true, then what would have happened during World War II? The Holocaust would have continued without involvement from any other countries and it would have been much worse that it actually was. Many people probably think that the War on Terror going on right now has no reason, but we got involved for some reason. Although war is one of the worst things about our society, it is necessary to restore peace for people. World War II involvement from America was imperitive because without America, Great Britian, and the other ally powers, then Hitler would have succeeded in his mission to eliminate Jewish people from Germany and all of Western Europe. I believe war is just in extreme cases, but some battles don't necessarily need to be fought.

Jacey Mattegat, Class 2

dk12 said...

As a society we are taught that "violence is never the answer," yet the way i see it, when a bigger conflict arrives in our country, we always feel like we have to resort to violent actions like war. In the past, there is minimum evidence that shows that we try to prevent ourselves from going to war. With the war in iraq, we went in because of weapons of mass destruction that were clearly not there. It leaves question, that was Bush 100% sure that they were there or did we just give up and need a reason to invade? Its just a thought, so what kind of role model is the government being? with that said, war is never just. War is the last resort to solving problems.

Danielle Kaufman
Class 2

Unknown said...

I don't think war is ever really justified. War is caused when two sides cannot come to a consensus and if the two sides work together diligently without being stubborn or anything they will be able to work something out. If they don't, they do not have the right to risk innocent lives for a "cause". This is because these causes come from people's beliefs and since everyone is entitled to their own opinion, why should you kill other people with opposing viewpoints? If the only way you think you can "prove a point" is to use violence then that shows that you have weak confidence in your own views and know you cannot support them. A reasonable person would just let people see their side of the story rather than force it upon others.

Calvin Song Class 8

Unknown said...

War is of course justified if we are threatened. Self defense is always a reasonable excuse for military action. It is our duty to protect our country and when our country is threatened we must do whatever it takes to defend and protect the lives of the American citizens. War is also justified if we are defending allies. If we expect any help in defending our own nation, we must help our allies defend theirs. Self defense and standing up for others are the two reasons for war, but of course war should be a last resort as there is a 100% chance of lives being lost.

Chelsea Y.
Class 8

Unknown said...

In my opinion, war is never just. When there is conflict, violence is not the answer. Violence will just lead to other problems and even more conflict. I don't think war will solve the conflict, all it will do is show which side is stronger. People need to realize that conflict can be solved in ways other than fighting and killing. In war, you have to risk innocent peoples' lives in order to win. Wars also waste a lot of money, which can put countries into huge debt. Currently, with the Iraq War, the U.S is in deep debt because of the money we've spent on weapons. These are some of the reasons why I believe that war is not just.

Karen Narayanan, Class 8

Unknown said...

War is a terrible conflict however it is at some times necessary. When the peace and civility of a country is threatened by another, war is at some times necessary. For example, in World War Two America was not going to get involved unitl pearl harbor. The Japanese navy attacked pearl harbor and this forced the United States to go to war. However, in many other instances war is not necessary becuase the murder of another human being is not acceptable.
Evan Kennedy class 2

Unknown said...

Sometimes wars are fought for the ignorant yearning of power. Other times, humans are put to the test to relinquish these demons from soceity in the only way their stubborn nature will allow.Death, though a cruel and unruly concept, it is needed to stop the madmen/madwomen(Hitler,Suddam,ceaser are a few examples.) of soceity. It is sort of like a cancer that has to be cut out. The body is put at risk to save it in the long run. However, you can never really get rid of cancer completely.

Taylor Carnes

Unknown said...

To me, I believe that war is justified in the sense of defense (World Trade Center Bombings), but in many examples of American History it is not just. In the Vietnam War, in which we lost, ended up in the loss of many Americans and wasted many resources and how it all began was because America thought communism was a threat so they decided to go to war to stop that spread. The United States feared that Vietnam would be taken over by communists, so they sent troops there. They were trying to help, but their plan backfired making the war something bigger than it should have been. Wars could be prevented and should only be a last resort.

Stephanie Jarvis class 2

Unknown said...

A nation never wants to go to war because with war there are always casualties. But i think was is justified. When another country comes and makes an attack on the United States then war is 100% just. An example of this would be 9/11. There were over thousands and thousand of innocent American lives taken that day. Sometimes when a conflict can not be resolved war is necessary (The North and South). War is always just because without war decisions and the protection of the American people would be jeopardized.

Kate Bowen
Period 2

Unknown said...

I think that War is always just. Something that people are willing to risk there lives for and put themselves on the front lines for, there needs to be a justification. In other words, there needs to be something worth fighting for. I feel it that if your fighting for something your hearts not in to, theres no way to have a successful war. War is a result of unsuccessful peace between countries. If things cannot be worked out, you have to result to a war.
-Aquib 2

Unknown said...

I believe war is just if another country is making violent threats to your country or has made an attack on your country. I don't believe, however, that you should start a war for something you want to attain or recieve.A country should only declare war on another country if they strongly feel their privacy is being invaded and their people are in danger

Anonymous said...

War is just, to a point. War should be the last option. Charging into battle when there are other ways to solve a problem is wrong. But if war is the only option left then it is just.

The war in the middle east has done nothing for the US. Actually, it has caused more problems. This is because we went to war too quickly and didn't take a moment to think this through.

Katie Dunlap, Class 2

Unknown said...

War can be just if national security is under attack. If innocent lives in America are at stake and our trust with another country has been broken then war is necessary. For example, America remained neutral in World War II until Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. We felt that if Japan could bomb Pearl Harbor, a U.S. territory, then they had the potential to bomb the West coast. Although war might be justified in different instances, I do not feel it is the ideal choice. Other alternatives, such as compromising peacefully should be attempted before turning to war.

