Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Wild Ride

How might 2009 be a "wild ride" for you?
Post your comment by Friday 1-16-09 for full credit.


Unknown said...

Calvin - Class 8

For me, 2009 might be a "wild ride" because, by the way the economy has been going, you can't really rely on gas prices to stay at the same low price it's at all the time. Also, with a new president coming in that promises "change" I expect that there will be a lot of new things to get used to. Also, the situation around the globe isn't getting much better with terrorists still active so I assume there will be some concerns for safety. For me, I think that with the economy in a downturn, funding a good college education might be more difficult as well as getting a good job. Until the economy straightens out 2009 still looks to be a "wild ride".

Unknown said...

Jeff Keating
Period: 8
2009 is going to be a crucial year for this country. Our economy is in a recession, our country is at war, presidential change, limited recourses ext.. will all effect this country immensely in this next year. There will be an incredible amount of stress on President Obama to get us out of many of these problems and set us on a beneficial path to success. I predict that over this coming year we will experience many positive changes as well as some changes we were not expecting and or dislike. Nothing will be a smooth and predictable change when re-organizing a country. The only thing we can predict is that it will be one wild ride.

Alyssa Rodriguez said...

With the economy in its current state, 2009 will be a rough year for anyone. As a student searching for colleges and a future beyond them, the future looks particularly bleak with smaller college loans and scholarships, falling home equity values, fewer jobs available, and simply less money to afford expensive reputable schools. I can only hope that the economic situation improves by the end of 2009, around the time I will be applying for colleges.

Alyssa Rodriguez
Class 8

Unknown said...

2009 is going to be a "wild ride" for me because it is the year of stress. In 2009 I am going to take the SAT's and ACT. One of the most stressful parts besides SAT's will be finding a college (and getting in) where I can pursue softball and have that college have my major. I've always wanted a college scholarship for softball and between sending out recruiting information and going to college showcases, it will be overall a stressful year.

Taegan said...

With a new president and a wave of change, this coming year looks bright for us all. Hopefully people will learn more tolerance and acceptance. As juniors in high school, we are preparing for the big world, full of opportunities. With the economy in danger, and the constant change in financial hardships, this year will probably be pretty bumpy, but if we can come together as a nation, it shouldn't be to hard to find success.

Taegan Estores
pr. 2

austin hall said...

2009 will probably be one of the most hectic or "wild" years ive had. Mainly because of school and how that is such a impact on the rest of my life. and secondly because of my soccer career. Both of these aspects have a huge impact on what i do in the future. if my grades dont stay "up" then i wont be able to get into the college that i want as well as if i dont keep striving to improve my performance on the soccer field then i may or may not be playing in college like i hope to. Mainly 2009 will drive me "wild" with these two things playing such huge roles in the rest of life.

Unknown said...

Dan O'Connor Class 2

2009 is going to be a huge year for me. It marks what could be called the epitome of my high school career with SATs pressing upon soon. Also it marks the beginning of my senior year, my last year of high school, which is hard to believe. College is really coming up fast and 2009 is the time to really start to prepare, the later part of the year will be filled with college visits and filling out college applications. Not only will 2009 be such a big year for me on a personal level, but it also marks the first inauguration of an african american president, or for that matter, a non-white president. It also marks the end of the bush administration, which some historians are calling the worst ever in the history of America. I think its going to be a good year.

Anonymous said...

2009 might be a wild ride to the economic situation in the United States. Last month alone 500,000 people lost their jobs, and I think that number can only go up in months to follow. It will be interesting to see how President Obama will tackle the economic issues. Also, American auto giants GM and Ford might be seeing their last days in 2009, and it should be intriguing to see how the landscape of business will/could change with them not around.

Unknown said...

2009 will be a wild ride for me because I will be looking at colleges, which requires a lot of my time and effort. Deciding on which college I want to attend is a tough decision and it's something I need to think about as it is right around the corner.

Unknown said...

