Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Advice to our next President

Senator Barack Obama, an advocate for "change" was elected President yesterday. Please give him at least one piece of relevant advice on an issue that concerns you regarding "change." What would you like to see changed or what should not be changed?


Unknown said...

There are numerous things that need change in the United States, but the main one that needs the most attention is the economy. Our economy right now is so bad that some people were calling it a depression. Although it may have not been that bad, it's probably the worst its been since the Great Depression. Obama should relieve middle class families of their taxes and create more jobs for unemployed Americans. He also needs to bring our soldiers home from Iraq because we are over there for no reason and need to pull out.

Unknown said...

Molly Nostrand Class 2
I am passionately looking forward to a positive change in the economy. The financial crisis seems to be the most prominent obstacle for the newly elected Obama. I strongly believe that there should be more job opportunities for Americans. He has a successful history of giving incentive to companies for keeping jobs in the United States with the Patriot Employer Act of 2007. President-elect Obama agrees on his website that he will “invest in the manufacturing sector and create 5 million new green jobs.” Improving the environment and the unemployment rate at the same time is a brilliant idea that should be followed out in the next four years. However, I don't feel like the government should be overly forceful in the shift to living green. I feel like being respectful to the environment should become a part of every American's life, but should be interwoven over time.
Overall, Obama's hopes to alter America may never take flight if he does not gain the other branch's support on his topics.

Unknown said...

One piece of advice I would give Barack Obama our new elected President would be that there is talk about him bringing the troops out of Iraq immediately. I feel that for "change" he should not bring the troops back the first chance he gets. If we bring ALL the troops home at one time chaos could erupt in Iraq. The people of Iraq are depending on us to build roads and help start a new live for them. Even if Obama thinks he is doing the right thing for "change" it might end up disastrous for the country of Iraq.

Period 2

Alyssa Rodriguez said...

We learned from the sky-high summer gas prices that an alternate fuel source besides fossil fuels needs to be found. I hope that America would be able to change from a fossil fuel reliant country to one that uses renewable energy instead. Not only would this make us less dependent on other countries for fuel, this would help save the environment by reducing the United States' current "greenhouse" emmissions.

Unknown said...

I would like to see Obama try to get us out of the economic crisis. Are country has faith in him so I advise him to do what he feels is best for EVERY American and not just the ones who need it more. We are all suffering with this and I think if he does what he thinks is best he can get us out of these.

Period 2

Unknown said...

I think that Barack Obama needs to change how America is viewed by other countries. To others, we're viewed as fat and lazy, cheeseburgers and fries. He needs to show not only others, but ourselves as well that we are a strong patriotic country. He can start by re-uniting the people since the bush "fiasco" of the past eight years has torn us apart as a country.
Chelsea Young

Anonymous said...

I would recommend to President Obama that he needs to keep a watchful eye on Iran. In the future, they are going to prove to be trouble, especially with a nuclear weapons program. In that same mindset, he needs to be aware of the nations that wish to harm Israel, and really keep focus and an objective mind on the middle east, and who to ally ourselves with.

Laetitia said...

More affordable healthcare, but not at the expense of taxpayers. Americans should be responsible for obtaining their own healthcare or purchase one from their employer, the government should not dictate healthcare distribution. Healthcare costs should also be brought under control.

Unknown said...

Dear President Elect Barack Obama. I think something that needs to be changed is our dependence on foreign oil. I find it that the reason we have such high gas prices is that we rely on other countries for something we have. In the end we need to do more research and find other ways of energy. It'll be easier to fund this if our gas prices are lower. If we drill more oil here, with the lower gas prices we can put more money at research.

marlene said...

Marlene Kroon
Mrs. Hurley
Hon. U.S. History

Barack Obama

The definition of change is a transformation or modification. I believe that the United States needs great change. The economic crisis needs to be addressed and resolved. It is time for the people to be appreciated and for the government to increase funds and support for education and universal heath care. The government needs to support the working families and the single working mothers with children. The government should also give women equal pay for equal work and expand the childcare tax credit. Single working mothers can not afford childcare or a good education. Taxes must be decreased so everyone has the same opportunities. New jobs need to be created and tax cuts must be made for the middle class Americans. The poor class needs more tax cuts and the higher class needs greater taxes imposed on them. The government also needs to invest in alternative fuels that will create new “green” jobs and improve our environment and the issues of global warming. Also the war in Iraq must be stopped. Too much money is going into the war that can be used for better and greater things, such as increasing funding for education instead of using vouchers. The money can also be put towards improving homeland security, providing for veterans, and ensuring that social security for the people is protected.

Taegan said...

When California dictated that same-sex marriages were considered equal and legal, it made such an amazing difference on thousands of lives. It was a great step for man-kind. This was a smile on the face of our country. However, now that the ban has been replaced, it's like we are stepping back and all of the progress we have made has just been washed away. No one seems to realize that the people affected by this law are people too, and they deserve the same rights as any heterosexual couple. My advise is to be an advocate for human rights, our country was founded on them and people seem to have lost sight of that.

