Thursday, November 13, 2008

Women's Rights

In this era of reform, women started agitating for equal rights.
Do you believe equality between men and women has been achieved?
Explain one example to support your position. You can comment on
someone else's post . . .
Please post by 11/23 for full credit.


Unknown said...

I believe that women have gotten pretty far since the times when they were seen as inferior to men and they are almost equal but not yet. This is because there is still the thinking that the woman's place in a family was a mom who only took care of the children and the house. We need to get rid of this belief in order to achieve true equality between men and women. But so far, women have achieved a lot. For example, many of the top CEOs in the world are successful women who were able to work their way to the top, disregarding the stereotype of women. These women are role models for others in order for women to achieve equality.

Alyssa Rodriguez said...

Yes, I believe that women have at last achieved equal rights. They are able to vote, enjoy all the rights concerning independency in the past only men enjoyed, and have the ability to run for positions of power (such as presidency). However, I feel that there are still unequal preconceptions held concerning the image of women. For example, when Sara Palin ran for the position of VP with McCain, people wondered, how will she be able to take care of the kids? Although President Obama also has kids, because he is male no one took that role into account of his potential presidency.

Unknown said...

Katie Fragoso
per 2

As much as we would like to say that men and women are equal in our society, there is definitely still inequality. This may be at home, in the workplace, in religion, in the government, or among friends.
However, we have come a long way as a society, as there are still countries such as in the Middle East where women must be completely submissive.
Women are granted the same rights as men; the problem is that the people are the ones that decide how they will use these laws. My religious ed teacher told me that women and men are practically equal, but men are the tiebreaker. What?
We can make as many laws as we want but that won't change people's sexist opinions.
On a larger scale, the average woman gets 77 cents per every man's dollar. That is pretty ridiculous.

Unknown said...

I think that women have come a long way since the United States were formed, but they still do not have all the rights that they deserve. They still seemed to be characterized as being the weaker of the two genders and to not be capable of some of the more labor intensive jobs. It really is not their "rights" that are hindering them, but more so the stereotypes of women that hold them back. If a woman wanted to work in a an auto shop or have a career in construction; she would be less likely to get one then say a man in the same position, solely based on the fact that she was a woman. If women were given the same treatment as men were then they may have finally achieved the same rights as men.

Anonymous said...

I believe that women have achieved equal rights and in some cases, exceeded men in certain circles. Women are no longer viewed as only the home maker, unless by their own personal choice. Many women now have careers in high paying jobs, and prominent positions. In some regards, like the business world, being a woman is now a helpful thing, since the work place is dominated by men. If you are a dedicated, hard working woman, you can find yourself climbing the corporate ladder very fast in these times.

Unknown said...

I do not think women and men have reached equality, nor do i think they will. I know that women have come close to having equal power in society with voting, working etc, however women and men are different. It is like asking if an apple and orange will ever be thought of as the same thing. The answer is no. I am not saying i think women shouldn't have the right to the same power that men have, i am saying that in our society i dont think it will happen within our generations life time atleast. Women will be thought of the homemakers and men will be thought of as the one to go to work. This is a very common stereotype, but many women have proven that stereotypes are not always true.

Cameron Gehrman Class 2

Unknown said...

Although there have been major strides in the equality of women to men I do not believe that women are always seen as completely equal to men. There is still the stereotype "yes dear" housewife and "bringing home the bacon" dad seen in the media on an everyday basis. As long as these stereotypes are considered the norm for a family there is not complete equality between gender.
margot isaacs
period 2

Unknown said...

I feel like America has made strides toward equality between men and women, but we have not yet achieved absolute equality. Opportunities in the military are limited for women because they are not allowed to serve on the front line. Many other fields are still predominately male; the men in the construction industry outweigh the women by a landslide (a whopping ninety seven percent). However, there are organizations that devote time to fix the situation. WISE, Women into Science, Engineering, and Construction, work to “encourage young women to stick with Maths and Physics, and consider careers in those areas of Science, Engineering and Construction that they traditionally reject.”
Recently, Sarah Palin was scrutinized by critics that claimed she could not maintain a position as Vice President and take care of her five children. I fail to see the reason in such claims; women are more than able to both play their role in the family and succeed in a career. On the other hand, President-elect Obama was not criticized for running for president and being a dad. This dilemma proves that inequalities continue to exist in 2008.

Anonymous said...

Although it is evident that women are treated with more respect today than in the past, and although men and women have equal rights, I do not believe that society today VIEWS women and men as equals.
Today, it is still evident that the roles of women and men are distinguished. The women, for example, are viewed as weaker individuals. They are simply viewed as a caretaker or driver to the children, or possibly even a 'caterer' to the husband. While the men are viewed as the provider and strength of the family.
Like racism, laws cannot change these sexist beliefs in society, and unfortunately, these sexist stereotypes will continue to exist.

Unknown said...