2009 is definitely going to be a wild ride- as President-elect Obama said, things are only going to get worse until they get better. More and more people will be losing their jobs, and the economic bailout will only help for so much time. This isn't the 1930's anymore that people will do the construction work jobs created; people in offices are going to want another office job. In addition, the mess we have in Iraq is going to need a brand-new plan, along with our oil situation. I'm happy we have Obama, he's really getting prepared.

Unknown said...

I think that this year will be a wild ride for me because I will have to apply for colleges and do the increasing amount of work expected by each of my teachers.

kevin breuninger said...

2009 looks like it might be a very busy year for me, in that this is the year that i will take my SAT's, take my drivers license exam, start looking at which colleges would be best suited for me, which major(s) i would like to pursue, and basically start mapping out the rest of my life. its a daunting amount of tasks, many of which will affect me for the rest of my life. thats why this year will be a "wild ride"

Anonymous said...

For me, 2009 could be considered a "wild ride" because of the pressures and stress I am bound to be facing. With the recession, my family, like many other families, is concerned with money. With two siblings graduating this year, and myself next year, my parents will be paying three college tuitions at once. So, this year I will be pressured to do well in the hopes of getting some sort of scholarship. On a less personal level, 2009 could be called a "wild ride" because of the changes the year will bring. With the first black president, or simply just with a new president, America will be different.

Unknown said...

2009 will be a wild ride because not only are we in a financial recession but it's the beginning of a new presidency. Since we havn't had a democrat in the white house in about 4 years I think that there is going to be some contreversy about the possible end of the war in iraq.
margot isaacs
period 2

Unknown said...

2009 is going to be a crazy year. Hopefully gas prices will stay where they are or even go down more. The economy affects me a lot. I'm trying to get a job and also looking towards paying for college and sholarships. Also sports is such an important part of my life it will cause a lot of stress but fun times. I am really exicited for Obama to take over, hopefully he'll bring change that this country needs.

alkap0wn said...

2009 will have many challenges that I must triumph over. I will have to prepare for finals and an AP Chemistry test and an AP Environmental Science test. Then there are the SAT’s, the ACT’s, and SAT 2’s. On top of all those tests I have to think about colleges. I am going to have to somehow find time to learn about and visit colleges. Even if I find a college I like it doesn’t mean I can get in or even be able to pay for it, especially our country is going through some economic hardships. Hopefully Barack Obama’s plan will help our economy. With all these things happening at once things can get a little crazy.
Jason - class 8

Unknown said...

2009, in my opinion, will be a wild ride for me because im intrested in what our president elect will acomplish and if he is able to bring change that is needed. It also is a big year for me and my classmates because the class of 2010 is now approaching a crucial moment in their lives which has alot to do with SAT's, college and our future. There is many important desicions to be made and i do believe that 2009 will determine our country's well being until 2012

Unknown said...

With the economy doing the way it is and with a new president coming into office, 2009 is definitely going to be a "wild ride." Our country is in a recession and many people are losing their jobs. This will affect me because I do not have as much freedom, when it comes to choosing a college, than I would have before the economy took a downturn. Not only when it comes to choosing a college, but after college, if finding a job is still hard, it will be difficult for myself. It is a very tough time for Americans right now and things hopefully will change in 2009, but it will definitely be a "wild ride."

Unknown said...

2009, will be an exciting yet "wild ride". This year is crucial for the well-being of the country. With the economy in its current state the United States is going to have to make a drastic change. Not only am I looking at the future for America but the future for myself as well. This year is very important year, with striving to get good grades and looking at the perfect college. This year is definitely going to be "wild" for everyone.

Unknown said...

Jay Lee :: per 8

Well, considering this year being the first for us to have ourvery first African American (not really, he's Hawaiian)It'll be interesting to see where this country heads. If Obama is to really make the changes he promised during his campaign, 2009'll be one hectic year.

Unknown said...

Annie - class 2

2009 will be a wild ride because it is a crucial year in determining my future. This year i will have to wokr on my grades and SATS in order to have many college opportunities and attend the college of my choice. It is going to be difficult apply to colleges and picking the college that best suits me. 2009 will also be a wild ride because of the economy. This is going to effect most aspects of my life if the situation continues to decline. It could also be a major aspect of which college will accept me or which one i will choose to go to. Although 2009 will be a wild ride i am looking forward to seeing what it has to offer.

