Wednesday, December 15, 2010

World War II: Stay out or help out?

Upon the invasion of Poland and outbreak of WWII, Americans lined up to take sides. President Roosevelt addressed the war in his State of the Union in January 1941 and Congress was divided between interventionists and isolationists. There is an excerpt of the speech in your text as well as a video link here. After viewing and reading, visit one of the sites below and support a position: interventionist or isolationist. Remember this is in the beginning of 1941, Pearl Harbor as not been attacked yet. Sites to visit: For full credit, you must clearly voice one (time-appropriate) position and support it from one of the radio addresses. You should also respond to other student posts. Posts should be completed by Sunday, 12/19.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Depression/Recession Stories

Choose your option:
1. Talk to a relative about their experiences during the Great Depression and share how the Depression affected him or her.
2. Current recession: How has the most recent recession affected you and/or your family, how might if affect your future plans.
3. Respond to a story found at:
For full credit, answer must be reflective. Respond to classmates' posts when appropriate. Please post by Saturday, December 11, 2010.