I do not believe women have achieved equal rights to men. They have come very far with women heads of companies running in politics, and having their own p-rofessional sports teams. Men still see women as inferior. It is still seen popular that the women have to stay home and "raise the kids". A commen saying is "my mother taught me better". What about your father. This is impling that the mother stay home with the kids and the father worked and made the money.
Dana Period 2

Unknown said...

I do not believe that equality between men and women has been achieved. I believe that women have gotten pretty far, when it comes to equality with men, but I still do not believe that men and women are completely equal. If they were, both sexes would get paid the same amount for doing the same job, but instead, men still get paid more than women. Women have come a long way in achieving some equal rights, but hopefully soon women and men will both have all of the same rights.

Taegan said...

While women have made great strides towards equality, it has absolutely not been achieved. Just look at this past election. When Hillary Clinton was in the running, all people saw and talked about was her female status, her politics hardly mattered. The fact that it was taken so highly into account proves that women's rights are far below those of a man's. As a country, we are beginning to not see in terms of black and white, which is in itself a great achievement, however, when the time comes when we no longer see simply male or female, then equality is possible.

Taegan Estores
Period 2

chris teri said...

I think that women have definetly gotten equal rights. Although some may say that it is not, times are changing. Going from women not being able to vote, all the way to women running for President is a huge step. I think somethings it may seem like women are still unfairly treated, but those laws can never be changed. For example women are not alowed to be preists and that law will never change becasue it was writen down in past scripture.

Tim Arnone said...

I personally believe that, although women have gone far, they still are not equal to men. You may be thinking, they have all the same rights, and can get the same jobs, but thats not what makes them inequal. The part that is inequal is peoples outlook on women. Most of the time if a man acts foolish, or is drunk, or any number of negative things, he is usually considered to be not part of the norm. While on the other hand, if there are a few women who are a little ditsy or enjoy philandering it is thought that all women are this way. In order for a woman to be taken seriously she must be incredibly strong willed. An excellent example of this is Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin and their involvement in this past election. As hard as Hillary tried, she could not get people to overlook the fact that she was a woman. She had to be so tough and strong willed to even make it as far as she did. And even then people started to make fun of her by calling her a man. This is an example of how sexist our country is. By saying this, they are implying that a man is the only person who can be though strong willed and bossy. And that all women are dainty, except for the few "manly" ones like Hillary. In my opinion, no matter what she did, she would never be able to cross the barrier that was her being a woman. On the other hand we have Sarah Palin. Palin destroyed years of hard work by woman everywhere, and set feminine rights back decades in a matter of months. She enforced the steriotype that all women are just there to serve men, and that all women are ditsy blondes who may not know about the world outside there kitchen, but all they need is a pretty smile and they will do fine. I highly doubt that we will have a female president anytime in the near future, because when a strong female leader is running all that people will think of is Sarah Palin. And then when it comes time to vote people will enter the booths and vote for another white catholic male in his mid-fifties, because they are so terrified of having a Palin control the Country. To sum this all up, Palin destroyed the chances for all the little girls a=out there to be anything more than a pittbull-like hockey mom. So when your daughter cant get that job high end management job because nobody will take her seriously, it is all because of Mrs. Palin.

Unknown said...

Whether people decide to believe it or not, men and woman have equal rights in America. From times when woman couldn't vote to now that they can is a huge change. However, in other countries in the middle east, woman cannot go outside with anything showing besides their eyes and some may not even go outside without a man. So in America, men and woman have equal rights but in other countries, it is a different story.

Unknown said...

Although I truly believe women's rights have come a long way in such a short time, I do not believe we are seen as fully equal to men just yet. This issue becomes increasingly hard when children are put into the equation. It is simply natural for a mother to want to take care of her children, whether this stems from years of being a housewife or not, this puts added strain on the woman that the man doesn't seem to have. For example, a husband and wife could both be high powered attorneys, and yet when the wife gets pregnant, the issue comes up over who must quit. The answer will probably be the wife. Although men are taking great strides in equaling the work between men and women, I believe that if we just let things happen as they are, this now natural progression since womens rights will give women more equality to men.

kevin breuninger said...

yes, i would say that total equality has been achieved between men and women. while i still think there is discrimination in the workplace, politics, and religion, it is to a much much lesser degree. also, many women have high-ranking jobs within all of these fields. for example, both of the reverends at my church are women, and the Connecticut bishop is a woman. women have come far in politics (ie Hillary Clinton running for president) and of course women hold high-end jobs in the corporate world. to say that women can't do just about anything men can is pretty unreasonable nowadays.

Unknown said...

Evan Kennedy Class 2
I think that equality has been achieved with women and men today for many reasons. One of the major reasons is the ability to vote. Women can now express their opinion on who they want for president by voting, and they ahve the exact same rights as men in America.

alkap0wn said...

I think that there is a stereotype that says that women are supposed to stay home and care for the children. I think this stereotype will never go away or will go away gradually. With this stereotype hanging over their shoulder, women will never be totally equal to, or have the same opportunities as, a man.
Jason Howell
class 8

Unknown said...