Unknown said...

Evan Kennedy-Class 2
2009 is going to be a "wild ride" for me becuase college is right ahead of me. With the way the economy has been, this is even a harder decision based on money for college funds. Finally, there is the first african american president in office in 2009 and he has a big job to do to save the economy.

Unknown said...

Taylor Carnes
Period 8

In the respect of world events, 2009 won't be much more wild than any other year for me. However, my father is a financial advisor, so you can understand that the direction the economies going will certainly have effects on him. I find myself, on the other hand, very calm about money concerns. I don't really want to worry about college until senior year.

Unknown said...

2009 is going to be a crazy ride for me! I'm really interested to see how Barak Obama is as a president, and if he changes as much as he says he will. This is the year that I'm going to start driving, so gas prices are going to be on my mind a lot. I feel as though this drop in prices wont last. I know that something major is about to happen what will send them sky high again. The Economy is also something that can effect me in a big way this year. I do not want to be living my life in a country of total debt and devistation, so our government really needs to get their act together on that one! I'm totally exited for the rest of the year though!

Unknown said...

09 is gonna be sick (wild ride) because of all the changes that are gonna happen, no more bush, the democrats are gonna make this country more stable and eliviate some stress that alot of americans have right now. also alot of sick movies are coming out right now. notorious the one about biggie is gonna be insane so go see it.

Unknown said...

2009 would be a wild ride for me based on the fact that the economy is putting everyone through such a rough time. Even though this problem doesn't directly affect me, it effects my family. Looking at college is also really intimidating because of the competitiveness and the all around cost. Thinking about planning my life really gives me a good perspective on how hard I have to work to get anywhere in life. With the economy the way it is, and college just around the corner, 2009 seem like it will be a wild ride.

Unknown said...

2009 will be a "wild ride" because the economy will continue to change rapidly, changing the prices from grocery store items to electronics. Nobody knows what the economy will be like a year from now, which is what is the scary part. Also, gas prices have dropped almost 2.50 dollars/gallon in one year, which is a rediculous amount. I believe that by the end of this year, the economy will settle out which will cause the gas prices to raise again, but honestly, nobody truly knows what will happen.

Unknown said...

2009 might be a wild ride because of the recession the country is facing right now. A lot of people are losing their jobs and a lot of big companies struggling. I think that getting a loan to go to college will be the most difficult thing faced by students and it's very unfortunate. I think banks issuing student loans should be more easily handed out because even jobs not requiring a college education are not very readily available. Maybe in the meantime when students are in school the economic crisis will start subsiding. 2009 will undoubtedly be a wild ride.

Laetitia said...

This year is going to be a "wild ride" for me because it will be the first time taking my SATs and most likely not the last. Also i will be taking the ACTs for the first time, then depending on my scores I will have to decide what colleges to apply to. So basically 2009 is going to be extremely stressful because I'm going to have to make many important decisions that will have a huge impact on my life.

Unknown said...

2009 will be a "wild ride" because I will be taking the SATS and start looking at colleges. ALso now that I can drive I need to find a job so I can pay for gas. The economy will also effect 2009 because of more and more people losing their jobs it will be hard for me and my parents to pay for college for me and my sister and brother. I think the new president has it hard coming into a country that is be going down hill.

Unknown said...

I think 2009 will be a wild ride because of the economy, it will be hard to get a good job to pay for gas and help pay for college. Also this is the year I am taking the SATS and going to start to look at colleges. I think the president has it very hard coming into office with a country that has been going down hill with the war in Iraq and the economy.

Unknown said...

The cartoon is probably referring to the economic ups and down we're entering into, and the waves that will disperse from it to rock the stability of many American's lives.
As for me personally, 2009 will be a year of change. I've gained a year and new responsibilities. Before the year is over, I'll be in my last year of high school and learning how to be an independent being. On top of that, you have the economic challenges everyone is facing. Finding money for college is going to be more difficult in the next few years, especially with my sister already attending.
Although it does have it's downfalls, I'm sure 2009 will also have it's high moments. We just have to strap our seat belts in and hope at the end we don't end up getting sick.