Molly Nostrand Class 2

kevin breuninger said...

i think that war can be just if it used to protect people in the long run. in world war 2, for example, the rising power in the Axis threatened the entire world, and many countries rallied together to form the Allies, fighting for a common good. in that case, a refusal to resort to arms could have lead to a different looking world today. in cses like that war is acceptable and necessary

Unknown said...

War is just when it is trying to solve an issue or to demolish unjust ways, like communism, or having a dictator. However, war is unjust when it is trying to be beneficial to one country while trying to destroy or weaken an other. When trying to gain more land or more oil and fighting for it, is when war becomes inefficient and leaves the world in a cycle of fighting and hatred.

Stephanie Suhoza
Class 2

Unknown said...

Annika Garrett-

When Hitler slaughtered an unimaginable number of people was that right for America to go to war? Yes, however, I believe it could have been prevented had we not put so much pressure on Germany after WWI to pay up for damages, and perhaps if we had communicated and assisted with the aftermath of the first World War, the second one may have never happened. When we can understand that our beliefs and status as a nation give us no right to invade or kill the people of another belief, status, nation, race, etc, then we will finally achieve understanding. We should only defend the people who do not wish to be involved in war, but somehow they have gotten caught up in the mess.

Unknown said...

I think war is justified if you are doing it out of defends. If you start war for reasons like land or power it is never right, but if you are fighting to defend yourself it is justified.

Unknown said...

War can be justified when our homeland in threatened. when lives are being lost, we have the right to act and defend ourselves. this does not necessarily mean that we should go and take over a whole country, like this most recent war, but we can eliminate the threats against us as long as our methods are just and moral. We are not entitled invade another country, ever.

Unknown said...

I believe war is justified if another country attacks or threatens the United States in some way. We have to protect our country and people. I do not beleive war is always necessary, there are other ways around solving a problem then going to war. There are many times that people have fought in a war and when they came out they didnt know why they went there in the first place. I do not believe it is just to fight someone elses war, this causes more hurt then good to the United States.

Unknown said...

I believe that there are really no just wars unless you have been attacked without reason on your own soil. I believe that there are somtimnes exceptions but that this is the main rule.

austin hall said...

although war is a terrible thing to thing about our country being in, i feel that when nessacary to enter war, it is just. the people leading this country woulndt throw us into a bad situation, and by them deciding that war is the only option there has to be reason right? Being the fact that i have realtives in the army and realtives that are veterens, it hits close to home for my family. even on a personal level, i feel that the actions of the amrmed forces are filled with meaning and passion. People arnt out there to simply kill, there is always a basis for the killing. therefor a since of justice for what the outcome.

tyler dav said...

I beleive that war can not be justified. After 911, President Bush sent many troops into Iraq, starting what is known as the War on Terrorism. Due to this rather pointless war, many people have lost their lives including American soldiers as well as innocent Iraq people. I beleive there are other ways to settle controversies other than fighting.

Class 2

Taylor S said...

i think that war is only justifiable in self-defense, which also goes along with fighting. It's extremely important to avoid war and fighting by any means possible. But when all of those means have been exhausted, war becomes the only possibility left, besides losing whatever you're fighting for, whether it's self-respect, peace, or happiness. but i really do not like how in most wars that many innocent people die within the process i do not think that there is any justification for that what so ever.

Benjamin said...

As a last means, I think war is still too costly to ever be considered the best choice. But as much as I want to say war should never be an option, I know the only way to evolve or advance as a country is to get the guts to fight wars.

Unknown said...

I believe that there are usually other ways of handeling foreign affairs other than war for 90% of the time. In the case of the Civil War or World War 2, in my opinion i believe that it was very neccesary to go to war because its something that sends a message and physically stops the opposing side from continuing whatever is unjust. It does have negative affects most of the time and always gives certain countrys reputations when they are involved in war.

Laetitia said...

In some cases war cannot be just just like the war between the Romans and the Gauls. The Romans went to the war against the Gauls just because the Romans wanted to expand their territory. In other cases war can be just if your country is being threatened and you need to protect yourselves from them.

Tim Arnone said...

War can be just, but this is a very very rare occasion. War is just only when you are defending yourself, and your country is in danger. For example World War II was a just war. We did the right thing by staying to ourselves and leaving everyone else alone. We then were given a just cause to go to war when the Japanese attacked us at Pearl Harbor. Americans were killed, and America was attacked.On the hand, Vietnam was not a just war. America was not threatened by whether or not Vietnam became communist or democratic, and no Americans would have been harmed if we left the Vietnamese alone. We were not defending ourselves, or even retaliating. America was attacking North Vietnam, and there is no way anyone can justify that.

Timm Arnone, class 2

Unknown said...

Yes, war can be just. An obvious example of this is WWII. What was going on in Germany was definitely not acceptable, and aiding in war against Germany was the completely correct thing to do. There is not much that can be done to make war unjustifiable, unless it is making war just to look for a battle. If a country is being threatened or even being indirectly threatened but still have the possibility, that country should be prepared for war.

Jon Smolen Period 8

Unknown said...

To me, i believe it really depends on the situation with war. For example, there are certain things in life that make war unpreventable such as terrorist attacks or a crazed lunatic such as Hitler or Hussien. When peroples lives are being threatnes in such a large scale then yes i believe war is the fastest solution to correcting the problem. Certian things such as debate over land or fight over money doesn't make war right. War should be used as a tactic to save lives and to protect others and yourself.

chris teri said...

I belive that threats made aginst us, and attacks aginst us are justifacations for war. Any action that puts or potentionally puts the American people at risk, we should take action. War should not be used freely for answers to all problems but it should not be a last resotrt.