Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Remembering 9-11

What do you feel are the universal elements that have united Americans around this tragedy? Explain one example.
Complete by Friday, 9/20 for participation credit. Include
class 2 or 8 in post.


Taegan said...

Class 2
Taegan Estores

I think that after 9/11, Americans realized that we are vulnerable. We're not some untouchable country. We've prided ourselves on being the best. But what is the best? How can you define that? Yes, we've made great strides in the last few hundred years, with the abolition of slavery and women's rights. However, we still have so far to go. We are united by the fact that we're all afraid. Afraid of change, afraid of pain, afraid of going into the war, and even more afraid of coming out of it.

Unknown said...

I think sorrow and sadness is a universal element that have united Americans around the tragedy of 9/11. We've learned that the victims were just ordinary people whose thoughts were that it was just another day in the morning. When people take the time out to think about it really causes some heartache and we all feel for the people affected so much. It directly affects not just the victims families but everyone. Every anniversary, the whole nation is brought together by the sadness of what happened.
-Aquib Hossan Class 2

Alyssa Rodriguez said...

Everyone knew of New York's signature Twin Towers. Many people knew people who worked there: friends, friends of friends, parents, or any relative imaginable. The thought that one of our country's landmarks was brutally attacked, with loved ones still inside, is a horror that many cannot believe came to pass, and so suddenly. For many, it was simply a normal day... but by mid morning, it became an infamous date that everyone recalls with the same dread. All remember the feeling of watching the Twin Towers solem collapse, becoming a tomb for those inside.

Class 8

Unknown said...

I believe America has been tragically jump started to see that we are not a perfect and a completely safe country, through the destruction of the twin towers. What kept us from falling apart were the men and women who cooperated and worked so hard to save as many lives as possible. Because this tragedy was on such a large scale, numerous amounts of people were left to morn for their mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, and children. It was on such a large scale, that we were almost forced to be there if not for an immediate family member, then a friend’s family. Everyone was mourning. America was united through devastation.

Unknown said...

America was tragically jump started to see that we are not a perfect and completely safe country, through the destruction of the twin towers. What kept us from falling apart were the men and women who cooperated and worked so hard to save as many lives as possible. Because this tragedy was on such a large scale, numerous amounts of people were left to morn for their mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, and children. It was on such a large scale, that we were almost forced to be there if not for an immediate family member, then a friend’s family. Everyone was mourning. America was united through devastation.

per. 8

Unknown said...

I think that 9/11 opened people's eyes to the fact that we're not as safe as we thought we were. People in the world really hate us, which is why we're currently at war with Iraq. People don't understand that even though we're one of the most powerful nations in the world, we're not exactly a favorite. To a lot of people in the world, being an American is considered to be a bad thing. We came together after 9/11 because we realized that time isn't going to stop because of one tragedy. Time will keep going, and we had to deal with what happened, and we depended on other people to get through it. Even if you didn't know someone who died, it still effected you. A lot of innocent lives were lost on 9/11. But in the eyes of the terrorists, they weren't innocent: they were American.

- Jacey Mattegat, Class 2

Unknown said...

I think that empthey is an universal element that has untied America. Everyone knows what it feels like to lose someone dear to your heart wheter it has been a grandparent, parent, sibling, or even a pet everyone has lost someone. We knew what the people who lost someone in 9/11 felt and how unexpected it was. We could feel that pain. Everyone in the country felt that pain and came together as one.
Dana Hansen
Class 2

Unknown said...

A universal element that united Americans on 9/11 I believe would be depression. In homeroom the teachers asked us what we were doing on 9/11, and nearly everyone remembered because it was a such tragic day. On 9/11 Americans are going to unite because on that day innocent people died. And because it was so unexpected in the back of American minds it could have been any of us that died that day. Our hearts will always go out to the families and friends that lost someone on 9/11.

Kate Period 2

Unknown said...

One universal element that has definitely united Americans around the 9/11 tragedy is Patriotism or pride in our country. After the attacks on the buildings, people made a united effort to help the people at ground zero and we all felt a certain pride in helping our country rebuild. It showed the strength we had as a country. It showed that these attacks would not and could not bring down the country. We all stood together and as Americans we felt proud to be part of our country because our country was a strong country that could not be broken apart.

Unknown said...

Class 8
Jon Smolen

I agree with the vulnerability feeling that America got. We always think we are the best at almost everything, and we almost had a feeling that we were invincible. Although 9/11 was a terrible thing and no one can deny that, I think that something positive we got out of it was how we were brought back down to reality. We finally were able to realize what happened, and that we are not at all invincible. Everyone was extremely frightened, but it made us all more alert of our surroundings and maybe made us think more about our actions and their consequences.

Anonymous said...

I think the elements that united America with the 9/11 attacks were sorrow followed by anger. First, people were in total disarray with the events and what transpired, never thinking such a terrible event could happen. This was followed by anger, which eventually lead to the invasion of Iraq and the whole Iraqi conflict.

Unknown said...