I think that equality has been achieved achieved between men and women. What before was women only being a homemaker has now evolved into women can do anything men can do. Now we see a lot of top positions held by women in large companies.

- aquib
class 2

Laetitia said...

Today I think legally women are equal to men but in soceity women are still trying to become equal. In most circumstances women are treated equal but, there are some cases where women have been under paid or not given the same positions as men in businesses. This is really noticable in large companies where women have a lot of trouble becoming CEOs and I think it will take a while for that to change.

Laetitia de Brantes
Class 2

Unknown said...

Rebecca Castegner
Class 2

I think that women's rights have grown and expanded through America's long history. Women are becoming more independent, both in their work lives and their home lives. The age of the "stay at home" mother has gone. Now, we see women managing corporations, becoming successful business pioneers. More recently, however, the political scene has been highly influenced by the female gender. With Hillary Clinton, and Sara Palin, we see a steady climb in women power. However, there is no way that women are equal to men even now. There is still those old prejudices such as, women can't drive, women should stay home with the kids, and women's jobs to cook and clean. These stereotypes are slowly, but surly changing.

marlene said...

There has always been a struggle between the rights of men and women. For years men have been superior while the women were looked down on. For centuries it has been a woman’s role to stay at home and take care of the kids and house while the man goes out and works to pay for the house and keep the food on the table. Even though we have become more knowledgeable and understanding, equality still needs a lot of attention and work. Women do the same jobs as men yet are paid less then the men. A man gets full benefits from his job while a woman gets half to none of the benefits the man got. Women are not allowed to sever as an equal to a man on the front line in a war. Women are forced to go to the back or be a nurse because they are meant to care for everyone else and are not allowed to get hurt. Women are still inferior to men but they have come along way. Women are now able to work and even become millionaires. Women are allowed to vote, own property, work, go to school, and own businesses. Women have come along way but there is still a lot of issues that need to be addressed.

Unknown said...

Dan O'Connor
class 2
i feel that women and men will never achieve equality whether it be men have more rights than women of women have more rights than men, because men and women are different. no two groups of people, race or gender are ever equal. the news jokes about how now that Obama is the new president elect, a different ethnicity group will have to become the new oppressed group. even people of the same race and gender don't get the same rights, because of wealth or looks or even size. so i don't think women and men, or anyone for that matter will ever have the same rights.

Unknown said...

In my opinion, women have the same political rights as man. However, the ideal image of a women in society still suppresses women, and leaves them open to criticism today.

For example, one of the women in today's spotlight is Sara Palin. As we all known she is governor of Alaska and was in the race for vice president. She has the same political rights as any man, however she received much criticism for her behavior in the home. When it became apparent that governor Palin returned to her office and work only a week or two after the birth of her last child, allegations of her being a "bad mother" circled the media. Many people thought it was insensitive of her. Men on the other hand do this frequently. Are they scrutinized for it? No. Because they are not labeled as the keeper of the home and children.

Unknown said...

I do not believe that equality has been achieved between men and women because there are still people who act like this is the 1950s. People think that dancers or nurses are only jobs for women, but in many cases this isn't true. How many women construction workers do you see? Even in our generation, there are people who won't let women do things they believe that a man should do. Although women have the same rights as men, they still experience hardships. They get disrespected in the workplace, and they also have to deal with people who think that women are inferior to men. Even though, legally, women are equal to men, it is, in no way, true.

Jacey Mattegat
Class 2

Unknown said...

Honestly. Compared to anywhere else, the woman here have the most freedoms, and are considered the most equal…while sexism is still clearly around, I believe the United States holds the most equal opportunity. We approve of the urgency of woman equality, and frown on sexism. So in the end, although I don’t yet believe everyone is ready to consider woman equal, I know more then half does, and that’s more then this or any country has ever seen.

Unknown said...

I believe that women have now indeed archived equal rights. their ability to vote just as men in the us is a reason why women have archived alot. when people think of women they think of a soccer mom or a stay at home mom. this needs to change as well because there are plenty of sucessful buisness working females.

Unknown said...

I think that women's rights have gotten much better, and almost equal. I really think they have all the opportunities and rights that men have, but they are not really encouraged to do many things that they could. Society forms a general concept of what is socially acceptable for a woman to do and not to do, and people generally follow these societal rules.

Unknown said...

In many ways, women have risen in modern day soceity. They have dealt through inumerable hardship in their struggle to obtain that higher status. Today I beleive that some are frowned upon by envious and spiteful men. However, these are relics of past aggression to the feminine being. Given Time and a little bit of pateints they will be excepted as equals. I do not beleive though that they should be granted anymore privaledge than we have already allowed, reverse sexism will be the end of us if we do. Right now the situation is a knot, tug gently and it will be undone.

Unknown said...

I believe women and men are now equal. I say this because women have been just successful as men in most departments. There hasn't been a women president yet, but one was very close this past election. 2 women were in the race, Hilary Clinton, running for the democratic candidate whom would then run for president, and second Sarah Palin who was a vice president pick for John McCain and the republic party. Although either won, they are still on the same level as men.