Taegan Estores
Period 2evanescence

Unknown said...

I think that President Obama should have more funding for education in the higher levels as well as the lower levels because education is what will make our economy grow. Right now our economy is down but educated people will be able to obtain good jobs that can spur our economy. The reason why many Americans do not go to some very high quality schools when they have the opportunity to do so is that the cost is too much for their budgets and some funding from the government could help students get into the college of their dreams. Education is at the root of the solutions in solving our economic crisis.

alkap0wn said...

I would like to see the Federal Government participating in as little public and private issues and activities as possible. I think that American's independence and freedom will bring America to become great and successful. In order for America to reach its full potential the people need to be free of government control.

Unknown said...

I think that his idea of "spreading the wealth" is a good one, but only to a certain extent. I think that he should make that change, but he should not take it too far as to turn it into a Socialist country. But if the wealth is spread at least a little more than now, then I think that would be one change that would only make the country better.

Jon Smolen
Period 8

Unknown said...

One issue that i feel strongly about is the war in iraq. Some people believe that the best way to handle this situation is to bring all the troops home from iraq immediately, but i believe this is the wrong thing to do. Although the situation in iraq is one that we do not wish to be in, it will only get worse if we were to pull troops out. chaos would erupt in iraq and everything we have worked to fix will return to ground zero. i believe our time in iraq is long overstayed but i do not think we should leave things unresolved. it would be best to come up with a plan on what we need to achieve overseas and come up with deadlines and return dates over the next year or two.

Period 2

Unknown said...

Obama promises change in the economy and the war in Iraq and many other important issues. However i would advise him one thing. Make sure things aren't changed too fast. It is my opinion that if we remove all the troops from iraq and try a drastic plan to save the economy it will only cause more turmoil in the end. He should not focus on a quick change for the economy. He should work towards a final solution for a long term problem (the economy). Even though some consider the war unnescesary, Obama should be advised that once something of this nature is started there is no easy way to quickly stop. If American troops are withdrawn from Iraq chaos will come with it. Additionaly it would be completely pointless since no real conclusion/resolution has been made yet. Obama needs not to remove the troops but to create a new plan of attack in the war.
Cameron Class 2

Anonymous said...

As many others have said, I feel that at the moment, America's biggest problem is the economic crisis. In order to help the people of the community, more job opportunities should be available. On taxes however, I feel that he should not take AWAY from those who already are economically stable. Instead, he should give help to those who need it without raising taxes to those with higher income.

Olivia period 2

Unknown said...

Advice to Obama -
1. Obama needs to rally all of the former rpublicans and show them that they can all work together. Obama needs both of the parties to agree to fix the economy.
2. Obama needs to fix our economy

With those two major topics floating around the media, Obama will have a tough time being president, but if he can do these two things, he will be a well liked president.

taylor said...

Some advice that i would give president elect Obama would be to help our suffering economy.If companies continue to fall under overseas corporations, then our countries' companies will lose market and be destroyed from within our country. Some more advice i have would be to get spending under control. and get the troops home and shrink the military. we also need to raise the minimum wage instead of giving out another round of tax rebates.

taylor said...

Some advice that i would give president elect Obama would be to help our suffering economy.If companies continue to fall under overseas corporations, then our countries' companies will lose market and be destroyed from within our country. Some more advice i have would be to get spending under control. and get the troops home and shrink the military. we also need to raise the minimum wage instead of giving out another round of tax rebates.

Unknown said...

Evan Kennedy Class 2
I feel that to make a change in America Obama needs to start by bringing back the troops from Iraq. Iraq is becoming what Vietnam was and the only solution for our troops is to leave the country becuase we are only having more casualties for a cause that not many people still support.

Unknown said...

A change that is definetly needed right now is a change in our current economy. One reason many people voted for Obama was because of his response to the crisis in comparison to McCain. Obama needs to make taxes more bearable for the middle-class and the poor and create more jobs.
Also, Obama should work with the congress. Bush spent a lot of his time fighting instead of working with members of congress which is why not a lot got done. So Obama needs to collaborate in order to fix the financial crisis and the war in Iraq.
margot isaacs
period 2

Unknown said...

Katie Fragoso
Class 2
(sorry its late)

My advice to President-elect Barack Obama is to keep in mind the ideals that make our country so great, such as public education and human rights. I am very excited to see what Obama does with our country because he has a great background in being an activist for human rights. Sadly, there are still many Americans who are ignorant to the rights of others, but I think Obama is a great step toward a more accepting country.
I advise Obama that he does not refer to himself as a Democrat solely, but as an American, so that the McCain supporters can be won over and our country be more unified. I think he will benefit everyone, not just liberals.
Most of all, I hope that he chooses a good cabinet and advisers, so that he gets the best information. This should prevent what happened with Bush.

Unknown said...