I think the fact that everyone was affected by this in one way or another brought people together. The fact that our country was attacked with our own machinery and under our won watch sent shock waves through out the U.S. It also showed others in our country our determination when we had people like the passengers of flight 93 who were able to subdue the terorrists who caused the attack, and tried to control the plane. Even though they failed in catching these attacks before they occoured, we still kept our spirits up and our country pride could not have been higher.
Jeff Keating Period-8

kevin breuninger said...

i think 9/11 brought the American people together for a number of reasons that have already been touched upon in earlier posts. however, i think one of the most prominent reasons was, as much as it pains me to say it, that the American people could unite against a common enemy. President Bush's inauguration into the white house brought with it much controversy and turmoil between democrats and republicans, and it seemed like the nation had never been more divided idealistically. when 9/11 happened, everyones focus turned to the attacks, which unintentionally united the party. before then, the country seemed to be looking for someone to blame for all that was wrong in the world, and the terrorists became that scapegoat

Unknown said...

I think that after 9/11 it was easy for people to rally together against a singal trajedy that we all could relate to. It didn't matter if you lost your whole family or no one at all. The chances are you new someone who was suffering a great deal and feeling empathy for that person made us all stronger. When you have a national cause, it is hard to ignore it. The element that stood out to me the most was definately sadness like Aquib said. Everyone on understands it, and everyone felt it that day.

Unknown said...

I believe that patriotism is definitely a universal element that has united Americans to 9/11. It seems that right after 9/11, everyone came together in an amazing show of support for those that lost friends and loved ones during the tragedy. I haven't heard about so much unity since post Holocaust when we said "never again." I believe that although Patriotism is far from what it once was, we came close together than we've been in years in our show of support for the 9/11 victims and their families. It shocked me how regular people could come together in such a tight union and show such strength in one of America's darkest times. 9/11 definitely made us a more united people and Country.

Anonymous said...

9/11 raised awareness, and ultimately, Americans were united around this devastation. Americans became aware of the importance and necessity for a stronger system of security after the destruction of the trade center. 9/11 raised awareness to the fact that we ARE a target, and it is a shame that this tragedy had to be used as a 'wake up call' for our country to realize we are vulnerable. Moreover, it is a shame that our country needed such devastation in order to feel one another's pain, and in order to begin to unite as one nation.

class 2

Unknown said...

I think that tragedy was a universal element in 9/11 as well as fear. America was used to being a country of immense power and growth and the shock of 9/11 struck us into such shock that we finally saw first hand the tragedy that war causes but I wonder shouldn't this make us more careful about causing this type of damage and violence to other people's families and homes? Does it mean a call for revenge? I understand that we want justice but should their civilians pay the price ours did?

Unknown said...

I believe that after 9/11 people began to work together and unite as one country. Before the destruction of the twin towers, we believed we were on a pedestal and no one could touch us. After, we realized that we are vulnerable to attacks and that we should be more conscious about the impressions we make on other countries. After 9/11 people became patriotic. They emphasized their love for our country and one another by hanging flags outside their houses or their cars. After 9/11 everyone knew the phrase, "together we stand".
Annie Fletcher
Period 2

Unknown said...

America has A LOT of money. We are lucky as Americans to be born in a country with freedom and pride. Because of this, I believe that freedom is a universal element that has lifted us past 9/11 because people from countries all over the world wish they could come to the United States so they could have freedom. After 9/11, Americans saw that we are not unstoppible, but that we have our freedom because people everyday fight for it. Thank you for the souldiers who are saving us everyday from another attack.

Class 2

alkap0wn said...

The 9/11 attacks were attacks on America, not attacks toward a specific race or group of people but rather toward all Americans. When people are part of such a terrible event they put aside their differences and unite as one. Events like this make people realize that they need to work together and help each other no matter the other person’s differences because we are one nation.

Unknown said...

I think one thing that united America after 9/11 is that we all were connected to someone who died in this tragedy. Whether it be a family member, a friend, a friend of a friend, or a family member of a friend. We were all affected by this tragedy.

Karen Narayanan
Class 8

Unknown said...

I think the biggest element that united americans is that we needed a wake-up call. Don't get me wrong when i say that, by no means did i want thousands of people to die or suffer or have the largest terrorists attack in history, but we are not invisible and it takes something drastic to realize that at times. Imagine airport security before 9-11. We (americans) were so nieve, an individual could carry a knife onto an airplane. Also i think its good that the wake-up call generated a feeling that we were hated. Before 9-11 we were nieve. Now americans have united together to realize that we are not loved by everyone, people do dislike us and we are going to have to continue to fight for our freedom from those who wish to destroy us. If that means war, so be it, everything in life must be earned. Which is a lesson the first americans had to learn the hard way, much like this generation did with the attacks on 9-11.

Unknown said...

September eleventh caused Americans to band together due to an overall feeling of loss. Most people were in disbelief; almost everyone knew or had a connection to a victim in the Twin Towers. We came together as a community to rely on one another in our time of despondency. New Yorkers offered their phones and even opened their homes to those in need; some people attepted to conduct traffic when the city was in chaos. Americans tried their best to turn the effects of the horrific attack into something positive with patriotic posters and by hanging flags. We learned, even if it only lasted for a short time, to appreciate life and those around us. I truly believe that Americans learned to support eachother in a time of crisis.

Unknown said...

i think that 9/11 has definitely changed the lives of every american able to remember it. As a nation we have tightened all kinds of securities, and have, in a way, been demoralized. We had a all thought to be this big nation, and we had nothing to be afraid of, but now we have been humbled, and it only took the deaths of over 2000 people.

dan o'connor class 2