Unknown said...

2009 might be a "wild ride" for me because as im searching for colleges i've learned how difficult it may be for me. With the economy the way it is, it's very hard for student loans and scholarships to be given out. This will effect me in my search i now have to pay attention to the tuition more then ever while a couple of years ago my parents weren't stressing the importance of school budgets. It's also going to be a "wild ride" seeing a new president lead our country and hopefully we will see some good improvements in the next couple of years to help/fix our economy.

Tim Arnone said...

2009 will most definately be a wild ride for me. With the economy in such a fluxuating state, no jobs are secure. Yet I am coming to the point in my life where I need to start making decisions about what I will do for a career. The problem is that since the economy is so bad I don't know whether to go for something high paying, or try and find my dream job. I will be forced with tough decisions and I need to decide whether or not I should let the worlds current state of affairs affect my decision.

Anonymous said...

With the end of 2008 the entire country and I look at the coming year and I know 2009 will be a wild ride. The country is getting a new president which will change America and our views for the future. The economy is pretty bad right now and that is affecting everyone. For some people it is hard to find jobs and that struggle will continue into the new year. The outcomes of the war are unpredictable for 2009. On a personal level 2009 is a huge year. SATs and ACTs have been putting a ton of pressure on me. 2009 will surely be one heck of a wild ride.

Katie Dunlap- Class 2

tayLor S said...

i think that 2009 will be a wild ride for me becuase the whole economic crisis is really making it difficult for people to find jobs, which i need. It is also going to get more difficult to look and get into colleges because there arent going to be as much loans and scholarships it will be hard for parents to pay all of that money instead of borrowing like they used too. I really want to get a scholarship for soccer and it is going to be really difficult to do that with this economic crisis that our country is going through. I hope that President elect Obama tries to slow things down and help this crisis in some way gradually.

Unknown said...

I think 2009 will be a wild ride for most people because with the economy going down the tubes, no one knows if they'll have the things that they had the previous day. I think it will be a wild ride for me because I have to start seriously considering colleges and SATs. I have to look at scholorships, but I don't know if my grades will be good enough to get one. I don't want to be paying off loans for the rest of my life, but with the economy, I think that might be a possibility. 2009 will definately be an interesting year, but hopefully it will be more fun than stressful.

- Jacey, per 2

Unknown said...

I don't think 2009 will be any more of a wild ride than any other year. With president-elect Obama promising so much change for our nation, i think a lot of people will be disappointed when they realize he won't do too much to help the so called "wild ride" we have been on in the past years, with the extreme fall of American economy, the war on terror, and other ecological issues such as pollution. I wish him the best of luck because he has a large position to fill, and has already gave the American population HUGE expectations of what he is going to try do.
Cameron Gehrman Class 2

Unknown said...

2009 might be a "wild ride" for me because so many changes are happening. The economy is rapidly declining, history is being made by the first black man being sworn into office, one who actually wants to help the people. To add to this, 2009 , being junior year, is crucial in the college process. SAT's, ACT's, and college visiting will all happen this new year.
Chelsea Young
Class 8

tyler dav said...

2009 is going to be a "wild ride" for me because of the pressures of college, ACTs and the SATs. How I do on these tests can determine what colleges and what scholarships I will be able to get into or receive. Also, my final year of high school will begin this year which is quite frightening becuase of how fast time has flown by. 2009 will be a "wild ride" due to the academic pressures that I will face.

Unknown said...

This year will be a wild ride for me because of the dire state of America’s economy. My parents may not have the original amount they had planned for college savings. Their retirement fund is also at risk because of the dismal economy, which affects their ability to pay tuition too. Colleges themselves will not be spending as much money on financial aid and improvements to campuses. I recently starting driving; the unpredictable gas prices will definitely affect me, both positively and negatively. The real estate market is now a buyer’s market. Americans are finding it harder to gain equity in their homes and are not relocating as frequently. Overall, 2009’s economy will be an adventure.

Molly Nostrand
Class 2