Becca Castegner
Class 2 Late

I know that there are a lot of things that I don't know about the war over in Iraq. I know that it is almost impossible to compleatly take out our troops, however, I am positive that we need a time table for withdrawl. I know presedent-elect Obama has promised change, and I can only hope that he will change thuswar for the good. We can not sit back and let this war drain our country of money by the billions each day. We already have enough problems in our economy as it is.

Tim Arnone said...

Timm Arnone class 2

I personally believe that President elect Obama needs to change peoples views on big businesses. At the moment people view businesses as evil massive corporations that have no heart. What Obama needs to do is show people a more human side to the business world. This will help to calm people down about the economy, and once everyone stops panicking we can start to fix our problems.

Unknown said...

I think that the most important issue in today's society is the war with Iraq. The people who fight for our country get criticism from so many people for what they do. Many people will say that the most important issue is the economic crisis, and although that may be true to some people, there are still soldiers overseas who are dying for our country. I think that Obama should slowly pull troops out if he feels that it's right, and to me, this is one of the most important issues that our country is dealing with right now.

Jacey Mattegat
Class 2

Unknown said...

Nicole Escoda
Class 2

Obama’s new presidency is a positive change for the countries economy. Right now the United State’s economy seems to be trailing downwards. With the help of the new President Obama I think the economy and the overall state of the country will get back up to standard most people would like for it to be at. With the economy being a huge problem it is great to know that the economic crisis is on the top of Obama’s list of what to work on. We are in some what of a depression right now, and what Obama should do to help is help the middle class families that are suffering from heavy taxes, and also help create more opportunities for citizens to acquire jobs. In the end the main change I would like to see is the economy.

Unknown said...

We need to change the attitude, fighting pointless wars in other countries wont benefit us, unless were asking for oil. So, I really don’t see the point to be in Iraq, and I really don’t understand why lives are being put to the test for a reason no one is clear of. President-elect Obama needs to change that, we are throwing away young lives, so I guess “bring the troops home”.

Unknown said...

alot of americans blame the economic crisis on the republicans. hopefully Burhak can eliviate the stress on alot of americans and help to eliminate our economic crisis. he preached about all this change thats gonna happen, now lets see if hes a man of his word.

Unknown said...

Karen Narayanan
Class 8

I think many things need to be changed in our country. One main issue is the Iraq War, I think President Elect Obama should get our country out of this war as soon as possible. Especially with the economy crisis, our country is wasting trillions of dollars on this pointless war. The economy is another thing that Obama should change. So many people in our country have lost their jobs and have lost money because of the stock market. With so many people losing their jobs, there is almost no where to turn because the availability of jobs is scarce. Obama should find a way to create more jobs for the people of our country. If he doesn't, at this rate, it will be the Great Depression all over again.

Unknown said...

I think that Obama should seriously consider the relations we have with foreign countries. Right now we are in massive debt to other countries and many of the choices we have made have not looked to good in the eyes of others. These past few years have weekend the bond with foreign nations, and we need to rebuild those ties. In order to be a strong nation we need to have many strong allies and at this point in time it is crucial to our survival.

Unknown said...

One of the major real changes that this country needs is our energy concerns. Economy stuff and all that are regular matters that would have been dealt with by all other candidates. But our energy situation is something that not many other candidates have been so passionate about. A new direction in fuselage and energy is necessary for this country to remain on top and I believe that Obama didn't constantly talk about change just to get votes. He has the people backing him up, he should take his momentum and use it to start on his promises that he made.

kevin breuninger said...

i would just say to choose a diverse cabinet of people that dont always agree with each other on everything. work well with congress in order to get things done faster. bring the troops home, but in very gradual states while still maintaining control over the situation in Iraq. failure to do so may result in chaos. fixing the economy would be good too.

Unknown said...

President Obama should increase teacher’s income. Teachers don’t earn nearly as much as they should. Obama has successfully passed a plan to recover our troops from Iraq within the next three years. I am so glade our troops are finally getting what they want, few really wanted to stay and continue to support the war. I think Obama is doing the right thing. Obama should address the animal rights issue at hand, such at dog fighting, puppy mills, horse slaughter, trophy hunting, and general abuse. Our treasured Wild Mustangs of the west are being mistreated by the BLM. Helicopter round ups and removing excessive amounts of Mustangs for profit is continuing unchecked.

Unknown said...

The energy crisis, i believe, is the most important issue in todays society. This is because it isn't only a problem for the united sates but a problem for the world. We are currently running the world almost completely on non-renewable resources. Without energy, civilization would collapse. Currently, all of the solutions have only been short term solutions for a long term problem. In my opinion Obama needs to find a long term solution to the energy crisis before anything else. If we don't fix it now we might never be able to.
-Dan O'Connor
class 2

tyler dav said...

If i were to give Barak Obama one piece of advice, it would be regarding the troops in Iraq. I believe that the best thing would be to withdraw the troops, but at a pace so that we are still able to accomplish what we went there to do. If we were to withdraw all the troops immediately, the society over there would return to the way it was before we entered Iraq.